Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1030: Killing Spree

Then, the whole person disappeared on the spot like lightning.

With the condensation of his magic power and blood, he blocked all attacks from the golden light on his body.

The advantage of the Five Elements Dan was finally reflected at this moment.

In the early stage of the Nascent Soul, he possessed a magic power realm that was no less than that of the middle stage.

Under the superposition of the eight realms of body refining, let alone the twenty-four "Dan" that were put together, even the real Dan cultivators were no more than this!

He swung the bloodthirsty sword in his hand, and the sword energy dozens of feet long drew a dazzling red light in the air. Under the red light, those colorful attack spells, like ice crystals in the sun, instantly turned into water stains and melted.

Wherever the red light passed, the space seemed to be split in half.

There was a tremor between heaven and earth, and the formation barrier within a range of a hundred feet rumbled in the shaking.

There were bursts of wails from the twenty-four formation eyes of the main formation.

Regardless of whether they were Jindan or foundation-building cultivators, they were all shocked by the aftereffects of the backlash and vomited blood and flew backwards.

Those with lower mana even died on the spot.

The powerful Tiangang 24 formations seemed to be made of paper and disintegrated in an instant.

At the same time, Fang Xinghe, with his heart and courage shattered, even abandoned the giant mountain magic weapon and hurriedly flew away.

At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind, that is, to escape as far as possible.

This young man was indeed three times more terrifying than the rumors said.

Among the Yuanying cultivators he had seen, probably only the Holy Spirit True Man could subdue him.

As for the fate of Guyue Sect, he didn't care.

In fact, in Fang Xinghe's heart, there was another secret that he had never revealed to anyone.

That was the real purpose of supporting Wuji Sanren's cultivation for more than two hundred years, not to maintain the Guyue Sect's Taoist lineage, but to find a suitable body before his life was about to end.

Don’t underestimate more than a thousand years, which is long and vast in the mortal world.

But for him, it is far from enough.

If he can re-occupy another body and be reborn, he will surely be able to break through the barrier of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, not to mention the middle stage, even the late stage is not impossible.

By then, he can look for the legendary ascension.

This temptation is really too great.

But who knows that the sky does not fulfill people’s wishes, just when he is about to succeed, the short-lived Wuji Sanren actually fell like this.

And this Tianjian Sect Master, I don’t know where he suddenly appeared from.

Thinking of this, Fang Xinghe was annoyed and powerless.

Fortunately, there are still more than ten years of life, enough for him to find another body.

Even if it is not as perfect as Wuji, it is enough.

The only pity is that more than two hundred years have been wasted, and countless energy and resources have been consumed.

All went down the drain!

If Mo Xun knew what Fang Xinghe was thinking at this moment, he would probably laugh three times.

Because the perfect body that the latter had been thinking about for hundreds of years was originally a body snatcher.

Immortal cultivators can snatch a body once in their lifetime, but little do they know that a body can only be snatched once in a lifetime.

Because every time a body is snatched, most of the soul will disappear.

Even if a person is born with a strong soul, he does not have the conditions to snatch a body twice.

Unfortunately, even with the peak attainments of the cultivators in this world, they cannot judge whether a person has snatched a body before through the fluctuation of breath.

Otherwise, Fang Xinghe would not have placed all his bets on a useless person.

Mo Xun noticed Fang Xinghe's escape at the first time.

He moved his mouth slightly, shouted a word to Lu Wushen who was ambushing in the dark, and then he slashed all the disciples of Gu Yue Sect without any mercy wherever he saw his long sword.

In an instant, blood mist filled the sky and wailing sounded.

The killing spree of a Yuanying cultivator changed the color of heaven and earth.

The sky above the entire Gu Yue Sect seemed to have fallen into Shura Hell.

The sky was clear at first, but it turned bloody the next moment.

Mo Xun's figure was like thunder, and he harvested a life almost every step he took.

Those Gu Yue Sect disciples who were beaten to death on the edge of despair were already terrified beyond measure. They flew in all directions, but were soon locked by the powerful pressure of the Nascent Soul. Then their figures exploded, and even their souls were crushed by the bloodthirsty sword.

Mo Xun's face was calm, and he could not see much sadness or joy.

Only in his cold eyes, there was a flash of bloody murderous intent.

The bloodthirsty sword in his hand turned into a blood-colored funnel, constantly sucking in the blood and qi within a radius of hundreds and thousands of feet.

The whole sword body flashed a dazzling red light.

Under the backlash of the blood and qi, Mo Xun's state became more and more crazy.

At first it was the eyeballs, and finally even the breath emanating from the body seemed to be dyed scarlet.

At this moment, only killing can calm his inner anger.

Not long ago, he completely sealed the bloodthirsty sword, but in just a few days, he forgot his previous worries.

This bloodthirsty feeling can make people addicted.

Fortunately, there is still enough clarity in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Otherwise, he would not only chase those who wanted to kill him, but also kill into the mountain gate and slaughter the entire Guyue Gate.

Let's talk about Lu Wushen. Although this upper realm monster has no special ability, it is definitely a unique one in terms of appearing and disappearing.

Mo Xun didn't expect anything, as long as he could entangle Fang Xinghe.

Seven or eight Jindan cultivators and dozens of foundation-building cultivators turned into blood mist at a very fast speed under Mo Xun's devastating sword.

This is the second time he has started a killing spree since he left Wuliang Mountain.

This is how immortal cultivation works. Sometimes, even if you have a compassionate heart, things will always push you, step by step, in an unwilling direction.

Even so, Mo Xun still restrained his killing intent.

Li Qingying's death made him have too many resentments.

Whenever he thought of the time he had spent with the little girl, a flame would ignite in his heart.

After returning to Southern Xinjiang, he should have gone to find her as soon as possible.

But things went against his wishes, and he was just one step late!

Mo Xun suddenly shouted fiercely, and swung the bloodthirsty sword in his hand with force, condensing the magic power that was enough to destroy the world, and drew a sword light of a hundred feet in the air.

Wherever the sword light passed, it directly split the blood energy that covered the sky and the sun in half.

Those Gu Yuemen monks who had not yet escaped, like a handful of fireworks, exploded in the sword light and turned into blood mist.

The world finally quieted down in the next moment.

Mo Xun glanced coldly at the broken limbs in the blood, and the air was filled with a nauseating smell of blood.

Under the mountain gate, all the low-level disciples were stunned in fear.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Everyone had a thought in their mind, Gu Yue Sect... It's over!

This ancient sect, which has been established for thousands of years, has already doomed its future.

Southern Xinjiang is about to return to the thirteen sects.

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