Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1029: Twenty-four Heavenly Gang Formations

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, the Yin-Yang Demon spoke up immediately.

"Whatever you two have to say, please talk. I suddenly remembered that I have something important to deal with in the sect, so I won't bother you here. See you later!"

After saying that, he turned into a black light and disappeared.

Fang Xinghe gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart.

When Mo Xun announced his name, he guessed that the old man Yin-Yang would be afraid, but he never thought that the old man would be so timid.

The face of the entire Fenglei Sect was lost by this man.

At this moment, Fang Xinghe was annoyed and afraid!

But he didn't expect that he was the first one who wanted to escape.

Mo Xun just glanced at the disappeared Yin-Yang Demon, and then his momentum suddenly burst out. After talking for so long, he didn't have time to dawdle any more.

The suffocating pressure of the Nascent Soul was like a tide, almost compressing the surrounding space.

The bound Nascent Soul Spirit Realm instantly enveloped Fang Xinghe.

The old guy has lived for thousands of years. His strength may be ordinary, but his perception of crisis is definitely far beyond his peers.

So when Mo Xun made his move, Fang Xinghe had already retreated a hundred feet away.

At the same time, he sent a voice message.

"Gu Yue Sect disciples, listen to the order, activate the Tian Gang Twenty-four Formations!"

Then, several Jindan cultivators, regardless of gender, age or young, dispersed at the same time and trapped Mo Xun in the middle.

The so-called Twenty-four Formations is a powerful space formation.

Originally, the formation was led by twenty-four people. Not only did they bind the trapped people in front, behind, left and right, but even their heads and feet were surrounded.

However, there are less than ten Jindan elders in Gu Yue Sect at present.

Therefore, the remaining controllers can only be replaced by foundation-building cultivators.

But you have to know that the difference in mana between foundation-building and Jindan is like heaven and earth.

Letting a foundation-building cultivator lead the formation is like a child controlling a big knife. Maybe it will fall before it is even raised.

However, in this case, it is not impossible to perform it.

That is, several foundation-building monks work together to jointly preside over a formation center.

Of course, this will greatly reduce the power, but it can only be a solution.

This set of formations was left by the founder of the sect.

Twenty-four Jindan monks jointly led the formation. Not to mention the early Yuanying stage, even the middle-stage strongmen could not escape unscathed.

But after thousands of years of inheritance, the current Gu Yue Sect has long been in decline.

At least a thousand years have not been able to gather the former twenty-four disciples.

So at the moment of Fang Xinghe's exit, dozens of Gu Yue Sect nearly a hundred people all flew out from the front of the mountain gate.

In a very short time, within a radius of a thousand feet, a circle of silver light was constructed to surround Mo Xun in it.

The light swam in the air, forming a regular phantom barrier.

Like water waves, it glowed with colorful light in the sun.

Fang Xinghe, on the other hand, had already retreated to the horizon. Although he looked solemn, he was no longer as nervous as before.

"Start the formation!"

Someone suddenly shouted, and the huge silver barrier suddenly shrank. The entire space seemed to be spinning, with silver and colorful rays of light interweaving and flowing, and there were sounds of breaking through the air all around.

When those breaking through the air came to Mo Xun, he could see clearly that they were powerful light blades condensed by magic power.

These light blades were of different sizes, some of which were tens of feet wide and slashed directly at Mo Xun.

The light blades gathered together, densely packed like a space storm.

Mo Xun was seen with a flash of golden light around him, and the golden light that almost spread to half a foot away wrapped him in it.

Then there were bursts of harsh collisions and roars.

At the same time, there were constant rumbling sounds outside the golden light, and in the blink of an eye, Mo Xun was submerged in the smoke and dust.

The power exerted by each of the twenty-four formation eyes was almost equivalent to that of a Jindan cultivator.

When they attacked at the same time, the sky and the earth changed color instantly.

The sun was shining brightly, but the next moment a storm suddenly arose. The strong wind and the residual power of the magic power swept everything within a radius of thousands of feet. The whole world seemed to have fallen into doomsday.

The powerful magic power impact caused the space to begin to distort.

The ground under my feet was shaking.

The low-level disciples of Gu Yue Sect, who were confined in the mountain gate by the mountain sealing formation, were frightened and stood there stupidly, as if they had forgotten to escape.

At this moment, Fang Xinghe in the distance suddenly threw a gray stone.

The stone hit the Qiankun Twenty-Four Formations like a meteor.

Although this small piece of broken stone was only the size of a palm in the hand, it quickly grew larger after falling into the formation, turning into a huge mountain of a hundred feet, and fell directly towards the direction where Mo Xun was.

At the same time, several Jindan masters who presided over the formation, as well as dozens of foundation-building cultivators, offered their treasures outside the formation.

Swords, star hammers, long scissors, jade beads, all kinds of strange things.

Those treasures passed through the formation barrier, each of them seemed to have spirituality. Under the control of their respective owners, they either tried to break through Mo Xun's golden light protection with brute force, or released different magic power shocks from a distance.

Among these methods, Fang Xinghe's giant mountain magic weapon was the most powerful.

This kind of mountain-shaped treasure, I'm afraid, can only be produced by an old monster like Fang Xinghe who has lived for thousands of years.

After all, if you want to refine such a big thing, you don't have to think about it without hundreds of years.

Mo Xun, who was in the vortex of magic power, was protected by golden light, but he was still a little overwhelmed by so many sudden attacks at once.

Fortunately, his physical cultivation realm was too strong. As long as it was not attacked by a great cultivator in the late stage, it would be difficult to hurt his foundation.

Those powerful attacks only made him unstable.

The golden light on his body seemed to condense into a solid entity.

Generally, in the process of fighting, the best way is to find a way to counteract each other.

For example, the constraints between the five elements can often achieve a great result with a small effort.

But Mo Xun's appearance was too sudden. He had a set of horizontal training skills, which was all from the upper realm. It was almost impossible to find a breakthrough in a short time.

So all they could do was to break it with brute force.

Among them, the power of the giant mountain magic weapon was the most powerful.

Under the pressure of a mountain weighing tens of thousands of pounds, even the space could collapse.

Mo Xun's body was even tighter. The pressure brought by the giant mountain magic weapon was not just a shock in terms of weight.

Fang Xinghe obviously mixed other natural treasures into the process of refining this item.

At the same time, the technique used to refine this item should not be ordinary.

In the shadow of the giant mountain, the surrounding space began to distort, and invisible magic power imprisoned Mo Xun as if to lock him under the giant mountain.

Seeing that the mountain was about to fall, Mo Xun became ruthless and the Tongbao gun in his hand quickly grew larger, forming a thick silver light column between him and the giant mountain, blocking the trend of the giant mountain falling.

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