Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1028: A life-and-death struggle

Mo Xun laughed contemptuously, "Let me count. There are at least five or six people who have fallen into my hands in the past two years. One of them was completely destroyed, and three of them had their Nascent Souls captured alive by me. As for the others, I can't remember them clearly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Yang Old Demon seemed to have his throat pinched by someone, and he screamed in surprise.

"Master of Tianjian Sect!"

Fang Xinghe's face changed immediately afterwards.

It was really because Mo Xun's recent reputation was too sensational.

It was okay in Huanyunyuan, because the information was delayed by the desert.

But the few things in Southern Xinjiang were not a secret even to ordinary Jindan cultivators, let alone the Nascent Soul level.

First, he established the Nascent Soul Sect with his own strength, and then severely damaged the Tianyun Patriarch.

One had his body cut off, one was beaten to cede land and pay compensation, and the other foreign aid Gongsun Xu didn't even dare to fart afterwards.

I heard that not long ago, Mu Congnan of the Heavenly Ghost Sect also fell on Wuliang Mountain.

Not long after the battle between the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Demon Sect, one person died and one was injured.

All of the above was caused by the person in front of him.

Although Yin Yang Old Demon and Fang Xinghe had never seen Mo Xun, they had heard about him for a long time.

Combined with the other party's young face, it was just right for the rumors. Even a fool could guess 60% to 70%.

Mo Xun touched his chin and raised his eyebrows.

"So he is so famous..."

Yin Yang Old Demon was startled and quickly retreated dozens of feet, completely distanced from Mo Xun.

As for the contempt and disdain on his face, they were replaced by deep fear.

After rolling his eyes, he suddenly clasped his fists and smiled.

"So it's Master Mo, I've heard of you for a long time!"

Even the voice changed from the previous sharp and charming to rough and masculine.

Mo Xun pointed at Fang Xinghe.

"Are you here to stand up for him?"

Mo Xun didn't mind facing this androgynous guy in front of him, but the purpose of his trip was only Fang Xinghe and Gu Yue Sect, so there was no need to make trouble.

The root of everything was that he was not representing one person now.

With a sect standing behind him, he had to be restrained when doing things, and he couldn't be as reckless as before.

Otherwise, with his temper in the past, why would he talk so much nonsense?

Fang Xinghe was indeed an old fox. As soon as the Yin Yang Demon retreated, he had guessed the next outcome.

He no longer hesitated and turned into a beam of light and disappeared on the spot.

Mo Xun sneered, and as soon as his mind moved, a blood-colored sword light suddenly appeared out of thin air in the direction of the light, and he slashed it directly.

With a loud bang, the sword light and the light disappeared at the same time.

The world was shaking and regained its calm.

Fang Xinghe's figure was also stopped in mid-air. Although he was not injured, his breath was a little disordered.

As for the sword light, it was naturally the bloodthirsty sword that Mo Xun had ambushed long ago.

And Mo Xun had already appeared several feet in front of Fang Xinghe.

Under this scene, not to mention the Gu Yue Sect disciples watching the battle below, even the eyes of Yin Yang Demon suddenly widened several points.

"So strong!"

This was the portrayal that appeared in the minds of Yin Yang Demon and Fang Xinghe at the same time.

Obviously only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, the pressure on the two was no less than that of many middle-stage ancestors.

With just one move, the two had already seen it.

This person is invincible!

Even if they join forces, I am afraid there is no guarantee of victory.

Fang Xinghe's mind turned quickly, and his long sleeves swayed in the wind, as if there was some fatal secret move hidden in it.

"So you are Sect Master Mo. I am sorry for being disrespectful. I know your intention. Since you killed my disciple, all grudges should be written off. Why do you want to trouble my Gu Yue Sect again?"

Mo Xun had a sneer on his face.

"Don't you think that what you said is a bit self-deceptive?"

"What do you mean?"

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and took the bloodthirsty sword back into his body.

"Your disciple has paid the price for his sins. So, as a master, should you also bear the consequences?"

Fang Xinghe frowned.

"What does the death of that little girl have to do with me?"

Mo Xun sneered.

"You and I have lived for hundreds of years. Why do you say such childish words?"

Fang Xinghe was choked by him, and the words he was about to say were stuck in his throat.

The other party was able to find this place, which must not be aimless.

Because this matter was not done secretly, and there was Wen Zixi who was left alive.

It seems that quibbling is useless!

In a short moment, Fang Xinghe figured out this truth.

"What do you want? Although I did it, the little girl's life was not killed by me. If you are willing to give up, I am willing to pay some price."

Thinking of Li Qingying, Mo Xun's face darkened again.

To be honest, he should have gone to find the little girl earlier.

If it weren't for his delay, Li Qingying wouldn't have suffered this misfortune.

"Tell me first, what is your purpose in arresting Li Qingying?"

Although Mo Xun had guessed a little in his heart, he still wanted to hear the real reason from the other party.

"Sir, tell me first, can you let me go?"

Fang Xinghe wanted to say that he would let him go, but he felt that this was really beneath his dignity, so he changed it before he said it.

Mo Xun didn't answer, just stared at him coldly.

Fang Xinghe, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment and then said slowly: "Wuji encountered a bottleneck in his practice, and the technique he practiced happened to require refining the power of ice attributes. The original target was the little girl's master. But later I found out that the little girl's physique was more suitable than her master, so I changed my mind temporarily. "

Mo Xun clenched his fists slightly in his sleeves. Even though he had already cultivated a state of mind that was not disturbed by external objects, he still burned with anger.

Feeling that the killing intent on Mo Xun was getting stronger and stronger, Fang Xinghe quickly sent a message.

"If you are willing to let me go, you can choose from the wealth that Gu Yue Sect has accumulated over thousands of years..."

Mo Xun interrupted him with a flick of his long sleeves.

"Do you think you can still keep Gu Yue Sect now?"

Fang Xinghe was at a loss for words. After a long while, he finally said decisively: "Do you really want to kill the fish to the death?"

"The fish is just dead, why is the net broken?"

Fang Xinghe said gloomily: "Your Excellency must have noticed that my life is approaching. If you insist on killing them all, I will make you pay the price at all costs. You and I are the same. There is a sect standing behind me. Even though I can't do anything to you, But can you guarantee that the Tianjian Sect will always have peace of mind in the coming years?”

Mo Xun laughed in anger.

"To tell you the truth, the thing I fear the most in my life is threats. Today you have only one ending and no second way out!"

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