Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1052 Baiquan Gate

Mo Xun took the recording stone from Bai Ze's hand, and only three words were mentioned on it.


He raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to have heard of this place somewhere, but when he thought about it carefully, he had no impression of it.

Then he turned to Qian Siniang and glanced at the injured shoulder.

There was faint blood oozing out, and it was unknown what kind of weapon had cut it.

"Are you okay?"

Qian Siniang lowered her head and shook her head quickly, with a submissive look, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"Thank you for your concern, senior, it's okay!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly and asked Bai Ze to take Qian Siniang upstairs to stop the bleeding, while he went out alone.

This happened so suddenly, and it was obviously not as simple as it seemed.

It is an open secret that there is at least one Danjie monk standing behind him. In this case, there are still people who jump out, either because they are arrogant or... they have other intentions.

Mo Xun shook his head secretly and sighed.

He just wants to be a lurker quietly, why is it so difficult!

Obviously I have warned some people, but there are still some people who are not afraid of death because they want to live longer!

This "Baiquan Gate" is not an unknown place in Qiutian City.

After a little inquiry, I understood what was going on.

The so-called "Baiquan Sect" is not a formal sect, it can barely be regarded as a loosely organized force!

Its sect leader had just entered the elixir formation stage ten years ago.

In the past, it might not even have been on the table.

However, judging from the information I heard, his "Tiankui Restaurant" does have some connection with Baiquanmen.

Because the other party is also a wine seller!

Less than half of the spiritual wines and fine wines in Qiutian City are supplied through Baiquan Gate.

In other words, this is a larger brewery.

In the world of cultivating immortals, making a fortune by making wine is the only one you can do!

Not long after, Mo Xun arrived in front of Baiquan Gate.

This is a tall tower-shaped building built with huge stones, with a total of five floors. It stands out against other buildings in the adjacent streets.

There is a row of thick pillars in front of the door, more than two feet high.

The door is wide open, let alone letting people in, even the Vajra Ape after his transformation can walk around unhindered.

There are two stone sculptures in the shape of tigers and wolves outside the door, which look a bit ferocious.

This kind of sect built in the city was the first time Mo Xun encountered this kind of sect, except for the Red Feather Sect he met in Tiankui Realm last time.

However, this kind of people usually use the guise of a sect to make money.

As for the so-called inheritance, it does not exist at all.

As soon as Mo Xun walked to the door, he was stopped by two Qi Refining monks.

"For what?"

Mo Xun raised his hand and threw the previous recording stone to the opponent.

After one of the Qi Refiners took it, he was surprised for a while. Before he could react, a deep voice came from the tower.

"This is a distinguished guest, so don't be presumptuous!"

The two Qi Refiners were shocked and quickly returned the recording stone to Mo Xun. At the same time, one of them hurriedly walked in front to lead the way.

Mo Xun originally thought it would be empty inside, but when he entered, he first saw a row of shelves.

There are some spiritual elixirs and magic weapons scattered on it, and there is a man and a woman at the moment, seeming to be choosing something.

Just looking at the demeanor of the two of them, they looked a little sneaky.

Mo Xun glanced at it casually, thinking that this Baiquanmen also sells elixirs part-time!

Just as he was doubting, a female Qi-refining cultivator suddenly stopped in front of him. She came closer and whispered: "Senior, do you need something? Our store has just received a batch of high-quality furnace cauldrons. I wonder if Senior is interested. They are all pure water." groom."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, the man leading the way turned around and pushed the female cultivator away.

"Go on, this is the distinguished guest invited by the sect master!"

The female cultivator staggered and almost fell, but she was not annoyed. She just looked at Mo Xun thoughtfully, then turned and left.

The man continued to lead the way.

Mo Xun seemed to understand something.

This Baiquanmen mostly operates transactions similar to the black market.

Everything sold inside should not be visible to the light.

No wonder there are two people guarding the door!

Going up to the second floor, Mo Xun encountered several low-level monks who were wrapped tightly with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Most of these people were walking in a hurry, as if they were afraid of being noticed.

The man leading the way saw Mo Xun stopping and stopped too.

"Hehe... Since the senior is the distinguished guest of the sect master, the junior might as well reveal a few words..."

Having said this, the man suddenly lowered his voice and looked around carefully.

"This is our sect's Gaowu Hall, here to help people... this!"

As the man spoke, he stretched out his palm and scratched his neck!

"If senior is in need, junior can serve as a recommender. No matter what the background of the enemy is, he can help you do it cleanly."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that he had hired a murderer to kill someone!

He touched his chin secretly and said in his mind, "It's interesting."

This so-called Baiquan Sect is completely an underground organization that cannot be brought to the forefront.

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"Thank you very much!"

The two continued through the hall and headed upstairs.

When he reached a door on the top floor, the man stopped and was about to reach out to knock on the door, but he never thought that the door would open on its own.

Immediately afterwards, a monk at the peak of Foundation Establishment walked out of it.

This man was extremely ugly, as if he had been disfigured by something, with half of his face sunken.

One of his eyes was left with only the eye socket.

There was no hair on his head, and the exposed top of his head was covered with bumps, like a toad.

The first time Mo Xun saw this man, he recognized him.

This was the one-eyed man who took the lead in smashing his shop as Bai Ze said.

The one-eyed man first looked Mo Xun up and down, and then asked coldly: "Are you the boss of that half glass of wine?"

Mo Xun ignored him at all, and his body shook, and a circle of magic power suddenly swung out, directly shocking the man back several steps.

After doing all this, he walked in as if nothing had happened.

The one-eyed man obviously didn't expect Mo Xun to suddenly attack. After a little surprise, he cursed "bastard" and raised his hand to slap Mo Xun.

What a joke! A late foundation-building cultivator dared to attack him, a fake elixir cultivator, and in his territory. How desperate was he to do that!

Just as the palm wind was gathering, a rebuke rang in the ears of both of them.

"How dare you! Get out of here!"

The one-eyed dragon immediately stood still, still moving forward.

But his aura had been reduced by more than half.

Then he could only grit his teeth in hatred and retreat back to his original position with his fists clenched.

The source of the voice was a middle-aged male cultivator a few steps away.

This person was wearing a purple robe with gold edges, and his clothes were quite luxurious. At this moment, he was leaning against a chair in front of him.

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