Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 101: Fighting Monsters (I)

At this moment, a gray-white, furry head with a pointed nose, like a fox, suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, but the entire facial contour and body were more like a tiger.

But it was a full circle larger than an ordinary tiger, and when it stood up, it was almost as tall as an adult.

"This is the Fengli beast, Brother Mo, be careful..."

Before Xiao Qian finished speaking, the Fengli beast suddenly roared at Mo Xun and released a wind blade from its mouth. Mo Xun could almost see the air condensed into a scimitar shape with his naked eyes.

He hurriedly dodged sideways, and at the same time raised his spear with both hands and blocked it in front of him. After a "bang", the spear broke, and his body couldn't help but hit the rock wall behind him. He suddenly felt that his internal organs were like a river and sea.

Xiao Qian's movements were not slow. He hurriedly aimed the black bowl at the distance, and a burst of green light shot out from it, shining on the head of the Fengli beast.

Ice crystals instantly began to condense on the hair of the monster's head, and then the range became larger and larger. Within two or three breaths, its entire head turned into an ice block.

Xiao Qian was delighted and was about to say "It really works", but Feng Li Beast just shook his head, and the ice on his head began to crack. After a moment, the entire ice block was completely shattered, revealing a terrifying and hideous face with bared teeth again.

Feng Li Beast looked at Xiao Qian with rage. In the fierce eyes of this monster, Xiao Qian felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

Suddenly, Feng Li rushed towards Xiao Qian, released a wind blade from his mouth again, and jumped high at the same time, rushing towards Xiao Qian.

The huge and fast body, like a small mountain, seemed to drive the nearby air to be squeezed and twisted.

Xiao Qian cursed in his heart, and used the wind control technique under his feet to the extreme, leaving a residual image on the spot, and then dodged.

The wind blade passed through the residual image and raised a cloud of dust on the ground.

Xiao Qian dodged the wind blade, but in a hurry, he did not avoid the sweeping tail of the Fengli Beast, which hit him directly on the chest.

Xiao Qian groaned, flew backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and then fell heavily beside Mo Xun.

Mo Xun did not care to help him at this time. He held the Fire Spirit Flag in his hand and a column of fire sprayed out, and the temperature in the cave rose instantly.

The column of fire hit the gray hair of the Fengli Beast, and half of its body began to burn. There was a smell of burning in the air.

The Fengli Beast howled in pain, and Mo Xun increased the output of spiritual power at the same time. The flames emitted from the Fire Spirit Flag were a circle larger than before.

However, the scene in front of him did not last long. The body of the Fengli Beast suddenly trembled in the flames, and a layer of faint fluorescence was emitted from its body surface.

The originally burning fire, under this layer of fluorescence, began to gradually extinguish, and the burned hair seemed to have the ability to regenerate and grew again.

Mo Xun was shocked, what kind of magic was this?

Xiao Qian struggled to get up from the ground, and his heart was also awed, but he knew that the scene in front of him was the innate magical power of the third-level monster beast, and ordinary flames could not do anything to them.

Mo Xun controlled the Fire Spirit Flag and continuously output flame attacks, but they were all blocked by the fluorescence on the surface of the Fengli Beast. The two seemed to be in a stalemate for a while.

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