Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1035: The First Huaiying

"Hahaha... The leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect is here in person, please forgive me and the two of us for being far away from us!"

When Mo Xun looked up, he saw a middle-aged man walking over with his fists clasped.

This person was the late Nascent Soul that he had previously detected with his spiritual sense. Although he looked much younger than San Hui, his cultivation level could not be faked.

There are only two late-stage great monks in Southern Xinjiang, which Mo Xun has known for a long time.

But some old monsters who have never been born are not included in this list.

The person in front of me is one of them!

"I have met the first building owner. Our Tianjian Sect is just a small sect that has just been established. Compared with your building, it is far behind."

"Sect Master Mo is very polite. I am First Huaiying. This is the second elder Yun of this building. As for the third elder, I believe that Sect Master Mo is already familiar with it."

As Huaiying spoke, he waved his hand, and immediately three beautiful maids walked out from behind the screen, each holding a cup of tea in their hands.

"Sect Master Mo, please take a seat first!"

Mo Xun glanced at the two people in front of him.

This first Huaiying looks quite heroic, but his eyebrows are deep and reserved, and he is not an easy person at first glance.

Although he did not deliberately hide his cultivation level in his movements, his mana fluctuations were integrated with his surroundings, clearly showing that he was a hidden master.

There is nothing special about his clothing. He is wearing a gray robe, which seems to deliberately reduce his sense of presence.

Mo Xun knew clearly that this kind of guy was usually more difficult to deal with.

As for the second Yun next to him, he just arched his hands slightly, always with a smile on his face, standing behind the first Huaiying, like a loyal old servant.

This Duobao Building is indeed interesting.

Such a lineup, if placed in Southern Xinjiang, can definitely be called a top sect.

But a few old guys are just doing business in a corner, which really makes people have to doubt something.

He suddenly remembered that when he asked Fan Xiuzhu about Beihuang Island, the other party only gave three words, and that was "not simple"!

Come to think of it, it's really consistent with this.

After a few brief greetings, Mo Xun went straight to the point and asked: "Those who have gone to such great lengths to invite Mo here, do you think it's more than just drinking tea?"

First Huaiying laughed.

"Sect Master Mo is quick to talk, but before we talk about this topic, I would like to ask a question."

"The host is very polite. Since he is here as a guest, the host just asked questions, and Mo Mou knew everything."

First Huaiying made a gesture to invite tea, the smile on his face not diminishing.

"It's your first time here, Sect Master Mo. What do you think of this Northern Desert Island?"

Mo Xunke really didn't expect that what the other party wanted to ask was actually this.

He pondered and replied: "Very good, the bells and spirits here are beautiful. I think there is a good spiritual vein underground. I heard that this island is a movable magic weapon. If this is true, this thing is no less than a spiritual weapon. , even more so, after all, this kind of thing is beyond the level of ordinary treasures."

First Huaiying nodded with satisfaction, with a bit of complacency on his lips.

"To be honest, fellow Taoist, the history of this northern desert island cannot be studied, but I can confirm that this island is definitely an extraordinary thing. As for where it came from, it is unknown. The entire island is not only accompanied by extremely top-notch... The concealment formation, and the various prohibition formations on the island are complete. To be honest, even I have not been able to fully control it until now. However, I can guarantee that the defense of the entire island cannot be easily broken even by the late Nascent Soul. It can be said that as long as the spirit cannot escape in this world, this place is the best hiding place."

After hearing this series of introductions, Mo Xun became even more suspicious.

This guy, didn't you come to him just to show off?

Even if this island is really a rare treasure in the world, it has nothing to do with him!

Seeing Mo Xun's doubts, First Huaiying smiled and said calmly: "This island is inherited from my Duobao Lou ancestors. Over the past hundreds of years, the number of outsiders who have landed on the island is no more than two hands." , Even if the Holy Spirit and Yanyue Immortal Palace have not been invited by Duobao Tower, does Sect Master Mo understand the meaning? "

Mo Xun frowned slightly. He knew that there must be something in the other person's words, but he couldn't guess it for a while.

Among the two late-stage great monks on the bright side of Southern Xinjiang, one was a famous member of the Sunset Divine Sect, Baili, and Mo Xun had dealt with him when he was at Wuliang Mountain.

The other one is more mysterious. She is a female cultivator named Yan Ruotian who was born in Yanyue Immortal Palace.

Although I have never seen him before, this person has an extraordinary reputation in the world of immortal cultivation in southern Xinjiang.

"The first poster just said so!"

The first Huaiying smiled.

"This ancient teleportation array is no longer a secret. The invasion of demons is also a certainty. If I say that this matter has been determined thousands of years ago, will fellow Taoists believe it?"

Mo Xun's pupils narrowed.

"What does it mean?"

First Huaiying took a sip of tea slowly.

"Actually, in our Duobao Building, rumors of a demonic calamity have been circulating as early as thousands of years ago. However, since it never appeared, the previous building owners did not take it seriously. It was not until this ancient teleportation array was opened that the rumors were fulfilled. "

Mo Xun asked: "Have you not told the Tiandao Alliance about this?"

"So what if I tell you?"

This answer really made Mo Xun a little confused.

What does it mean?

As human monks, shouldn’t we work together to resist the demons?

Mo Xun was speechless, but he was not in a hurry. He believed that the other party would definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

First Huaiying continued, "There are some things I cannot tell you, but I can tell you one thing. This time the demon invasion is inevitable, and the coming of the Demon Lord will also become inevitable. At that time, not to mention the entire southern border, even if all the cultivators in several states work together, they will not be able to stop it."

Cultivators in several states?

Hearing this, Mo Xun became even more suspicious of the mystery of Duobao Tower.

But what he was curious about now was the other party's firm tone, why he was so sure that the Demon Lord would come.

Could it be that Duobao Tower, like the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path, also has a connection with the demons?

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"In that case, you should have a way to deal with this demon calamity?"

First Huaiying shook his head.

"No, but with this island, I can at least leave some incense for the cultivators of the human race."

"That's all?"

First Huaiying smiled and nodded.

"That's all... But I invited Fellow Daoist Mo here not to talk about this matter. No one can stop the invasion of the demons, but Fellow Daoist Mo, have you ever thought that this is also an opportunity for us?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Haha... This is exactly the main reason why I am waiting for you here!"

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