Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1051 Qian Si Niang

The next day, there was a young and beautiful girl in the store.

Bai Ze found the girl. She came to apply for the job the night the notice was posted.

The girl was eighteen or nineteen years old. Her name was Qian Si Niang. She looked weak and had no cultivation.

It was said that her husband had just died and there was no one left in her family. She was desperate and came to apply for the job with the attitude of giving it a try.

Although Bai Ze was not big, he was sentimental.

Hearing Qian Si Niang's miserable experience, he immediately decided to hire her and wiped two tears before she died.

However, Mo Xun's eyes were very cunning. The moment Qian Si Niang moved in, he found that this woman was not simple.

Not having cultivation did not mean that she was not a cultivator.

Because there was another way to practice, that was body training.

Mo Xun was originally an eighth-level horizontal training expert, and was particularly sensitive to the strength of qi and blood.

He saw at a glance that this woman was a body training cultivator, and her realm was not low, at least reaching the sixth realm.

In the Tiankui Realm, those above the Sixth Realm can be called Grandmasters.

In terms of combat strength, it is no less than that of the early stage of Jindan.

Such a hidden master came here to serve tea and water to people. No one would believe that he had no other intentions.

But Mo Xun did not point it out.

Since returning to Southern Xinjiang, this is the first time he has encountered a body cultivator, and his realm is still so high.

This inevitably aroused his great interest!

It seems that this place of magic is much more interesting than he expected.

The business has opened up sales, and Mo Xun is still busy with his own affairs as usual.

During the day, he went out to walk around the city, inquire about the information he needs, occasionally participate in two exchanges of foundation-building cultivators, or meet the elders of the City Lord's Mansion giving lectures, he will also go to join in the fun.

It feels like a small foundation-building cultivator who does business while not forgetting the great way.

Hiding in the city is nothing more than this!

As for the night, it is his practice time.

He has a lot of things to do right now. He hasn't even fully comprehended the first level of the "Four Methods Soul-Capturing Spear" yet.

As for the "Heavenly Power Eyes", it can only attack at close range.

This method is not as good as his spiritual consciousness thorn!

If he can cultivate the hallucinogenic effect of the second stage, even if it only makes the opponent lose his mind for a moment, it will be a killer for him.

The "Doppelganger Jue" is a bit lame, and it has not touched the threshold so far.

This is a seemingly simple but extremely profound magical power.

In Mo Xun's opinion, if ten avatars can be achieved in the Nascent Soul stage, it is already the limit.

Another one is the "Teleportation Insect Talisman", which has been used on Feng Ling Zhenren last time, and the effect is not bad.

It's just a little lacking in power.

The famous Ziyou Qingfu only lasted for a dozen breaths before being forced out of the body by Ye Fengling.

If hundreds or thousands of spirit insects can be refined into a jade talisman, I'm afraid there is no need to fight, the battle will be over.

In addition, he also needs to make pills.

Although he has set a plan for himself to consolidate his cultivation for 20 years, every time his strength improves, he will have more confidence when facing the demons in the future.

The several pill recipes obtained in Wuliang Mountain should also come in handy.

As well as the spiritual pill recipe that Fan Xiuzhu exchanged for him, the practice of Jingyuan Gong, the tempering of spiritual consciousness, etc. are all proceeding in an orderly manner.

After the "Zhengyang Leijiaomu" in the green gourd matures, he will also have to dabble in thunder-related exercises.

It's not that he is greedy, but when facing the demon lord in the future, the thunder-related magical power will be used as a trump card to restrain.

Of course, Xuantian True Fire is also one.

He is looking forward to the day when Chi Li breaks out of the cocoon, which will definitely amaze the world.

He plans to use the remaining Baihuan Tianjing to help Nanming Lihuo advance.

But this matter is not urgent yet. This fire has been shelved for ten thousand years, and the fire element breath is weak. If it is hastily reborn, even if it succeeds, its potential may be limited.

And now he needs this fire to help him make pills!

Thinking about these, Mo Xun had a headache.

It seemed that the previous two or three hundred years combined were not as many as what he had to do now.

Even so, Mo Xun still put aside some unurgent things.

Such as the study of the mysterious iron chain.

Last time, by chance, he discovered the secret of the iron chain that trapped the green-tailed centipede, which contained a large number of high-level restrictions.

If he could study it thoroughly or refine it, the heavy iron chain could be used for himself.

This thing looks crude, but if used well, it should be no worse than a spiritual weapon.

Thinking of spiritual weapons, Mo Xun felt itchy.

In the entire Dongsheng Continent, he had never heard of such a magical object.

But I think that Xihezhou can pass down several pieces, and this place also inherits the ancient cultivation, so there is no reason for it to be missing.

Unfortunately, the Tongbao Gun lacks a spirit and can only be used as a dead object.

As for the treasure of Yutian Sword, only a fragment is left now, and it is not known whether Gu Yutian can be restored.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart and closed his eyes again in the secret room.

Such a life passed slowly in a calm manner.

Until one day, a few special guests came to the tavern.

As soon as the gang entered the door, they started smashing things.

The leader was a one-eyed dragon at the peak of the foundation building stage, followed by four or five people, all of whom had at least the cultivation level of the middle stage of the foundation building stage.

Fortunately, Bai Ze ran fast, otherwise he would have been caught as a pet.

The little girl has a way to deal with soul cultivators, but she is not as good as ordinary foundation-building cultivators in real fighting.

She does have some tricks.

Such as the five-element escape technique and various talismans and treasures.

Mo Xun even gave several magic weapons used by Jindan cultivators.

But most of them are mainly for defense or escape, and they are almost not strong offensive.

And Qian Si Niang is even worse.

Mo Xun also admires this woman's patience. She has been here for several months without revealing any flaws.

When Mo Xun rushed back, he found that this woman was actually injured.

The tavern was already in a mess, with broken wine jars and wine pots all over the floor, and no tables, chairs, and benches were intact. Even the sign outside was kicked to pieces.

It seemed that all it needed was a fire to set this place on fire.

"Uncle, those people are too hateful. You must teach them a lesson."

Bai Ze's little face was almost angry.

It was hard for the little girl. She was first drafted by Mo Xun as a soldier for a few days. After Qian Si Niang came, she finally became a small boss who could command people.

But after just a few days, someone came to her door.

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "Didn't I give you the formation flag? Why don't you start the formation?"

Bai Ze opened his mouth and slapped his forehead.

"I forgot!"


Mo Xun's face suddenly darkened.

Although due to environmental restrictions, it is impossible to arrange a very advanced formation.

But with his level of formation, let alone the foundation-building cultivator, even if Gu Yan came last time, he might not be able to get away with it.

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