Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1049 Half a glass of wine

From the jade slips left by Zhulong, he did find two wine recipes. If they are slightly improved, they can have the effect of dispelling evil spirits and calming the mind.

In this case, why not open a wine shop!

Business is secondary, the key is to have a disguised identity.

In addition to spirit stones, the transactions here also include a special magic crystal.

This magic crystal is not mined, but the magic cultivators use their true essence to seal the magic energy in special crystals during the cultivation process.

If others practice, they can directly absorb the magic energy in the crystals.

Magic crystals are also divided into grades, but even the lowest grade is at least equivalent to mid-level spirit stones.

However, for magic cultivators, they often prefer to barter, so auctions are not popular, but various exchange meetings are often held.

Walking on the streets of Qiutian City, you can see all kinds of pedestrians dressed strangely everywhere.

The magic cultivators on the front line of the Heavenly Demon War mainly wear black and gray clothes, which made Mo Xun originally think that magic cultivators like darkness.

But in fact, there are also some brightly colored ones.

Many people like to wear masks or veils, and their clothes are peculiar, and they are more inclined to exotic colors.

The buildings are also very distinctive. Unlike the brick and wood structures in southern Xinjiang, most of them are made of long huge stones.

It turns out that there are beauties in the magic path. This is the most direct change for Mo Xun.

After going to the patrol city department to apply for the identity jade card, it took two days for Mo Xun to buy a shop at the end of an alley.

The shop is not eye-catching, but the place is quite large.

Especially the backyard, there is enough space for him to practice.

This time, he is both an undercover and a heart-refining agent.

Since he started practicing, except for a leisurely time in the Tiankui Realm, he has not entered the world to cultivate his heart.

Twenty years of time, not seeking to improve his cultivation, only to settle his realm.

Throwing Bai Ze out to clean up, Mo Xun began to arrange the formation alone.

A prosperous place is not like a cave in the mountains, and you have to be careful about everything.

There is no Yuanying cultivator in the entire Qiutian City. If he does not deliberately reveal it, it will not be a problem to hide it.

A month later, a wine shop named "Tiankui Wine House" quietly opened its doors.

The reason why it took so long was mainly because it takes time to make wine.

The process of improving the wine recipe was very smooth, thanks to the many wine-making experiences left by Zhulong, and he was already an accomplished alchemist who knew the efficacy of spiritual herbs very well, so he soon brewed the first jar of spiritual wine.

He gave the spiritual wine a popular name, "Half Cup"!

As the name suggests, you only need to drink half a cup to taste the beauty of it.

I dare not say that it has improved my cultivation, but it definitely has a good effect on removing evil spirits.

In the first seven days of opening, basically no one was interested.

Mo Xun was not in a hurry. On weekdays, he left Bai Ze outside to sell wine, and he studied the "Six Purities Transformation Yang Technique" he had obtained in the secret room in the backyard.

After all, the matter of Li Qingying was a pain in his heart.

No matter what the result was, he would always give it a try.

Deep in the demonic world, he would not miss this opportunity. Whenever he had time, he would go around the city.

His purpose was to collect ancient demon cultivation books.

Since this secret method of transforming into Yang was related to the demon clan, and the gourd magic weapon was needed to revive the dead, perhaps some relevant words could be found in the texts left by the ancient demon cultivators.

That day, Mo Xun bought a few jade slips and returned to the store as usual.

The difference was that there was an extra man inside.

This man looked young, and he looked to be in his thirties or forties, but his cultivation was not low, and he was in the early stage of Jindan.

As soon as Mo Xun entered the door, Bai Ze behind the counter came over.

"Uncle, that person has been waiting for you in the store for a day."

Mo Xun nodded gently, indicating that he knew.

Then, the man smiled and stood up from the stool.

"May I ask if you are the owner of Tiankui Restaurant?"

Since the other person had spoken, Mo Xun could not avoid it, and immediately walked over and performed a Taoist salute.

"That's right, do you have any instructions?"

The other party made a gesture of invitation and invited Mo Xun to sit next to him.

"I am Gu Yan, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion. May I know your name?"

"Mo Fan!"

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Mo. Gu happened to pass by today. Because I saw a new wine shop opened here, and the name of the wine on it was quite unique, I came in to taste a cup. I never thought that this wine, in addition to its strong fragrance, could actually dispel evil spirits and calm the spirit. I wanted to see with my own eyes how the owner of this place brewed such a fine wine."

Since his cultivation was suppressed to the foundation building stage, Mo Xun naturally knew how to be restrained.

He smiled respectfully and said, "Senior, you are too kind. After all, it's just food."

Gu Yan waved his hand.

"To be honest with you, Fellow Daoist, Gu has been pondering the art of wine for hundreds of years and has drunk a lot of spiritual wine, but this is the first time I have seen someone combine spiritual wine with the evil spirit pill. This mastery of pharmacology alone is not inferior to many alchemists I have seen."

Mo Xun smiled but said nothing.

Gu Yan pondered for a moment and spoke again.

"Gu, let me speak directly. I have an unwelcome request, and I hope you can fulfill it."

"Please speak, senior!"

"Gu is willing to pay a high price to buy the recipe of your half cup of wine. Of course, Gu can swear to his inner demon that once I get the recipe, I will never disclose it to anyone else. You can still sell wine here..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Mo Xun interrupted with a smile.

"Senior, please forgive me. This recipe of mine comes from my master. Without my master's approval, I dare not easily pass it on."

From the moment he took out "half a glass" of wine, Mo Xun knew that sooner or later someone would miss this thing.

But since he dares to sell, he is not afraid.

Gu Yan frowned slightly and stared at Mo Xun intently.

The two looked at each other, and Gu Yan actually had the illusion that although the other party was respectful, he was obviously not afraid.

Facing the demands of a Core Formation cultivator, even at the peak of Foundation Establishment, it would be difficult to remain calm.

But Mo Xun's expression showed no ripples in Gujing.

This situation can only be due to two reasons.

Either the other party has strength that is not afraid of him, or he has something to rely on.

Gu Yan immediately noticed the "family teacher" in Mo Xun's mouth!

"I don't know your master's surname, but are you an elder of the Nine Sects? If possible, my dear fellow Taoist, please come out and see me. Perhaps after seeing Gu's sincerity, your master will agree to my request."

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head.

"I am afraid that this matter will disappoint the senior. My master's whereabouts are always difficult to determine. If he wants to see the junior, he will come to look for me. But for the junior to find him, it will be harder than reaching the sky... But senior Don’t worry, the junior will inform the senior of the request when the master shows up next time.”

Anyone who heard this would know it was an excuse.

Gu Yan's face gradually darkened.

As an elder of the City Lord's Mansion, he certainly has the right to be proud.

He thought he had lowered his attitude enough to face such a junior, but the other party didn't seem to buy it.

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