Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1026: Unjust Death

The rules in this world are always made by the strong.

In his eyes, there is no right or wrong, only whether it satisfies his own temper.

What's more, the roots of this matter are still in Gu Yue Sect.

The quiet atmosphere seems to make time stand still.

Although Mo Xun's sword strike left some room for improvement, his opponent was too weak.

At least half of the dozens of people had their bodies shattered, and even two alchemy monks who were slow to react had their bodies cut into two pieces, with clouds of blood mist flying in the air.

At this moment, Mo Xun was like a killing god standing in the clouds, expressionlessly looking down at the disciples of the Ancient Moon Sect who were gathering in the formation.

I don’t know how many years it has been, but Gu Yue Sect hasn’t experienced anyone being killed at the mountain gate.

In just a few breaths, the entire sect felt like it was facing a formidable enemy and activated several protective formations.

Just when Mo Xunmo counted to five, a black shadow flew from the sky.

The man's speed was as fast as a stream of light.

Stopping in front of the mountain gate, a tall and thin old man appeared.

This man's hair is half black and half white, and he is wearing a gray Taoist robe. His face is full of old wrinkles. If it weren't for the Nascent Soul aura emanating from his body, he would look like an ordinary old man.

But those falcon-like eyes were full of fearsome intimidation.

"Who are you, and what do you have to do with me?"

Mo Xun held the bloodthirsty sword in his hand, withdrew his magical power, returned to his original appearance, and looked at the opponent with cold eyes.

"Are you Fang Xinghe?"

Fang Xinghe raised his eyebrows. While he was angry, there was also a hint of fear between his eyebrows.

Like everyone else, he was very surprised by the young Nascent Soul that suddenly appeared in front of him.

As an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years, he thinks that he is familiar with the powerful people from all sides in southern Xinjiang.

But no matter how he recalled it, he just couldn't guess the identity of the other party.

As for why Mo Xun came to kill him, he had no idea.

"Yes, I don't remember that I have ever offended you. I don't know why you killed my sect disciples for no reason. Could it be that you were just relying on your high level of cultivation to kill the weak indiscriminately? Or maybe you deceived me, Gu Yue Sect, and regarded this place as a sect. A place where you can run wild!"

Mo Xun sneered and suddenly threw the bloodthirsty sword in the air.

The red long sword cut through the sky, making a piercing sword cry, flying past Fang Xinghe with overwhelming power, directly tearing apart the mountain guarding formation, and headed towards the mountain gate.

Fang Xinghe was shocked and hurriedly struck out with his palm.

The wind from the palm whipped up a strong wind and struck the long sword, but it only caused the sword body to shake slightly as it flew past.

Then a bloody sword light was seen coming from the long sword, and it struck the mountain gate with a bang.

The earth trembled, and the towering plaque with the three characters Gu Yuemen exploded.

Even the hundred stone steps in front of the mountain gate left a long sword mark gully.

Fang Xinghe was shocked and angry when he saw this scene.

After just one meeting, he knew that with his own way, he was no match for the person in front of him.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Thousands of Gu Yue Sect disciples also felt awe-inspiring at this moment.

Having someone destroy the mountain gate is tantamount to a great hatred.

But his ancestor just asked an insignificant question. Who could not be shocked by this?

Mo Xun stretched out his hand to recall the bloodthirsty sword, his killing intent undiminished at all.

"Wuji is your disciple, right?"

Hearing this question, Fang Xinghe's heart skipped a beat, and he seemed to realize something.

"Yes, but what did my disciple do to offend you?"

There was a sneer on Mo Xun's lips.

"I guess you've already guessed that the purpose of my visit this time is for Li Qingying!"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his bloodthirsty sword and pointed it directly at Fang Xinghe.

"You colluded with your apprentice and caused Li Qingying to die in vain. Today, you must pay for your life with your life, or I will crush Gu Yuemen!"

Fang Xinghe's face suddenly darkened.

After kidnapping Li Qingying with the Wuji San people, he returned to the sect without stopping.

Originally, because the matter was leaked, I was worried that Meng Bolei from Jiuli Palace would come here to demand someone, but unexpectedly, another killer star arrived.

"How is my little disciple Wuji doing now?"

Although he had already guessed the ending, Fang Xinghe still held on to a trace of fantasy.

This time he went against his true intention and helped his disciple kidnap Li Qingying for the sake of the future development of Gu Yue Sect.

Although Southern Xinjiang is known as the Thirteen Sects, there are not only these dozen sects.

The total number of sects large and small is not clear.

But only these thirteen sects are considered orthodox immortal sects.

There are factors of historical inheritance, but the main reason is that every sect has a Nascent Soul cultivator, which is called the Nascent Soul Immortal Sect.

But since the last battle between the demons and the death of the supreme elder who had high hopes, Gu Yue Sect has been faced with the situation of not having the Nascent Soul as its successor.

Fang Xinghe, as a thousand-year-old ancestor, is approaching the end of his life.

Wuji Sanren was the only person selected by Fang Xinghe from among many disciples who could be entrusted with important tasks.

If this person dies, it means that Gu Yue Sect will be eliminated from the first echelon.

If it were just that the sect's reputation was downgraded, that would be fine.

But a sect without Nascent Soul is bound to be slowly cannibalized by other immortal sects, and the orthodoxy that has been followed for thousands of years will face disintegration.

As the current supreme elder of Gu Yue Sect, how could Fang Xinghe sit back and watch this situation unfold?


Mo Xun swung the sword in his hand violently, and the sword light swept across, fiercely slashing at the already shattered protective formation.

"Since I found this place, do you think he still has a chance to live?"

Hearing this, Fang Xinghe clenched his fist hidden in his sleeve slightly.

The aura of his whole body was uncontrollably overflowing.

"Did you kill him?"

Mo Xun took a deep breath and said calmly: "You are delaying time like this, just to wait for reinforcements to arrive. I will give you an hour, but... this requires a price. You can either kill yourself now, and I will only kill you and will not hurt innocent people, or wait for an hour, and I will take your life myself, but the word Gu Yue will be removed from the name of Nanjiang in the future!"

"You..." Fang Xinghe finally showed an angry look that he could not suppress.

Mo Xun was right, he was indeed delaying.

As soon as Mo Xun appeared, he sent out several sound transmission notes.

But as for whether anyone would come, he was not sure.

But it was obviously impossible for him to kill himself.

In Fang Xinghe's opinion, even if he was not as strong as Mo Xun, how bad could he be?

They were both in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so even if there was a gap, it was limited.

Even if he was really defeated, he had the confidence to save the sect.

At most, he would risk his life and let the other party taste the price of arrogance.

The only thing that made him regret was the death of his apprentice.

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