After doing all this, Mo Xun left the bloodthirsty sword in place to continue absorbing the remaining blood in the air. In a flash, he chased in the direction where Fang Xinghe was fleeing.

His low and cold voice also sounded above Gu Yue Gate at the same time.

"Within one stick of incense, everyone leave this place. If you don't want to die, you can wait for me here!"

These words were not powerful at all, but they exploded in everyone's ears like spring thunder.

Dozens of miles away, Fang Xinghe had been entangled by a claw and was fed up.

Whenever he wanted to perform the escape technique, a sharp claw would appear out of thin air, either grabbing his ankle or grabbing his back. No matter how he cast the spell, he could not escape the strange claw.

At first, he thought it was Mo Xun who caught up with him. He was shocked and used all his strength to fight with it.

But gradually, he finally came to his senses.

This was a monster that was proficient in space magic. Although it could not cause any harm to him, he could not get rid of it.

During this period, he tried various secret techniques.

The escape technique based on the attributes of spiritual roots, the technique of substitution, and the method of deception were all ineffective.

Even the life-saving talismans that he had hidden on his body for hundreds of years were completely consumed.

The key is that the opponent will never show up to fight him head-on.

Always inadvertently, he suddenly jumped out from a certain space.

Just when he was furious, a suffocating breath came from a distance. In that breath, the powerful consciousness had already locked his movements.

Although he had only met once, he was too familiar with the owner of this breath.

Not long ago, this person almost took his life.


Just spit out a word, and a fist flashing with golden light came quickly from a distance.

This fist was condensed by fist wind, and when it arrived in front of him, it was already several feet long.

Fang Xinghe's pupils suddenly widened, and he instinctively raised his hands to block in front of him. At the same time, a thick magic shield condensed around his body.

With a loud bang, Fang Xinghe flew backwards, and a handful of blood spurted out in the air.

And Mo Xun's figure finally appeared the next moment.

He quickly formed a strange seal with his hands in front of his chest, and muttered something at the same time, and his body was shrouded in a ball of golden light.

His figure suddenly changed and turned into a two-meter-tall golden giant ape.

"Nine Changes of the Sky!"

This move was one of the nine changes he had practiced for several years.

In the past few years, although the sect affairs were busy, with the success of the infant formation, the skills and magical powers he practiced also increased accordingly, but in the horizontal training technique, he never stagnated.

Not only did the six-meter golden light improve, but he also got a glimpse of the fur of the nine changes.

This magical power is an attack method specially designed for body-refining cultivators.

Every time you learn a transformation, you will have the corresponding body and power of a monster.

And as you practice for a long time, the transformed body will gradually grow larger.

This golden ape body is the first holy body he cultivated by integrating the six-zhang golden light. While having a strong defense, it can also increase the original physical cultivation attack by 20% to 30%.

Looking at the golden light, the golden long hair on the body fluttering in the wind, and the ferocious appearance, Fang Xinghe's heart trembled.

If he hadn't known it in advance, he would have thought it was a monster in shape.

But the more so, the more timid he was in his heart.

He has lived for more than a thousand years, and he has encountered body-refining cultivators, but this is the first time that he has condensed his blood and qi into a beast.

The transformation of monsters is terrifying, and the transformation of human bodies into monsters is even more terrifying.

The evolutionary techniques of cultivators that I have seen before are at most the phantoms of beasts condensed by magic power. They are not real, a bit like Dharma images.

Just like the crane condensed by Wang Boshan, it only has the shape.

But this golden ape, except for the special color of its hair, is almost the same as an ape.

Even the breath is imitated vividly.

Facing the behemoth not far away, Fang Xinghe did not have the courage to fight at all.

All he had left was to escape!

With this thought in mind, Fang Xinghe did not care about the strange claws that followed him like a shadow, and fled quickly in one direction.

But soon, a golden light fell in front of him.

Then, the huge golden claws rolled up a strong wind that could tear rocks and enveloped him.

Fang Xinghe shouted, and an umbrella-shaped protective treasure appeared in front of him at the same time.

This is an inconspicuous black umbrella, which is not much different from ordinary umbrellas in shape. The only special thing is its material.

It seems to be made of some kind of metal, from the umbrella body to the umbrella ribs, it looks extremely hard.

But such an umbrella was torn into pieces with a sizzling sound under the golden claws.

Fang Xinghe's heart tightened, and he threw out a jade talisman.

This was his last means of saving his life!

Although it was called a talisman, it actually sealed the will of the ancestors of the Ancient Moon Sect.

This will came from the powerful blow of a great cultivator in the late period.

A black light suddenly shot out from the jade talisman, and its speed was as fast as lightning in the clear sky. Before Mo Xun could react, it had already arrived in front of him.

The black light seemed inconspicuous, but the energy contained in it was trembling.

The black light hit the chest of the golden ape and exploded in a ball of golden hair. The golden ape let out a painful roar and then flew backwards.

This trick was unexpected by Mo Xun.

It hit the ground heavily, causing the surroundings to tremble.

Mo Xun only felt a burning sensation in his chest, and the mana and blood in his body were all rolling wildly.

A large ball of blood flowed out from the corner of the golden ape's mouth.

But it was only a moment, and the golden ape flew high again, with a bright red wound on its chest.

Under the severe pain, Mo Xun's internal organs seemed to be crushed.

But he still endured it, and kept his mind clear. In this case, even if he was injured, he would not let Fang Xinghe leave.

But to be honest, the old guy is really good.

Since he formed his infant, almost every opponent he faced was stronger than Fang Xinghe.

But only this person caused him to be seriously injured.

While Mo Xun sneered in his heart, he was also secretly alert. It seems that he has been smooth sailing for a long time and has forgotten the sense of crisis.

Fortunately, his body was strong enough, and he used the Nine Changes of the Sky-lifting Technique, so he didn't lose his life.

That black light was indeed sharper than any attack he had encountered before, but perhaps because of the long time, it had lost too much power.

The damage it caused was not as strong as the power it showed on the surface.

Catching up with Fang Xinghe again, the golden ape jumped down from the sky, and smashed down directly at the old thing with two huge fists.

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