Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1048 The Sky-reaching Demon Corpse

It turns out that this old guy has been practicing for hundreds of years, but he is still a virgin.

Mo Xun couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Fortunately, he had lost his virginity a long time ago, otherwise, if this matter were to be spread out, he would inevitably be laughed at.

Ordinarily, the matter would have come to an end here.

The background of the female cultivator was not simple. Although she was punished, it did not have much impact.

Because she was resentful, the female cultivator soon spread rumors that Meng Jian was impotent and could not practice human ethics for the rest of his life.

This really annoyed Meng Jian!

I don't know what's wrong with this guy's brain. He actually raped the female cultivator on a dark and windy night.

Whenever he talked about this, Meng Jian was full of regret.

It was like he had eaten something disgusting. After so many years, he still felt uncomfortable.

From then on, Meng Jian had a root of illness and became particularly disgusted with women.

Mo Xun secretly admired in his heart, how much hatred must be there to do such a thing that hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts himself by eight hundred.

After this incident, Meng Jian was completely at odds with the Supreme Elder. If it weren't for the plea of ​​the elders of the same sect, his cultivation would have been almost abolished.

However, it was precisely because of this that he was expelled from the Mountain Sect by the Tuoluo Sect.

During this period, Mo Xun also heard an unexpected news.

About ten years ago, a demon cultivator with profound magic power appeared in the Demon Spirit Path, and his strength was no less than that of a late-stage great cultivator.

At that time, the demon cultivator was in chaos and killed many demon cultivators wantonly.

For this reason, the Demon Venerable Hall also sent more than a dozen Yuanying cultivators to encircle and suppress them, but in the end, more than half of them were seriously injured, two died, and one person's body was destroyed.

If it weren't for this incident, this battle between the gods and demons might have broken out ten years ago.

Don't think that the Tiandao League was the first to launch the attack last time, because the plan of the Demon Path was leaked, and the Holy Spirit had to turn the passive into the active.

The reason why Mo Xun was alert was because the demon cultivator was a dragon.

This reminded him of the black dragon in Xihezhou. It was because of this beast that he was forced to hastily enter the blood mist transmission, and finally his golden elixir was broken in the space crack.

If he had not succeeded in forming a baby by chance, he would have turned into bones long ago.

When he opened the transmission channel, he did not notice whether the black dragon also entered it. After returning to Southern Xinjiang, he did not hear any news about the black dragon.

Originally thought that the other party either stayed in Xihezhou or got lost in the space storm.

Who would have thought that at this juncture, he would hear news related to it again.

It seems that this trip to the magic road may change halfway!

Fortunately, from Meng Jian's mouth, I learned that although this dragon escaped from the heavy siege after the war, it was also seriously injured.

It is highly likely that it will not appear again in a few decades.

And twenty years later, the demons will attack, and the world will be in chaos. Who can say for sure what the situation will be!

During this period, he also carefully considered the invitation from the Lord of Beihuang Island.

In his heart, he actually had the idea of ​​accepting it.

Maybe after the ancient teleportation array was opened, he would go to Beiluzhou.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's originally anxious heart was slightly relieved.

Two months later, the two left Yinwuling together.

But halfway, Meng Jian suddenly received a sound transmission note, and hurriedly said goodbye to Mo Xun.

However, Mo Xun's goal had been achieved, and he knew almost everything he should inquire about, so there was no need to go together again.

His destination this time was Qiutian City.

This city was not far from the ancient teleportation array he was going to, and it was most suitable for hiding in it.

A month later, after a simple disguise, Mo Xun finally stepped into this city of magic cultivators.

At this time, his cultivation was also suppressed to the late stage of foundation building.

The reason for doing this was mainly due to two considerations.

Whether it was Nanjiang or the magic way, once you entered the Jindan stage, you are considered a high-level cultivator, so no matter where you go, it is inevitable that you will attract attention.

On the other hand, he planned to open a small shop in the city.

Since he was going to open a shop, the identity of the foundation-building period was obviously the most suitable.

The Demon Dao city was similar to that in the southern border, except for the scale and prosperity.

Qiu Tiancheng was backed by the Yuanying Sect, and with the foundation of the Tuoluo Sect, in terms of history and scale, it was not comparable to the Chaotian City he built.

The environment of the entire Demon Dao was very different from that of the southern border.

The cultivators here were roughly divided into two categories. One category cultivated spiritual energy, and then converted it into demonic energy to attack through the magic techniques.

This type of cultivator was also the most numerous.

The other category directly absorbed demonic energy to practice.

Therefore, the entire Demon Dao was a mixture of spiritual energy and demonic energy.

The source of those demonic energies was not like the spiritual veins. It was said that every Yuanying Sect had a demon corpse buried underground.

Few people knew what this demon corpse was.

But it was precisely because these demon corpses constantly polluted the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins that caused the current situation.

But for some reason, the demonic energy has become increasingly thinner in the past thousand years, causing many demons to cultivate spiritual energy.

In this way, not only will the cultivation speed drop sharply, but it will also cause the internal aura to be mottled.

The concentration of mana will also be greatly reduced!

It is said that the most ancient demon cultivators should only cultivate demonic energy, so how could they use spiritual energy to transform?

According to the current development trend, maybe in another one or two thousand years, the Tongtian Demon Corpse will completely lose its effectiveness.

By that time, it is probably the time when the demon cultivators will completely disappear.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this life-and-death situation that the Demonic Path will go all out to open the ancient teleportation array and invite the Demon Lord to come.

It seems that in Beiluzhou, not only is there a complete Demonic Path inheritance, but there are also Demonic veins.

The people in the Demonic Venerable Hall are looking forward to it, waiting for the Demonic Venerable to transplant the Demonic Vein.

However, these people have never thought that although they practice the same demonic energy, they are completely different races.

Even if the demonic skills are practiced to a higher level, they cannot escape the imprint of the human race.

It is really difficult to say whether it will be a blessing or a disaster at that time.

Of course, there are also sober people here. The Tiandao League was able to place an insider in the Demonic Venerable Hall based on this point.

But these people are really insignificant and can't influence the situation at all.

Although Qiutian City is roughly the same as the Nanjiang city, there are still some subtle differences.

For example, the most sold thing in Dan Pavilion is not the cultivation pills, but the ones that dispel the evil spirits.

Demonic energy is different from spiritual energy. Although it is more domineering and powerful, it is not pure enough. In addition, due to the defects of the human body, it often breeds evil energy during cultivation. Over time, the accumulated evil energy will affect the mind.

This is the so-called becoming a demon!

Whether it is Nanjiang or Xihezhou, why do they hate the demons so much? It is because the demon cultivators are affected by the evil energy and like to commit murder.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the business that Mo Xun is going to do.

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