Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1055: Initiation Conditions

Immediately afterwards, we saw that he had placed a circle of soundproofing restrictions around without leaving any trace.

However, this method is somewhat ineffective in the face of Mo Xun's spiritual consciousness, which is comparable to the late Nascent Soul.

"I wonder, brother, have you ever heard of demonic energy initiation?"

When Mo Xun heard this, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he really thought of whatever he was thinking.

Just now, he guessed that the method the other party mentioned was probably this, but he didn't expect that he guessed it right.

Just listen to the incarnation speak slowly, although the tone is calm, the mana fluctuations on the body are a little messy.

"I have heard about it. I heard that this is an untold secret of the nine major sects. Only direct disciples or those who have made great contributions to the sect can receive the true initiation. Once successful, the golden elixir can be easily condensed. ”

Zuo Jin chuckled.

"Brother Dao, what you say is right, but wrong...actually it's not right either. To put it simply, you only know one, but don't know the other!"

The incarnation said softly "Oh" and his breath had calmed down.

"Appreciate further details!"

Zuo Jin didn't show off any more.

"First of all, demonic energy initiation can not only help foundation-building monks to form elixirs, but also elixir-forming monks like you and me can also use it to condense the Nascent Soul!"

When he said this, Zuo Jin's eyes clearly showed some fanaticism.

But Mo Xun frowned after hearing this.

It seems that due to the geographical barrier between the two parties, many messages have changed a bit after being transmitted.

The first time he heard about demonic empowerment was from Situ Zhang.

This person from the Situ family who had defected to southern Xinjiang said that demonic energy initiation can help conceive a baby, but it can only be done by the demon master himself.

From this point of view, either Situ Zhang did not know the inside story, or he lied deliberately.

Both of these situations are actually possible.

First of all, the Situ family is not an orthodox demon.

Demon Zuntang would naturally be wary of such a person who surrendered midway, and it was reasonable for him not to tell the real situation.

Another possibility is that Situ Zhang lied at that time.

The purpose is to seduce the Zong family to serve, so that the brothers of the Zong family feel that only by sparing no effort to welcome the devil's arrival can they cultivate the Nascent Soul.

As for which situation it is, it is no longer possible to find out.

The second time Mo Xun heard the demonic empowerment, it was from Master Xunyang, the upper echelon of the Tiandao Alliance.

Most information about the Tiandao Alliance is obtained through spies placed inside the Demonic Dao.

The cultivation level of these spies is often uneven, or their status is not high, so they cannot get the most real side.

Mo Xunru thought like this and secretly looked at Zuo Jin again.

Of course, one cannot believe everything this person says.

Just listen to Zuo Jin continue to say: "However, compared with the foundation-building condensation golden elixir, the success rate of demonic energy initiation will be smaller when condensing the Nascent Soul, but even so, it is much higher than ordinary people condensing the Nascent Soul. !”

Mo Xun controlled the avatar and nodded gently.

If this method can really help people form elixirs quickly, it can theoretically also form babies.

"The second point that Brother Dao is wrong about is the conditions for the Demonic Energy Initiation. In the past, it was indeed extremely harsh. Even many powerful elders of the sect may not be able to get the quota. But now the conflict with the Tiandao Alliance is getting increasingly serious. It is fierce. Not only are a large number of low-level monks killed on the front line every day, but the death rate of mid-level and high-level monks is also gradually increasing. I wonder if you have heard that just a few months ago, one of our troops died in one day. An elder called Nascent Soul destroyed a person’s body.”

Mo Xun thought to himself, could he not know?

He did this!

Right now, there is a Nascent Soul imprisoned in his green gourd!

Zuo Jin continued with a heavy face: "Based on this situation, after discussions at the Demon Lord Hall, the requirements for demonic energy initiation have been greatly reduced. It is necessary to cultivate more high-level monks in the short term. If Zuo hadn't The realm is not enough, I’m afraid I’m already preparing for retreat.”

Mo Xun frowned secretly. This news was obviously not very beneficial to the Tiandao Alliance.

This time he was lurking in the demonic path. In addition to trying to intercept the demon lord when the ancient teleportation array was activated, he also had another mission.

That is gathering intelligence!

It seems that after this incident, he will have to contact the Anzi installed in Qiutian City by the Tiandao Alliance.

Now that the two sides of Heaven and Demon are at war, they are extremely vigilant against each other.

No matter whether it is a sect or a large city, there are formations to intercept long-distance sound transmission.

Therefore, ordinary transmission talismans cannot transmit messages, and even one's whereabouts may be revealed if one is not careful.

As for the word "short term" mentioned by Zuo Jin, Mo Xun didn't think it could be that short term.

No matter how fast the Nascent Soul is condensed, even if there is external help, it will definitely take several years.

But these things are not his thing to worry about.

As long as the news is sent out, there will be many talents in the Tiandao Alliance and they will have their own countermeasures.

Mo Xun controlled the avatar and asked: "So, I also have a chance to get this inheritance?"

Zuo Jin smiled and said nothing, neither said yes nor shook his head in the negative.

After a while, he spoke again.

"Brother Taoist is right to say that. Zuo invited Brother Tao here this time to discuss this matter..."

Zuo Jin paused for a moment.

"Let's put it this way, although the Nine Sects have relaxed restrictions at the request of the Demon Lord Hall, there are still some conditions that must be observed."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What conditions?"

"Of course it is a contribution to our demon sect. You know, this is turning the pill into an infant. Many people dare not even think about it. The nine sects of the demon sect will naturally restrict it."

When he said this, Zuo Jin suddenly became serious.

"Brother Dao, what do you think we have been practicing hard for hundreds of years? Isn't it just to hope for a long life and to ascend to the upper realm one day? But if we can't even get over the hurdle of the Nascent Soul, how can we talk about ascending?"

If it were someone who didn't know why, he might be tempted.

From the Danjie to the Nascent Soul, the life span almost doubled.

In other words, it is five or six hundred years.

The temptation alone is enough to make people crazy.

However, Mo Xun still quite agrees with Xun Yang Zhenren's analysis at the beginning.

People who use demonic energy to infuse their heads often don't go far.

For example, when the foundation is built and the Danjie is entered, when he condenses the Nascent Soul one day, it will be several times or even dozens of times more difficult than ordinary people.

In fact, it is inevitable to think about it. Any shortcut has a price.

"According to you, what does it mean to contribute to the Demon Sect?"

When Mo Xun asked this question, he had already started to sneer in his heart.

Although this fat Zuo is fat, he is really not simple.

It seems that the topic was brought to him unconsciously.

Zuo Jin answered calmly.

"There are many ways, such as going to the front line of the battle between the gods and demons to kill the enemy."

Mo Xun nodded secretly in his heart. This result is similar to what he guessed.

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