Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1025: Fighting at the Mountain Gate

Mo Xun clenched his fists.

Even though he now has the power to know everything, he still seems powerless in the face of life and death.

He can make himself live for more than a thousand years, and he can also help others prolong their lifespan.

But he can't bring the dead back to life after all!

Perhaps one day he will become an immortal, and he will be able to control his own life and death!

In the green gourd, when Mo Xun brought Li Qingying's body into it, Bai Ze immediately recognized it.

Then he cried out and rushed to it and cried.

Although many years have passed, the little girl still remembers this former lifesaver.

If it weren't for a coincidence, Bai Ze should have been Li Qingying's pet.

In these years, she has traveled all over the country with Mo Xun, and occasionally talked about the experience of being rescued in the mountains.

Mo Xun said some time ago that when the time is right, he will take her to find Miss Qingying.

Who knew that when they meet again, they will be separated forever.

Mo Xun cast the ice coffin with ice again, and there is only disappointment in his heart.

He didn't know why Wuji Sanren wanted to do this to Li Qingying, and he didn't want to find out the reason behind it.

He only had one idea now, that is to kill people!

After coming out of the waterfall, Lu Wushen had been waiting anxiously.

He glanced behind Mo Xun, but didn't see the figures of other people. He asked in surprise: "Where are the people? Is there no one inside? Impossible!"

Mo Xun was filled with murderous intent, and just said lightly.

"Follow me!"

"Ah? Where to... Some things should be made clear in advance. Don't blame me if you don't find the person. Her drop of blood is pointing to this place..."

Shengguo Guyuemen is located in the easternmost of the five countries in southern Xinjiang.

The last time Mo Xun passed by here, he only stayed in Lantian City for a while.

Shengguo's cultivation atmosphere can only be ranked at the bottom in southern Xinjiang.

Even so, there are two sects with the same surname.

These two sects, one is Guyuemen, and the other is Taicang Sect.

But the fortunes of these two sects are really not very good.

In the last battle between the gods and demons, the Guyue Sect lost one Yuanying and seven or eight Jindan.

However, the Taicang Sect lost the body of the Supreme Elder Huo Daocheng to the demons not long ago.

As for the "Wu" family, it is a family of immortals that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the ancestor of the family has also reached the Yuanying stage.

Mo Xun had seen this person in Wuliang Mountain not long ago.

Going further east from Shengguo, it is the mortal world.

It can be said that the entire Shengguo is a barrier between immortals and mortals.

Mo Xun did not expect that he would return to this place again after just leaving.

Mountains are stacked up, and pine trees are everywhere!

On the hundreds of steps of towering steps is the majestic mountain gate.

More than two hundred years ago, Mo Xun went up from these steps and stepped into the immortal sect he longed for.

Although he knew that there was a great enemy like Qi Shan in the mountain gate, he still accumulated enough money to exchange for a qualification to enter the mountain.

I never thought that one day, I would come here again.

Mo Xun stood in the air, looking coldly at the magnificent mountain gate.

Outside the mountain top, there was a circle of protective formations that seemed to be there and not there.

After a spell from Mo Xun's mouth, it suddenly grew rapidly, and finally turned into a phantom that was more than a hundred feet high. The bloodthirsty sword in his hand became tens of feet long. Then he held the sword with both hands, gathered the magic power around him, and slashed it down with force.

The red sword light fell from the sky, as if the sky had cracked.

With a loud bang, the area within a radius of dozens of miles was suddenly like the sky and the earth collapsing.

The formation that had existed for who knows how many years flashed a dazzling golden light under the sword light.

The whole mountain was shaking as if it was about to collapse.

After one sword, Mo Xun slashed out with another sword without hesitation.

After several swords, the solid mountain protection formation finally cracked into a spider web-like gap.

At the same time, dozens of rainbow lights flew out from the protective formation.

In these rainbow lights, there was the pressure of Jindan, and more than half of the foundation building aura.

"Who dares to come to my Guyue Sect to make trouble!"

As the voice fell, a figure appeared in front of Mo Xun.

This person was wearing a purple and gold robe, and his aura was extremely powerful. Under the undisguised realm of cultivation, he was already in the middle stage of Jindan.

This person stepped on a huge white tiger, which made him look extraordinary.

The whole body was covered by a layer of light!

But when he saw Mo Xun's cultivation clearly, the whole person was stunned.

"Senior... Senior, I am Song Changfeng from Guyue Sect. I wonder why you are here?"

At this moment, Mo Xun was so angry that he didn't want to waste any more words. He directly flew out with a spiritual light blade.

Song Changfeng, who was feeling anxious, looked at him. He expected that Mo Xun must have bad intentions, but he never thought that he would attack so decisively. He quickly used his magic power to condense a protective light shield in front of him.

But the attack of the Yuanying cultivator, even if he only used a mere 10% of his magic power, was not something he could resist.

The light blade flew over and tore open Song Changfeng's defense in an instant.

A stream of blood splashed out, and with a scream, Song Changfeng flew backwards immediately, with a long cut on his chest.

The others saw this scene and were all shocked and hurriedly retreated.

But what followed was the red bloodthirsty sword light.

It was as if a piece of colorful clouds was sprinkled in the air, and at the end of the colorful clouds, there were dozens of figures falling from the sky.

Even so, it was the result of Mo Xun's extreme restraint in anger.

If his purpose was not to find Fang Xinghe, perhaps the Gu Yue Sect would have been a river of blood!

Blood flashed, and dozens of screams were heard in front of the Gu Yue Mountain Gate.

Mo Xun's gloomy voice also resounded throughout the sky.

"Fang Xinghe, if you still have a little courage, come out and die by yourself. I will only give you ten breaths, otherwise... there is no need for this Gu Yue Sect to be passed down!"

Then, Mo Xun began to count down silently in his heart.

The huge Gu Yue Mountain fell into a deathly silence.

The murderous intent on Mo Xun's body surged out like a tide.

The whole person, as if under the influence of the bloodthirsty sword, was covered with a layer of crimson, exuding a bloodthirsty charm.

This was the first time in Mo Xun's life that he had the urge to kill innocent people.

Although he knew that the initiators of all this came from Wuji Sanren and Fang Xinghe, he just couldn't restrain the murderous intent in his heart.

He understood that this was probably related to the bloodthirsty swordsmanship he practiced.

But he also knew that if he didn't dispel this murderous intent, the anger in his chest would not dissipate.

As for Li Qingying, she may not have occupied a very important position in his heart.

But he is such a person. As long as he has left a mark in life, he will have a place.

Wen Yue was like this in the past, and Li Qingying is also like this!

Although he is indifferent and rarely expresses his emotions, he has always helped his relatives and not the others.

As long as he knows someone, he will stand on the side of his friends even if they have done something wrong.

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