Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 100 Wind-type monster

Mo Xun watched Xiao Qian happily put away the Fire Thunder Bead. He also waved his sleeves and put the seventy or eighty spirit stones and green spirit pills on the ground into his storage bag.

It was already dark, and due to the mist surrounding it, the night in Tianxiang Valley was almost pitch black.

Mo Xun and Xiao Qian were each sitting cross-legged in a corner, the bonfire was still burning, the fire was crackling, and some sparks occasionally splashed out.

This is a cave about two to three feet in size. There is no sunlight in the cave all year round, and it is a bit cold and damp.

Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes and stared outside the dark cave.

Xiao Qian seemed to have noticed something. The two looked at each other and frowned.

A moment later, Xiao Qian suddenly sent a message: "Brother Mo, I'm afraid you were right."

Mo Xun's face gradually became serious, and when he listened carefully, he heard faint footsteps coming from outside the cave.

"Brother Xiao, if it is really a level three monster, is there anything you can do?"

Xiao Qian laughed dryly, what could he do?

"It depends on the monster. Once it reaches the third level, the monster can cast some natural spells, and it has intelligence, so it is not that easy to deal with."

Mo Xun nodded. He had heard the other party say this a long time ago. Just imagine, their combat power was second only to that of the monks in the early stages of foundation building. Even if the two of them reached the peak of Qi refining, they would probably lose more than they won.

The key is, if you lose, will you still be alive?

At this moment, Mo Xun regretted coming here with Xiao Qian, but what's the use of regretting it now?

"Brother Xiao, how many can you hear outside?"

Xiao Qian shook his head. If it were a third-level monster, one would be enough for two people to fight to the death. How many more could there be?

Just when they were all feeling a little uneasy, a strong wind suddenly blew past the entrance of the cave, followed by several waves of air followed by a roar, heading in the direction of the two of them.

Mo Xun's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly stepped aside without having time to remind Xiao Qian.

However, despite this, the air wave was like an invisible blade, instantly passing through his shoulder, cutting a two-inch long gash, and the blue clothes were suddenly dyed red.

After hearing a few loud "bang" sounds, several pieces of gravel fell on the rock wall behind the two, as if they had been slashed by a sword, leaving obvious traces.

Xiao Qian, on the other side, was finally a level higher than Mo Xun and could react faster. However, he was still a little embarrassed at this time. As he rolled away, his white clothes were already covered with mud.

Mo Xun clung to the rock wall and knelt on the ground with one leg. He had already taken out a spear in his hand and stared at the entrance of the cave.

"Brother Xiao, can you see clearly what it is?"

At this time, Xiao Qian was already holding the newly obtained alms bowl in his hand, and his face was solemn. Although he was not injured just now, he was really shocked.

"No, but it should be a mutated monster with wind attribute magic. It seems that we are in trouble this time."

In fact, Xiao Qian didn't need to say anything, Mo Xun also guessed that those few wind blades just now were not something they could compete with head-on, no matter in terms of power or speed.

The two of them were just like this, staring at the entrance of the cave motionlessly with full vigilance.

"Brother Mo, I can't cast my spells here. If there is a chance, I can only rely on your fire spells first. When we get outside, whether we are fighting or escaping, we can have more roads."

Mo Xun nodded in agreement. The cave was small, and whether he was dodging or attacking, he felt a little constrained.

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