Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1059 Return to Wenyuan

The man was dressed in white, probably because he had been out of the sun all year round in the cave, and his skin looked a little pale, but it didn't look sick.

And his cultivation level is not low, he is in the middle stage of pill formation.

The man looked at Mo Xun curiously for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Who are you, Senior Mo from the Tianjian Sect?"

"you know me?"

The man shook his head, but this sentence obviously answered his question.

"Back to senior, I don't know senior, but my master is Master Xunyang. I got the news half a year ago that senior is coming to Qiutian City, and I have been waiting here for a long time!"

As the man spoke, he bowed solemnly to Mo Xun.

This gesture startled the sloppy woman who had just come out of the secret room.

The woman's heart suddenly pounded.

She still knew something about the cultivation and identity of the man in white.

But at this moment, the other party is actually calling a young man who is only in the late stage of foundation building a junior.

In an instant, she reacted.

The one she brought today had hidden cultivation!

Not only that, but he is also very likely to be an ancestor of Nascent Soul.

Thinking of this, the woman immediately shrank her neck with guilt.

On the way here, she said a lot of unscrupulous and obscene things because she didn't know why.

And on several occasions, he made fun of each other by calling him "little brother".

When she thought that she might have teased an ancestor of Nascent Soul, the woman felt a chill on her back.

No wonder he kept a cold face the whole time and didn't say a word.

It turns out to be disdain!

The woman felt uneasy, hoping that Mo Xun would continue to be disdainful of her, but she should not argue with a little person like her.

It seems that from now on, I will have to be more restrained.

Otherwise, one day something bad comes out of his mouth, and he doesn’t even know how he died.

The main reason is that she has been staying in places like Caoshi for these years, and she has been exposed to things that are not on the table. She often talks and does things that are not taboo on meat and vegetables.

After hearing Master Xunyang, Mo Xun probably understood what was going on.

Although he had great autonomy in his actions during this trip to the lurking demonic path, the Tiandao Alliance still made careful arrangements.

"May I have your name?"

The man in white immediately responded respectfully.

"Gui Wenyuan, the third disciple of Master Xunyang, is also the person in charge of the Tiandao Alliance stationed in Qiutian City."

Mo Xun nodded slightly and looked at the white-clothed monk in front of him again.

Although this person has reached the middle stage of pill formation, his demonic energy is not strong.

It seems that after arriving here, in order to hide from others, he started to practice some magic techniques.

"I want to have a message with the Holy Spirit to talk about something. Can you arrange it?"

Gui Wenyuan immediately turned slightly sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

"Senior, come in with junior!"

The two of them immediately walked into the secret room one after the other. When Mo Xun passed by the woman, he smiled playfully because he saw that the woman had her head lowered and she had completely lost her previous wild look.

Although the woman did not see Mo Xun's expression, she relied on her female intuition to feel the teasing gaze.

Perhaps he was born with a character that refused to admit defeat, but he didn't know what to think at this moment, but he suddenly raised his head.

The two people were less than a foot apart, and their eyes just met.

Seeing the rather provocative look in the woman's eyes, Mo Xun was stunned for a moment.

But soon, he calmed down and walked into the secret room.

As the stone door fell, the woman was left outside.

Only then did Mo Xun notice that in addition to the other caves, there were also several deep passages leading to unknown directions.

Under the leadership of Gui Wenyuan, they finally came to a place full of magic circles.

"Senior, in this formation, you can directly communicate with Southern Xinjiang. This formation can not only block outside detection, but also has the effect of the Wanli Talisman."

Mo Xun looked around and saw complicated runes carved on the ground and walls.

These runes are connected together and extend to eight corners.

In the void near every corner, you can faintly feel the traces of the formation flag hiding.

Mo Xun's current formation attainments are already extremely profound.

Because of the heavenly runes, it can barely be considered an introduction to the runes.

But even if it was like this, it was still in the fog for him to see.

However, he believed that as long as he was given a certain amount of time, he would be able to study this talisman formation thoroughly.

I saw Gui Wenyuan take out a high-level spirit stone and throw it into the activation pool accurately.

Immediately afterwards, with Mo Xun's feet as the center, red light radiated out in all directions along the rune grooves.

It spreads to eight directions.

Like blood, it quickly filled all the rune spaces.

The hidden formation flags all around were gradually revealed, shining brilliantly under the red light.

On a stone platform about three feet high in front of Mo Xun, a white vortex suddenly rose up.

There was total darkness in the vortex, as if it was leading to some unknown space.

Gui Wenyuan raised his hand and threw in a talisman, and then walked out consciously.

But just a few dozen breaths later, there was a noise in his ears.

Vaguely, you can hear someone talking inside.

Then, the voice of the real Holy Spirit came over, but listening to his breath, it seemed a little messy.

Looks like he was injured!

"But Fellow Daoist Mo?"

The tone of Holy Spirit's real person was full of exhaustion.

Mo Xun didn't know what happened over there. While being surprised by the mystery of the magic circle, he casually set up a soundproof ban around him, and then briefly recounted what happened after arriving in Qiutian City.

Especially the agreement reached with Zuo Jin!

About an incense stick later, the magic circle light disappeared, and Mo Xun also left the secret room.

There was more worry between his eyebrows.

The advice given by the Holy Spirit to him was to agree to the request of Tuoluomen, and the Tiandao League would cooperate with him to break into the Demon Lord Hall.

But the dangers involved had to be determined by himself.

To be honest, Mo Xun was somewhat reluctant to take this job.

It was no problem for him to agree to become the Demon Dao's internal response.

But breaking into the Demon Lord Hall was obviously unrealistic.

He didn't think he was invincible and could handle the Demon Lord Hall full of Nascent Souls with ease.

But he didn't agree hastily, just said he would consider it.

But the Holy Spirit waved his hand and directly gave him a condition that was hard to refuse.

That is, after the Gu Yue Sect was destroyed, the sphere of influence left behind could be allocated to the Tian Jian Sect.

In other words, the Tian Jian Sect could open a branch!

If it were the elders of other sects, they would probably be tempted.

But Mo Xun is different. He is not pursuing how big the territory is or how strong the influence is.

Sometimes, he even feels that the sect will become a burden to him.


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