I saw Xiao Qian holding the fire thunder bead carefully, as if he was holding a night pearl, for fear that it would fall to the ground and break.

"Brother Mo, don't underestimate this little bead. Once this thing is sacrificed, the power it produces is equivalent to a full blow from a monk in the early stage of foundation building. It can kill seven or eight people like you and me. "

Hearing this, Mo Xun was naturally shocked. He had never seen a monk in the foundation building stage, so he had no intuitive feeling about the so-called power.

However, such a small bead can actually kill so many monks in the late stage of Qi refining at once. This alone is shocking.

Both of them were silent for a while, and at the same time they looked at the fire thunder bead in Xiao Qian's hand. If you want to talk about it, the value of this object should be no less than an ordinary magic weapon.

Once in danger, it can be regarded as a life-saving weapon.

Xiao Qian thought for a while, then suddenly frowned and said, "But having said that, since these people have this thing, even if they encounter a third-level monster, they shouldn't be unable to fight back, right?"

"Is it possible that the thing happened suddenly and the person who owned this thing lost his life before he could fully sacrifice it?"

Xiao Qian nodded in agreement, probably for this reason.

"Brother Xiao, can you tell me more about this fire thunder bead?"

Xiao Qian raised his head, looked into his eyes, and carefully put the Fire Thunder Bead into the jade box.

"Strictly speaking, this object is not a legal weapon, but a one-time consumable treasure made by foundation-building monks who practice thunder spells by condensing the mana in their bodies and combining it with certain secret techniques."

I saw Xiao Qian caressing the jade box fondly, and then said: "In terms of value, the spiritual stones we just got can only be bought for three or two. But the main problem is that this thing is priceless. City, extremely rare.”

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, but he was thinking in his heart, this object is called Fire Thunder Bead, why must a monk who practices thunder spells be able to condense it?

So what does it have to do with the word "fire"?

When he talked about thunder spells, he couldn't help but think of spiritual roots. Now it was certain that he had spiritual roots with four attributes, but he didn't know if he had thunder spiritual roots?

"By the way, Brother Mo, is there only one of this thing?"

The two then rummaged around on the ground for a while, and there was indeed only one.

Xiao Qian suddenly rolled his eyes and said with a smile on his face: "Brother Mo, how do you think this thing should be distributed?"

When Mo Xun saw Xiao Qian's expression, he naturally understood what he meant.

But having said that, he also wanted this Fire Thunder Bead, which was equivalent to the power of a full-strength strike by a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. With it, it was no less than an extra life. Who could resist this temptation?

Seeing Mo Xun hesitate for a moment, Xiao Qian's heart skipped a beat. If he had known better, he wouldn't have said so much to him.

"If Brother Mo is willing to give me these spiritual stones or elixirs that I just got, Brother Mo can just ask."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, among those just now, which one can compare to this fire thunder bead?

After a long time, Mo Xuncai said with a look of reluctance: "Well, as long as Brother Xiao can give me the Bi Ling Pill just now and add some spiritual stones, it doesn't matter if I give this thing to Brother Xiao."

Xiao Qian frowned when he heard this request, but he was also reluctant to give up the Bi Ling Dan that could improve his cultivation.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Qian said: "Okay, Xiao is here, thank you Brother Mo for making it happen."

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