Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1050 Recruiting store staff

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The little girl Bai Ze stood behind the counter, quickly shrunk her neck, picked up the abacus on the table, and blocked her forehead.

But she seemed to be afraid of missing something good, and opened her curious eyes, looking carefully through the abacus beads.

A playful sneer appeared on Gu Yan's mouth.

"Don't you want to hear the conditions?"

Mo Xun was not humble on the surface, he knew that such people would jump out sooner or later, it was a matter of sooner or later.

If they were sent away quietly this time, there would be a second group, a third group later...

It was better to solve it all at once!

"Sorry, not interested!"

The two words "no" completely angered the Jindan cultivator in front of him.

Gu Yan sneered, I don't know how many years it has been, I didn't expect to meet such a backboned young man again.

The air around him seemed to be frozen at this moment.

A chill emanated from Gu Yan.

The powerful pressure, like an invisible shackle falling from the sky, blew the hair on Mo Xun's head.

The long collar of his clothes also swayed gently.

Even the tables and chairs beside him seemed to be unable to withstand this pressure and would collapse and shatter at any time.

At this moment, a cold snort came from upstairs.

"What a great prestige!"

As the voice fell, the pressure lingering around Mo Xun was like ice encountering a raging fire, melting and dissipating in an instant.

The voice was a bit old and not very loud, but it sounded like the rumbling of bells and drums in the ears.

Every word struck the heart, as if it could break the heart veins.

Gu Yan's face also changed.

At the same time, a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, and his body staggered back a few steps, almost falling to the ground.

Then came another more turbulent pressure.

Like a tide!

Gu Yan was so frightened that even his breathing was stagnant.

Under this pressure, he dared not move.

It was as if there was a pair of invisible eyes hunting behind him.

He was sure that as long as he moved his fingers at this moment, his life would be over here today.

Mo Xun hurriedly bowed his hands to the top of his head.

"Master, please calm down. This senior Gu just wants to make a deal with me!"

The vicissitudes and ethereal voice came from the second floor again.

"Oh? Is that true?"

This time, Gu Yan nodded hurriedly without waiting for Mo Xun to speak.

"That's right, I just want to get a pot of wine, and I don't have any malicious intentions!"

What no one noticed was that in just a moment, a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead, and even his back was wet with cold sweat.

How long has it been since he experienced this kind of fear of death.

"I hope so!"

Then the pressure was withdrawn, just like it appeared, it came and went in a hurry, and there was no sound upstairs.

Feeling the danger was lifted, Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

He had never expected that the "master" mentioned by Mo Xun was just an excuse, but the next moment, he really showed up.

He did not clearly sense the other party's realm, nor did he dare to use his spiritual sense to investigate casually.

But with his experience, he was sure that it was at least the late stage of Jindan, or even the peak.

He did not dare to guess the Nascent Soul, because he had never felt the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm.

But thinking from another angle, this guess may not be accurate.

With the other party's cultivation, if he wanted to warn him of an early stage of Jindan, he did not need to use the Spirit Realm.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan shuddered again unconsciously.

In any case, the backers of this Tiankui Restaurant were not something he could provoke at all.

Mo Xun looked at Gu Yan, who was still in a daze, and smiled.

"Senior Gu, do you need more wine?"

Mo Xun's face still maintained the same respect, as well as that calmness and composure, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Yan nodded awkwardly and handed over the gourd on his waist.

"Thank you!"

He didn't want to stay in this place any longer.

Although he was very greedy for the mysterious wine recipe, he could only give up this thought.

Nothing is more important than life!

Gu Yan paid the spirit stone and left in fear.

Bai Ze suddenly jumped out from nowhere and asked curiously: "Uncle, who is the old man upstairs?"

Mo Xun smiled and habitually patted the little girl's head.

"You will know if you go up and take a look!"

The person upstairs was naturally just a trick of Mo Xun.

Before entering the store, he asked his incarnation to lurk on the second floor. With the incarnation's current peak Jindan strength, it is no problem to scare a Jindan early stage.

Such a small episode passed by in a calm manner.

But the impact of this matter gradually emerged in the next few days.

First, there were rumors from the outside world that the newly opened "Tiankui Restaurant" sold a kind of spiritual wine that could dispel evil spirits.

Then there were rumors that the mastermind behind this restaurant was a powerful cultivator.

As for how powerful he was, some said he was in the late Jindan stage, while others said he was a Yuanying cultivator.

In just a few days, the reputation of the restaurant spread to most of Qiutian City.

Among the visitors, some came to find out the truth and wanted to see which senior was in charge of the restaurant.

Everyone was curious!

Especially for high-level cultivators, many people sneered at this and did not think that such senior masters would condescend to run a wine shop.

Of course, there are also those who come specifically for "half a glass of wine".

For demon cultivators, evil spirits are a major obstacle to cultivation.

Often, if you are not careful, you may lose your mind and go astray in cultivation.

In any case, "Tiankui Restaurant" has become the focus of heated discussion in Qiutian City in a very short time.

As for business, it has completely bid farewell to the previous lack of interest.

Not only that, it was sold out on the third day.

For this reason, Mo Xun waved his hand and set the business hours from afternoon to evening every day, and only opened for three hours.

Even so, more and more drinkers were attracted.

Every time business hours came, Bai Ze started to be busy.

One person was responsible for entertaining, pouring wine, calculating bills, collecting money, and cleaning the shop inside and out after finishing the work.

The poor little girl was only 11 or 12 years old, but she had to work as a waiter and accountant, and had to carry wine jars back and forth from time to time.

As for Mo Xun, he would definitely not help.

Are you kidding? How could he, a Yuanying ancestor, bow and scrape to sell wine for others?

Until the fifth day, the little girl finally gave up.

After all, she was a legendary beast that people respected and feared, and she was so cute, how could she do such hard labor?

There was no other way, Mo Xun could only post a notice at the door.

"Recruiting shop assistants!"


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