Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1032 Three Realms Mountain

The golden mana impact was like ripples blooming in the water, twisting the space.

However, Fang Xinghe's figure disappeared in a black light.

When he reappeared, he saw a huge two-winged bat flying towards the distance. On the bat, a half-bloody figure was panting and lying on it, with fear written all over his face.

At the same time, the golden ape jumped up, like pulling onions from dry land, and jumped directly to a height of a hundred feet.

The huge figure fell from the top of the bat like a hill.

This bat is also a demon beast of good grade. Although it has not reached the transformation realm, it is not far away.

But even at the level of demon king, Mo Xun has encountered it before.

With a wail, the bat fell in the air under the golden fist wind.

Before it landed, its body exploded and turned into a large ball of smelly blood mist.

At the same time, the powerful Yuanying spirit domain quickly stretched out. Under this restraint, Fang Xinghe immediately seemed to be trapped in a muddy swamp.

The sharp claws of the golden ape also fell down the next moment.

"Daoyou, wait a minute..."

As the voice fell, another blood mist exploded.

In the blood mist, a naked Yuanying disappeared thousands of feet away in the blink of an eye.

But before the Yuanying could perform the second teleportation method, the sky suddenly dimmed.

A huge square chessboard almost covered half of the sky, and chess pieces were constantly flying out in rotation.

Those chess pieces turned into streams of light, as if in an instant, a circle of airtight streamer barrier was formed around them.

And Fang Xinghe's Yuanying was trapped in it.

"Chess formation!"

Fang Xinghe was still a little knowledgeable and immediately recognized the extraordinaryness of this thing.

But at this moment, it was obviously a little too late.

A flame suddenly shot out, which was the Xuantian True Fire that was ambushed in the dark.

Then the flames rose and directly engulfed the Yuanying in it.

Heart-wrenching roars came one after another. Mo Xun, who had recovered his body, stood outside the flowing light barrier, looking at the Nascent Soul being refined bit by bit by the Xuantian True Fire, with a cold look between his eyebrows.

However, his face was a little pale.

There seemed to be a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, probably because of the previous conspiracy.

Even so, Mo Xun did not regulate his breath and heal his wounds in time as before, but looked at Fang Xinghe who was burned by the fire indifferently.

The flames reflected in his pupils kept jumping with the fire.

The fire was blazing, as if only such a purgatory could extinguish the anger in his heart.

I don’t know how long it took, but the flames finally calmed down.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves and put away the Black Heron Nebula Disk, but he was not in a hurry to leave, just quietly looking at the distant sky.

A complete Nascent Soul originally had extremely high value, but he did not intend to keep it alive.

Even a clay man has three points of earthiness, let alone him!

Back to the sky above Gu Yue Sect, the mountain gate was already withered.

The Yuanying Sect, which was bustling not long ago, was completely deserted.

The magnificent mountain protection formation was dug up by someone at some point, even the formation base.

At a glance, there was only a lonely bronze bell left on the towering Taoist platform on the top of the mountain.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and put away the bloodthirsty sword and Tongbao gun scattered in the air, as well as a small mountain magic weapon.

This thing is called Sanjie Mountain, which is a genuine refined mountain.

The material of this thing may not be rare, but it is rare in the world.

Few people would waste a lot of time to refine a mountain. Perhaps only a thousand-year-old monster like Fang Xinghe would do so!

What a good thing!

Mo Xun held the small mountain magic weapon in his hand and threw it into the green gourd.

Then a rosy glow flashed, and the incarnation was summoned out.

Then a figure exactly like Mo Xun was seen, holding a bone-melting sword, constantly slashing and casting spells in the air above Gu Yue Sect, like a madman.

In just half an hour, the originally huge sect became a ruin.

The last fire set the entire mountain on fire.

The fire burned for several days, and at this moment, Mo Xun was already thousands of miles away.

The destruction of Gu Yue Sect spread throughout the entire southern border in a very short time.

An ancient sect standing in the world of immortal cultivation had its mountain gate destroyed in half a day. Such news is shocking no matter where it is placed.

Even Wuliang Mountain, the front line of the battle between the gods and demons, stopped fighting for a short time because of this.

From Yuanying to Qi Refining, everyone was investigating the true story of the matter.

When they heard the name "Mo Xun" again, everyone fell silent unconsciously.

Wang Boshan shuddered!

Even though the Tianyun Sect was much stronger than the Guyue Sect, the fact that he could flatten a Yuanying Sect with his own strength still made this cultivator in the middle stage of the Yuanying Stage feel terrified.

There was also Mu Congnan from the Tiangui Sect, and the Yin-Yang old demon who almost lost his life.

Mo Xun's name as the God of Killing once again shocked the entire Southern Border Immortal Cultivation World.

This man was extremely ruthless when it came to killing people.

Others often had many concerns when seeking revenge.

But this old demon surnamed "Mo" was able to flatten a sect.

Fortunately, this person had not completely lost his humanity, and only drove away the low-level disciples of the Guyue Sect, and did not really kill people.

Even so, it still made Wenzhe feel uneasy.

But things always have two sides.

While everyone was afraid, they also had a strong fear of this troublemaker, causing several supreme elders of the sect to secretly propose to expel the Tianjian Sect from the Southern Border interface.

However, such voices did not receive much response.

At least in the eyes of many people, as long as Mo Xun was not dead, no one would dare to take the initiative to jump out.

This is a guy who dares to seek revenge and has the ability to take revenge.

In the flying car, Mo Xun held a wine glass in one hand and looked far away at the end of the sky.

This kind of journey has lasted for more than ten days.

Next to him was Lu Wushen, who was a little drunk.

This ugly monster, who was neither human nor ghost, was lying on a piece of animal skin without any image at the moment, and his feet were full of meat and bones thrown on the ground.

"Brother Lu, have you ever heard of the art of resurrection?"

Although Lu Wushen was slightly drunk, his mind was still clear, and he glanced at Mo Xun with disdain.

The other party naturally understood what Mo Xun meant by this.

The journey during this period of time made the two of them more familiar with each other.

Mo Xun also learned some things about the upper world from Lu Wushen.

It turned out that the so-called upper world was just a general concept.

At the higher level, there are different interfaces such as saints, gods, demons, monsters, spirits, etc.

All these interfaces can be called the upper world. The planes are at the same level, but they are blocked by different interface spaces.

People like Lu Wushen are from the holy world.

There are also the three greens and various mythical beasts from the gods and saints.

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