Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1038 Hidden Mist Ridge

After hearing that Li Qingying had died, Wen Zixi was so angry that she spat out blood.

In this scene, Mo Xun could only sigh.

Although Li Qingying's life seemed ordinary and often gave people the feeling that she was a supporting role outside the spotlight, it was a pity to have such a master.

The sad atmosphere made Mo Xun think of the first time he met the little girl.

It was in the black market of Lantian City. In order to buy the qualification to enter Guyuemen, Mo Xun paid off the debt for the little girl by chance.

Now thinking about it, I was quite chivalrous at that time.

After that, the two experienced wandering together.

In the Liu family of Tianyun Sect, Li Qingying blocked a fatal blow for him. It was also the first time that Mo Xun owed a debt of love that was difficult to repay.

When he entrusted the little girl to Wen Zixi, Mo Xun was a little reluctant.

But reason told him that only in this way could Li Qingying go further.

This was indeed the case. If they had not met Wen Zixi, they would have both died under Bai Li's pursuit.

As his thoughts turned, he thought of that flawless jade body again.

In order to avoid Qi Shan's mark tracking, he had no choice but to stun the little girl, take off her clothes, and hide in the green gourd.

This was also the first time he had seen a girl naked!

At that time, he was really a bit too much.

A young girl who had never experienced the world was seen naked by him.

Thinking of Li Qingying's embarrassment after waking up, Mo Xun's old face actually blushed.

He reached out and touched Bai Ze's head. Li Qingying's death must have made the little guy feel bad.

After sending Wen Zixi away, Mo Xun took Dong Qianxue and Sun Ku and stepped into the boundless sea again.

It took them half a month to find an island in the sea, and they dug a vast cave under the island. At the same time, they set up a top-level defense and concealment formation on the periphery at all costs.

In addition to these, there is also a teleportation formation for transfer.

The destination of the teleportation is another island reef tens of thousands of miles away.

They set up three such teleportations in total.

These are the backup plans left by Mo Xun for the Tianjian Sect.

At the same time, he told Dong Qianxue that once the demons attacked, she should not obey anyone's orders, but abandon the sect at the first time, lead all the disciples of the Tianjian Sect, hide in the Tianyu Tower, and escape to the boundless sea.

Since this demon calamity cannot be resisted, they can only avoid it.

As for the Nine Sects of the Demon Dao, Mo Xun will naturally perform his duties according to the agreement, but his state of mind is no longer as persistent as it was at the beginning.

If he can really stop the demon lord from coming to the world, he will definitely help, but he will not be stupid enough to go without hesitation.

As for the First Huaiying, he seems to have made up his mind.

On the one hand, it was for Li Qingying, and on the other hand, it was to become stronger.

With the skills and body training he inherited, as long as he could cultivate to the late stage of the Nascent Soul, even if he could not defeat the Demon Lord, he would have the power to protect himself.

After explaining all this, Mo Xun left the southern border alone.


A few months later, a gloomy place called Yinwu Ridge.

The location of the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path is mainly divided into two major demonic domains, namely the Soul Return Road and the Demonic Spirit Road.

This Yinwu Ridge is on the edge of the Soul Return Road and is one of the few dead places in the Demonic Path.

The reason why it is called a deadly place is that there is no one living within a radius of thousands of miles all year round.

Not to mention the cultivators, even ordinary mortals rarely come here.

In the Yinwu Ridge, there are deadly poisonous miasma everywhere. Because the spiritual energy is thin, there is almost nothing of value for cultivation in it, so few people often set foot here.

The only thing worth talking about is the extremely Yin fire pool in it.

This fire pool is different from the ordinary magma fire pool. What flows in it is a kind of Yin fire.

This kind of fire is favored by the ghost cultivators who cultivate the fire attribute. Even the demons will avoid it.

But the only ghost sect in the entire Dongsheng Continent is the Tiangui Sect.

Because the Tiangui Sect belongs to the Tiandao League, although the nine demon sects cannot use this place, they have set up a triggering formation on the periphery.

Once the ghost cultivators approach the Hidden Mist Ridge, the formation will be able to know in advance.

This kind of formation is not difficult to set up. It is triggered by sensing the breath of the ghost cultivators.

In fact, it is simple to avoid it, that is, to practice another additional technique.

When entering the Hidden Mist Ridge, the breath is changed, so that the formation can be avoided.

Or if you practice to a certain level, such as the middle stage of the Jindan, you can suppress your own mana and perfectly cover up your breath.

As for Mo Xun, it is not necessary to do so.

He himself had not practiced the ghost way of cultivation, and he swallowed the Yin Demon Pearl. The mana fluctuations emanating from his whole body were just like a demon cultivator.

As for his cultivation, it was suppressed to the middle stage of the Jindan stage.

As soon as he stepped into the Hidden Mist Ridge, Mo Xun stopped and frowned slightly.

From the outside, he could only feel the fog and his consciousness could not penetrate it at all.

After entering it, he found that the thick gray fog was still slightly poisonous. His consciousness probed out, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it could not penetrate a bit.

The poisonous fog seemed to be corrosive. After just a few breaths, he felt a stinging pain on his skin.

With the condensation of qi and blood in his body, Mo Xun condensed a circle of golden light on his body in an instant.

The uncomfortable feeling of corrosion also disappeared.

The six-zhang golden light spread out, not only dispelling the surrounding poisonous fog, but also allowing the spiritual consciousness to spread outward.

Mo Xun's expression relaxed, and then he stepped in again.

This Buddhist body refining technique is probably the best in the upper realm. It not only has a certain restraining effect on demon cultivators, but also can suppress the spirit of ghosts.

In the Hidden Mist Ridge, there are scattered cold rocks everywhere. After walking for a stick of incense, no life can be seen.

Even plants are very few.

The few that are also belong to Yin attribute exotic herbs, but the level is too low, even ordinary ghost cultivators look down on them.

Because the spiritual consciousness cannot probe out more than ten feet, he can only walk slowly.

Fortunately, before coming, he had already investigated clearly that this place is only one or two days away from where he wants to go, even if he walks.

He came here mainly for the Hundred Illusionary Heavenly Crystals.

This item was also one of the conditions that the Holy Spirit agreed to let him infiltrate the Demonic Path.

With the Hundred Illusionary Heavenly Crystal, he could successfully help Chi Li advance to the next level. Perhaps the Xuantian True Fire in his hand would be the only Heavenly Fire in this world that could advance to the White Flame.

By then, let alone the late Nascent Soul stage, I'm afraid it would be a deterrent to the Demon Lord.

The White Flame Heavenly Fire would also have an unparalleled effect on his future entry into Beiluzhou.

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