Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1033 The Third Benefit

"The so-called resurrection is not as simple as you think. If you can be reborn easily after death, who would practice it?"

Mo Xun did not speak, but he still understood the reason.

Lu Wushen continued: "However... the resurrection technique is not non-existent. Although I have not seen it, I have heard of it a little. However, resurrection of the dead is a taboo even in the upper realm. It is against the way of heaven, so it is not widely accepted."

Mo Xun nodded secretly.

The reason why he could ask this question was mainly because of the resurrection secret technique he got from Liangyi Sect.

The jade slip named "Six Purities into Yang Technique" was finally modified by Gong Yang and used for returning the soul to the body.

From Zhang Xuan's cave, he found a lot of resurrection methods, and even a black gourd of magic cultivators.

Up to now, he has not studied the magic weapon to find out the reason.

But one thing is certain, that is, this method of resurrection should come from the demon clan, or at least be related to the secret method of the demon clan.

Zhang Xuan wanted to save a woman back then, but he failed in the end.

So when he saw Li Qingying's body, he naturally thought of this method.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Lu Wushen continued: "I advise you to give up this idea. Although I don't know how to bring the dead back to life, this forbidden technique must be accompanied by a huge price, or even life for life!"

Lu Wushen said this last sentence very solemnly.

But Mo Xun heard that the so-called life for life probably means that when performing the secret technique, the life of a living person must be used as a guide.

In this way, it is indeed not accepted by the world.

If it is only at the cost of the life of the caster, it is fine, after all, it is a matter of mutual consent.

But if this method requires sacrifice during implementation, it is indeed against the harmony of heaven.

But no matter what, Mo Xun still wants to figure this out.

At least he could do something for Li Qingying and give himself an explanation.

So he had to go to Beihuang Island.

Two years ago, Duobaolou invited him, hoping that he would go to Beihuang Island in his spare time.

At first, he had many excuses, even on the way to find Li Qingying this time, he had not decided whether to go.

But now, he had to go.

Because when Xuanyuan Chong invited him, he said that there was a secret about the ancient teleportation array on Beihuang Island.

And this ancient teleportation array happened to be related to the demon clan.

That "Six Purities Transformation Yang Technique" happened to come from the demon clan...

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but think.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, but he always felt that there was an invisible net that connected everything.

So he had to follow everything arranged in this net.

Mo Xun took a deep breath, and the flying car was already above the boundless sea.

However, this direction was not the direction he took when he left Southern Xinjiang.

The route he took was guided by the jade slip given by Xuanyuan Chong.

The place called Beihuang Island seemed very mysterious. He had asked others about it when he was in Wuliang Mountain before.

But the answer he got was curious.

This Beihuang Island was not a fixed place. It was said to be a cave treasure that could appear anywhere in the boundless sea.


About three days later, Mo Xun stopped at a star position.

There was endless sea water all around. Within tens of thousands of miles, there was no land, not even an island or reef.

And this place was the place of guidance given by Xuanyuan Chong.

After he put away the flying car, he was suspended in the air, and then he took out a jade talisman and crushed it suddenly.

The jade talisman turned into a dazzling red light in the night and rushed straight into the sky.

In the dark night, it was like a group of fireworks rising, extremely gorgeous.

After doing all this, Mo Xun sat cross-legged quietly in the air.

Fortunately, the waiting time was not long. After only half an hour, a small wooden boat floated over the sea in the distance.

A burst of loud laughter also came over.

"Hahaha... May I ask if you are the leader of Tianjian Sect? I am the third elder of Duobao Tower. I have been waiting here for a long time. Please come down to have a chat with me, leader Mo."

Mo Xun's spiritual sense swept over and roughly explored the situation on the small boat.

This is a wooden boat that is only about ten feet square. It is not much different from the boats in the mortal world. There is also a small shed on it.

At the bow, there is an old man in simple clothes, wearing a bamboo hat on his head.

The old man's hair and beard are all white. He did not deliberately hide his cultivation. He belongs to the early stage of Yuanying.

Apart from this person, there is no other trace.

There is nothing wrong around the boat.

After Mo Xun pondered for a while, he jumped and jumped onto the boat.

He first clasped his fists cautiously.

"May I ask..."

The old man stroked his beard and smiled.

"I am the third elder of the Fuxing Sect, and my given name is Hui. Although I have never met you, I have heard of the name of the Tianjian Sect and the power of Sect Master Mo."

Mo Xun nodded gently. He had previously thought that the other party was the third elder of Duobao Tower, but he didn't expect that he had this surname!


This surname is rare.

"Third Elder, you are too polite. Mo's foundation is still shallow and can't be compared with your building."

While speaking, Mo Xun carefully looked at the person in front of him again.

This person's bone age should be quite old. Even if it is not as good as Fang Xinghe's thousand-year-old Nascent Soul, it should be not far behind.

The mana fluctuations on this person are also very powerful.

It seems that this Duobao Tower is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

If this level of existence were placed in other sects, it would be like a supreme elder.

The third Hui smiled and spoke.

"Master Mo is polite. My Duobao Tower is just a merchant. Even the master of the building is not as famous as Master Mo recently. He only stayed in Wuliang Mountain for a few days, and killed and injured the Nascent Soul ancestors of the Nine Sects of the Demonic Dao. Not long ago, he destroyed the Guyue Sect by himself. I am afraid that only Master Mo has such strength."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and thought secretly in his heart. He knew that Duobao Tower did a good business, but he didn't expect that their intelligence was also very fast.

It has not been long since he left Guyue Sect, and the news came.

Perhaps they had already started investigating him when they first met Xuanyuan Chong.

However, Mo Xun did not ask in detail about this matter.

"May I ask if Beihuang Island is nearby?"

This question was what Mo Xun was most curious about at the moment.

You must know that before he crushed the jade talisman, he wandered around within a thousand miles nearby for a long time, but he still did not find any trace of the island.

"There is still a long way to go. I will take you there now."

Then, San Dihui made a gesture of invitation and invited Mo Xun to sit under the boat awning. There was a small square table with wine on it.

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