Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1056 Mission Impossible

In other words, if you want to be recognized by the Demonic Hall and receive the demonic initiation that only the nine major sects have, you have to submit a certificate.

After killing a group of monks from southern Xinjiang, we can talk about the initiation.

And it is not difficult to guess that the price is certainly not low.

In fact, if you think about it, it makes sense!

You are a casual cultivator of unknown origin, why should someone help you advance?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun felt somewhat disappointed.

I originally wanted to use Zuo Jin's line to sneak into Tuoluomen, but it seemed a bit whimsical.

"Besides this, is there any other way?"

Zuo Jin nodded.

"Yes! But according to Zuo, with Brother Dao's cultivation, you can definitely try this method. As long as you kill more than ten opponents of the same level, you will be recognized by the Demon Lord Hall. By then, regardless of any of the nine sects, Everyone in the family has the obligation to help Taoist brother advance."

Mo Xun shook his head gently.

"I'm afraid Zuo Daoyou doesn't know that the reason why I have been wandering all these years without choosing any force to join is that besides not liking the environment in the sect, I also don't want to get involved in the battle between the heaven and the demon. I am just a person. A small person who seeks the Dao does not understand the difference between Dao and Dao, and he is not willing to sacrifice his life for anyone. Moreover, how can it be so easy to kill someone of the same level? If he is not careful, he may be dead before the Demon Lord Hall approves it. ...This deal is not a good deal!”

Zuo Jin laughed, thinking that after saying so much, wasn't he just afraid of death?

"Then there is only the second way!"

Mo Xun didn't speak, waiting for the other party's follow-up.

"This method is not that dangerous, but it may be a little more troublesome. Of course, if brother Taoist is lucky, it may be faster than the first method."

Mo Xun's expression moved slightly, and he became a little more interested.


Zuo Jin stared, as if he wanted to see through the bamboo hat in front of him to see what the other person looked like.

But under the bamboo hat, there is a black veil.

Around the veil, black demonic energy was faintly flowing, blocking out all spiritual exploration.

Even without this barrier, Zuo Jin would not take the risk of checking at will.

Since people hide their faces, they don’t want you to see them.

Forced to spy, if you encounter someone with a bad temper, you might have to have a life-or-death duel.

In the world of immortality, there are many people with weird tempers.

Sometimes, the higher the cultivation level, the more elusive the temperament.

Zuo Jin pondered and said: "It's not difficult at all, just sneak into the hinterland of Southern Xinjiang for Demon Zuntang and get useful information!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun was in a daze.

What is this, Mission Impossible?

He sneaked into the devil's path as a spy, and his opponent recruited him and asked him to hide back again.


Mo Xun was a little embarrassed for a moment, probably because he hadn't recovered from this magical operation.

But this hesitation turned out to be something else in Zuo Jin's eyes.

"Brother Dao, you can rest assured that the Demon Lord Hall will arrange everything for you, including how to change your appearance and how to ensure that the devil's energy is not exposed. As long as Brother Dao is careful, it will be far less dangerous than the front line of the battle."

Mo Xun thought to himself, was this what he was hesitating about?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this proposal is not completely unacceptable.

He has the Tiandao Alliance as his backing. When the time comes, he will communicate with the Holy Spirit and sell some information to the Demon Lord Hall. Then he will be recognized and get the opportunity to be empowered by demonic energy. In this way, he can get into it and figure out what this empowerment technique is. One thing.

This deal can still be done!

As soon as he thought about this, Mo Xun already had a general idea in his mind.

"Fellow Daoist Zuo, what do you mean by the news? If it is the core secret of the Tiandao Alliance, I will be powerless even if I have the means."

Zuo Jin smiled.

"Zuo Mou can't reply to Brother Dao for the time being. As for what the Demon Lord Hall needs Brother Dao to do at that time, Zuo can't guess. However, if Brother Dao agrees, Zuo can make the connection. As for the rest, it will be done It depends on Brother Dao’s ability.”

Having said this, Mo Xun could only ask this much.

This kind of thing is indeed beyond the control of Zuo Jin's level.

"Can I please allow me to think about this matter?"

Zuo Jin nodded in agreement.

"By the way, now that we've finished talking about business, it's time to talk about personal matters!"

Zuo Jin immediately changed his philistine appearance, and the smile at the corner of his mouth even exposed his back molars.

"Brother Taoist, I heard that the half-cup of wine your disciple sold in the wine shop was made by Brother Taoist?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly.

"Are you also interested in this wine?"

"It's natural. Since this wine came out, it can be said to have caused a sensation in half of Qiutian City. Even many elders of our sect have greatly praised the wine's effect of dispelling evil spirits. To be honest, Brother Dao, our sect is the best at alchemy. Elder Wei Tonghai said three good words in a row after drinking this wine. I am afraid that Elder Wei will come to visit him in person soon. "

Mo Xun thought about it and realized that this name was not unfamiliar.

After arriving at Qiutian City, he inquired in detail about every named person in Tuoluomen.

This Wei Tonghai's cultivation level is not high, but his reputation is no worse than that of some Yuan Ying ancestors.

It's just that this person is an alchemy fanatic and is extremely addicted to alchemy.

It is said that this person's cultivation talent is also quite good, but because he has devoted himself to studying alchemy for many years, he has delayed his true path.

The best evil-dispelling elixir currently sold in Qiutian City was written by this person.

Mo Xun did not take advantage of this, but asked with a sneer: "Then what?"

Zuo Jin rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Is this... If Brother Tao is willing to give up, Zuo is willing to buy this wine recipe. Of course, Zuo's promise is the same as Gu Yan's, he will ensure that the wine recipe will not be leaked out, just to satisfy the appetite. That’s all.”

Mo Xun smiled, thinking that Your Excellency's guarantee was nothing!

But this time, he no longer reacted as strongly as last time.

This wine recipe was originally just to hide his identity.

Now that he has made such a big fuss, it has obviously gone against his original intention.

If that's the case, it's better to sell it.

"Yes, but I think you can also see the value and potential of this wine. At present, I am only selling it in Qiutian City, and the supply is limited every day. It's not that I don't want to make money, but I just don't have that much energy to manage it. Once I get along with others Even if I don’t tell you, fellow Daoist Zuo can estimate the profits created by working together to sell half a glass of wine throughout the nine demon sects.”

Zuo Jin nodded quickly, which was also another purpose of his visit this time.

If Half a Glass of Wine can be promoted, the value it will bring will definitely be an astronomical figure.

Demon cultivators do not need to swallow pills when practicing.

But no demonic cultivator can refuse the wine that can dispel evil spirits.

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