As soon as the two of them sat down, the boat seemed to move on its own without any wind, cruising quickly on the sea.

Mo Xun looked back at the microwave ripples at the stern of the boat, and smiled faintly.

Although he can fly in a boat, the other party likes to row on the sea. This is really...pretentious!

"I dare to ask the third fellow Taoist, if you said you were waiting here before, are you so sure that Mo will definitely come?"

San Hui picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and shook his head.

"I'm not sure. I'm just thinking about it just in case, so as not to neglect Sect Leader Mo."

Mo Xun didn't quite believe what he said.

People probably noticed it after he stepped into the boundless sea.

On this topic, Mo Xun did not delve too deeply into it, but asked in a different direction: "By the way, I heard that Beihuang Island is a magic weapon in the cave. I wonder if you can clear up my doubts."

"This is not a secret. This island is indeed a treasure, but it is not as magical as the outside world spreads. It is just a slightly larger exotic treasure. Since Fellow Daoist Mo killed Fang Xinghe, he should have obtained his Three Realms Mountain, speaking of it, these things are actually pretty much the same.”

Mo Xun nodded secretly. It seemed that this was another island made by some boring guy.

The boat rides leisurely, and the waves sparkle under the night sky.

The conversation between the two seemed to stop there!

Mo Xun is not a man of many words. It can be seen that San Hui often has nothing to say.

Not long after walking, the scene in front of me changed. In the originally vast sea, an island suddenly appeared in my field of vision.

The island is not big, only dozens of miles square, and it is extremely conspicuous under the sea and the sky.

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved, but he didn't notice that there was a hidden formation nearby.

When I was exploring the area just now, I didn't find it for a while.

When approaching the island, the two people flew up and landed on an island reef on the coast.

The island is lush, covered with vines and shrubs, and accompanied by a faint white mist, making it look like a fairyland.

Mo Xun released his spiritual consciousness, but due to the restriction, he could only explore a hundred feet away.

"Sect Master Mo, please!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally followed.

The island is very quiet, and you can't feel much life.

But this doesn't mean anything. The entire island seems to be divided into different areas by formation restrictions.

Due to the restricted airspace, the two of them walked along the road paved with bluestones, twisting and turning.

When passing by a bamboo forest, although his spiritual consciousness could not detect it, rows of bamboo houses appeared in Mo Xun's field of vision.

In front of the bamboo house, there are a few shadowy figures, who seem to be busy with something.

Third Hui stroked his beard and smiled.

"These are the servants of this island, and that place is their residence."

Mo Xun nodded slightly and looked away.

After walking for about a stick of incense, an extremely thick and towering tree appeared in the distance.

This tree was so big that even Mo Xun was briefly shocked when he saw it.

The entire tree body seems to be a small mountain. From left to right, it is visually estimated that at least hundreds or thousands of people can surround it.

Looking up, it is even more than a hundred feet tall. Against the backdrop of the surrounding trees, it feels like it stands out from the crowd.

The entire canopy blocks out the sun, as if separating the earth from the sky.

There is a door cut out in the middle of the tree, and there are ventilation holes such as windows in other places.

It seems that the Lord of the Northern Wilderness has built the inside of the tree into a cave.

This is probably the center of the entire island.

"The First Island Master has been waiting here for a long time. Sect Master Mo, please follow me in."

San Hui had a slight smile on her lips and looked very kind.

But Mo Xun stood still and didn't move.

Although this place did not give him a sense of danger, landing on the island so rashly was already an exception for him. It would be against his style to enter such a strange place again.

And the "No. 1 Island Owner" the other party calls, is he a guy named "No. 1"?

Looking at it this way, there should be a "second" existence.

That means that there are at least three Nascent Souls on the entire island.

If there were no late-stage great monks here, he wouldn't be afraid, but the danger was unpredictable, and with the dense formation restrictions all around, it would be hard to say.

San Hui glanced back and immediately guessed Mo Xun's thoughts. Then he smiled slightly, moved his lips lightly, and transmitted something inside.

Immediately afterwards, the shielding restrictions in the cave suddenly disappeared.

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved, and his spiritual consciousness flowed in unimpeded.

After looking at each other with San Hui, Mo Xun immediately understood what the other party meant.

This gives him peace of mind!

His spiritual consciousness swept over him, and the scene in the tree hole suddenly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

There is a large space inside. Although it is inside the tree, it is built with strips of stone. Both the floor and the walls are made of bluestone.

The huge tree was divided into many areas, probably secret cultivation rooms.

And in the center, there is a wide hall.

In the hall, two people were sitting at this time.

Both of them are men, one is in the late stage of Nascent Soul and the other is in the middle stage.

Mo Xun took a deep breath, and there was indeed a late-stage great monk here. Although this person gave him the feeling that he was not as unfathomable as the Holy Spirit, his strength was definitely not low.

Thinking about it, this person should be the first island owner.

The thin old man next to him was probably named "Sect. 2"!

"Master Mo, please!"

After Mo Xun pondered for a moment, he nodded gently.

As soon as he stepped into the tree hole, he felt dizzy all around. Mo Xun was startled, but soon, the dizziness disappeared.

His feet were solid and he fell back to the ground.

Mo Xun frowned slightly. This was obviously a teleportation array, but because the time was very short, it meant that the distance was not far.

This sudden situation made him a little dissatisfied, and then he looked at San Di Hui.

San Di Hui smiled and said, "Master Mo, don't be alarmed. If this island had any ill intentions towards fellow Taoists, it would not have gone to such great lengths to invite you here."

This explanation obviously failed to dispel Mo Xun's unhappiness.

Inviting him here, couldn't it be to better trap him?

Besides, the other party had never mentioned teleportation before.

"I hope your building won't play any tricks. I have been practicing for hundreds of years and have encountered life and death countless times. If I didn't have some tricks, I would never have survived until today."

Mo Xun snorted coldly, and his heart became more alert.

But since he was here, he had nothing to retreat.

"Haha... Master Mo, don't worry. My Duobao Building started as a business. We have always valued peace. Making enemies is not our main business."

Mo Xun said coldly.

"I hope so!"

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