Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 102: Fighting Monsters (Part 2)

As the two of them confronted each other, Mo Xun struggled to support himself and asked with difficulty: "Brother Xiao, since you can recognize this beast, do you have any way to deal with it?"

Xiao Qian wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth. At this time, his chest was in pain as if it had exploded, and it seemed that breathing had become extremely difficult.

He hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag and hurriedly poured a pill into his mouth. After calming down a little, he said: "Only by leading it out can I use some means."

But this statement obviously made it difficult for Mo Xun. At this moment, he felt powerless under the rapid consumption of mana.

Just at this time, the Fengli beast opened its mouth again, roared, and spit out three wind blades in a row in the direction of the two people.

At this moment, Xiao Qian, who had not recovered yet, seemed to have no strength to dodge.

Mo Xun was startled, and his pupils dilated instantly. In this flash, he hurriedly took out the token in his hand. After a "bang", the token suddenly became larger and became a shield more than half a person tall, protecting the two of them behind him.

At this moment, the wind blade was already whistling. After a burst of explosions, Mo Xun and Xiao Qian flew backwards in the smoke and dust, and hit the rock wall behind them.

The two felt that their whole bodies were falling apart in an instant, their heads were confused, and their bodies were in so much pain that they almost fainted.

Especially Xiao Qian, who had not healed his old injuries and had new injuries. At this moment, his clothes were torn by the fragments of the exploded shield, and his hair was disheveled, which was very embarrassing!

Fortunately, in a hurry, the two used spiritual power to protect their bodies and did not hurt any vital parts.

After the smoke, the two people were exposed with bloodstains.

Mo Xun shook his dizzy head, climbed up with difficulty, panted and leaned against the rock wall, looking at the Fengli beast in the distance in astonishment. Is this the strength of the foundation-building period?

In his heart, he suddenly found a problem.

The three wind blades of this level 3 monster in front of him seemed to be its limit.

Otherwise, if the two people fell just now, as long as the other party had intelligence, they should know that if there was another wind blade, how could they still be alive?

Moreover, the Fengli beast was not able to use this wind blade frequently. There should be a short interval between each two times.

Or the use of magic by this monster is actually the same as that of immortal cultivators. It takes a certain amount of time to cooperate with the casting of spells, and it is not possible to do it at will.

Although this beast is extremely fast, it can barely cope with its sudden wind blade.

With this thought, he endured the pain in his body, and suddenly more than a dozen yellow talismans appeared in his hand like a magic trick.

Taking advantage of the short respite at this time, he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and threw all the talismans out at once.

At the same time, he hurriedly pulled Xiao Qian up, and fled to the cave entrance like a gust of wind.

Fengli Beast would naturally not let the two of them leave easily, but just as the beast was about to jump up, it found that the overwhelming fireballs and lightning were rushing towards it.

At this moment, Mo Xun was desperate, praying in his heart that those low-level talismans could delay Fengli Beast for a while.

After all, his escape was equivalent to exposing his belly and back. Once those talismans failed to stop the beast, it was afraid that only a wind blade would be needed to cut both of them in half.

From the position where the two were to the cave entrance, it only took one or two breaths with full strength, but such a short distance made Mo Xun feel extremely long.

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