The sound of poisonous fog corroding the blood and golden light came faintly in his ears, but Mo Xun seemed to be oblivious.

Along the way, except for the unknown poisonous miasma, he did not encounter any danger, which was similar to the situation he had investigated before.

In front of a canyon, Mo Xun took out the map jade slip again and checked it carefully.

Deep in the canyon was the fire pool.

The poisonous fog around him became thicker and thicker. To be on the safe side, Mo Xun added a magic power to protect his body before continuing to move forward.

Not long after, he came to a cave.

This cave was not hidden, and there was no formation or restriction around it. At the entrance of the cave, he could feel the extremely strong Yin Fire breath.

According to what Mo Xun learned, there was indeed a hundred illusions in this place.

But it was not so easy to obtain it.

In the Yin Fire Pool, a piece of Tianjing stone would float up every once in a while, but it was not certain how long this period of time would be.

Someone once squatted by the fire pond for thirty years, but returned empty-handed.

Some people got the Sky Crystal Stone just after half a day.

So luck plays a big role in this thing.

When the fire pond was discovered in the early days, there were still people squatting by it, but with the decrease in the number of Sky Crystals, few people have done this inefficient thing in the past thousands of years.

Mo Xun was somewhat disappointed after learning about this.

He didn't think he was lucky, but since he was here, he had to take a look.

As soon as he entered the cave, the poisonous fog became thicker and thicker. It can be inferred that this fog should come from the Yin Fire.

Because the divine consciousness could not be used, Mo Xun could only slow down his pace as much as possible and make his five senses more sensitive.

Although there is no danger here, it does not mean it is absolutely safe.

Although the Yin Fire is a flame, it does not feel hot at all, and it even has a bit of Yin coldness.

In the blur, a faint green light appeared in front.

At the same time, the sound of liquid flowing came to my ears.

Just as he was curious, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side. Mo Xun stretched out his hand and grabbed it. In the dimness, he didn't know what he grabbed, but he heard a "wait" and Mo Xun's palm wind had already hit out.

Then, there was another scream and the sound of rocks falling.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. When the figure rushed over, he realized that the other party had no ill intentions, so he restrained himself a little at the last moment of his attack.

Otherwise, with his Taoism, the man would not have screamed, but would have died directly.

This guy who suddenly appeared was a middle-stage Jindan. After Mo Xun attacked, he tested the other party's depth.

"Dao... Daoyou, what are you doing? I just want to say hello..."

Not long after, a man in a black robe stumbled over.

This man had a rough face, a dark complexion, and a big beard. At first glance, he was a tough guy who was not easy to mess with.

But at this moment, his state was really a bit embarrassed.

He was covered in dirt and dust, and his robe was torn to pieces. Most importantly, there was a handful of blood on his beard.

He covered his chest with one hand and looked at Mo Xun with doubtful eyes.

He seemed angry, fearful, and a little bit unbelievable.

"You... you are in the middle stage of Jindan?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Mo Xun touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

He was a little paranoid!

As for the doubts in the other party's mouth, he naturally understood what they meant. The palm just now was almost beyond the Jindan cultivation.

"Is Daoyou okay?"

The man's face flushed, and he wanted to retort, but when he thought of Mo Xun's previous mysterious method, he could only swallow it.

"Fortunately, I won't die, but Daoyou is too sensitive!"

Mo Xun smiled noncommittally and threw out a porcelain bottle.

"Here is a Grass Rejuvenating Pill, consider it as an apology to you."

Hearing this, the other party quickly reached out to take it, and couldn't wait to open the bottle stopper and smell it.

"It is indeed the Grass Rejuvenating Pill, and it is of high quality. Hahaha... It seems that you are quite wealthy!"

Mo Xun smiled slightly. He had at least 80 of this kind of pills on him, if not 100.

But for ordinary cultivators, it is a top healing medicine.

It's a pity for the Huntian Divine Liquid back then. That thing can really be regarded as a life-or-death cure.

Seeing that the other party happily accepted it, Mo Xun clasped his fists and said, "Mo Fan, a casual cultivator, haven't you asked me yet?"

The man also bowed his hands openly, but perhaps because of his internal injuries, his face twisted hideously.

"Meng Jian, the abandoned disciple of Tuoluomen!"


When Mo Xun heard this name, his heart moved.

He and Tuoluomen have a deep connection!

Back then, the Su family was destroyed by the blood soul of the Tuoluo Sect disciples, and the destination he was going to this time was also within the Tuoluo Sect's sphere of influence.

Earlier, I heard that Tuoluo Sect had a new late-stage great cultivator, and it became a first-class sect among the nine sects of the Demonic Path.

Unexpectedly, just when I was about to inquire about the details, I met a Tuoluo Sect disciple.

But what about this abandoned disciple?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun immediately had an idea.

"It turned out to be Brother Meng, are you also here to look for the Hundred Illusionary Crystals?"

Meng Jian put away the Cao Huan Dan, took a bottle of other pills from his storage bag and swallowed them, and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth.

"I'm not that bored, but..."

When he said this, Meng Jian suddenly lowered his voice and looked around mysteriously, as if he was a thief.

"To be honest, I'm here to practice a magical power!"

"Practice a magical power?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. He didn't understand what he meant at first, but soon he reacted.

This guy secretly practiced the ghost way!

In fact, this is not a secret. Just talking about the two cultivators of the heavenly and demonic ways, although everyone has different sects and even deep hatred, they are not completely opposed to each other's skills.

In the Tiandao League, there are many people who secretly practice the magic way.

This is already an open secret. As long as it is not a major issue of principle, no one will pursue it.

However, this situation is only feasible in Dongshengzhou.

If you go to Xihezhou, it will be fatal.

The Xihezhou cultivation world has zero tolerance for demon cultivation. No matter whether it is a demon or a human cultivator, as long as they practice magic energy, they cannot survive at all.

Thinking of Xihezhou, Mo Xun suddenly had an idea.

This place is about to usher in a demonic calamity, so what about Dongshengzhou?

According to legend, the ancient teleportation array was inherited from the ancient times, when the world was not yet divided into four parts.

Since a teleportation array can appear in Dongsheng, why not in Xihezhou?

And Nanshanzhou, which he has never set foot on, may also fall into dire straits.

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