Furthermore, since his trip to the Northern Desert Island, he always had a bad feeling, so he left a backup plan in the boundless sea.

Even the sect’s recruitment of disciples has stopped!

The entire Tianjian Sect can be said to be in a semi-closed state at the moment.

Once the demons attack, he is ready to flee Tianjian Mountain with only a few thousand disciples.

In other words, if he doesn't even want a sect, how can he expand his territory?

After leaving the secret room, the woman outside the door was fiddling with her nails in a bored manner.

Mo Xun suddenly stopped Gui Wenyuan and asked via voice transmission: "What's that woman's name?"

"This girl's name is Lan Xin. She was born in the Yue Kingdom. She came here more than a hundred years ago. It can be said that she grew up here. Her father Lan Yue was one of the first people to lurk here. After Lan Yue's death, Lan Xin became our secret agent."

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment.

"If I take her away, will it have any impact on you?"

Gui Wenyuan smiled generously and said: "Of course there is no problem with this. She is also a poor person. During the war between the demons more than two hundred years ago, the Lan family was originally a large family of immortal cultivators on Spirit Beast Mountain. It was precisely because of the invasion of demons that they The Lan family died and dispersed, and only her father was left. Later, Lan Yue and his wife were also killed by the devil while performing a mission. Now she is the only one left in the Lan family. If she can follow Senior Mo, she can be considered as her. An opportunity.”

In a few words, the two of them decided on the woman's next whereabouts.

Poor girl Lan Xin, she was secretly looking forward to never meeting Mo Xun again in the future.

It was really embarrassing for her even if others weren't embarrassed.

Mo Xun asked Gui Wenyuan for this person, not because he had any thoughts about women.

Furthermore, with that yellow face full of pockmarks, no matter how hungry a man is, he will probably not be interested.

According to the negotiations with the Holy Spirit, he would agree to Zuo Jin's suggestion and lurk in southern Xinjiang as a secret agent of the Demon Lord Hall.

And he himself will definitely not go back.

Then you need a spokesperson!

At the moment, he has no one to use, so he can only make do with it first.

Zuo Jin had never seen his true appearance, and even if he discussed it with Demon Lord Hall, he had no intention of revealing his true face.

Then no matter who goes to southern Xinjiang, they can take his place.

Furthermore, even if the time comes to meet the demon spies from southern Xinjiang, Lan Xin can still appear as an agent.

The most important thing is Lan Xin's demonic skills.

If you don't know the basics, you will just think of it as a complete demonic cultivator.

After a while, Miss Lan Xin came to Mo Xun with a depressed look.

When Gui Wenyuan asked her to follow Mo Xun, Lan Xin almost cursed.

I am really afraid of what will happen!

Mo Xun, however, ignored the other party's resentful gaze and just said two words lightly.

"Let's go!"

In the process of returning, Lan Xin was no longer as presumptuous as when she came.

However, he seemed to be holding his breath, and he did not have the respect that low-level monks should have when facing the ancestor of Nascent Soul.

Returning to Lan Xin Magical Artifact, Mo Xun still left the place without saying a word.

"I'll give you a few days to find a suitable way to disappear. The Presbyterian Church will find someone to take over this place. After it's changed, you can come see me at Tiankui Winery."

When they returned to the wine shop, Bai Ze and Qian Siniang were still cleaning up the house.

These two beauties, one big and one small, did it quite smoothly.

In the past few days, the door of the wine shop has been closed due to the closure sign.

But every now and then, someone would knock on the door.

The reputation of a glass half drunk is now completely beaten.

Because of fasting, the monks have long been freed from the shackles of grains.

Many people may not have had a bite of food for decades or hundreds of years, but drinking is indispensable.

Food and wine should always be left as a hobby, otherwise, what’s the point of living!

Therefore, there are many more drunkards in the world of immortality than in the secular world.

As soon as the wine shop closed, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The key is that this kind of wine not only satisfies the appetite, but also helps with cultivation. It is really addictive.

Almost every once in a while, someone would knock on the door.

In the past two days, Bai Ze and Qian Siniang were almost getting angry just trying to explain.

In the end, there was no choice but to activate the formation outside the door, and ignore anyone who called the door.

But on this day, as soon as it got dark, Mo Xun in the training room suddenly opened his eyes.

Someone is attacking the formation!

Mo Xun didn't get up, and his spiritual consciousness immediately swept to the door of the shop.

After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, he frowned slightly.

Soon, Qian Siniang hurriedly opened the store door.

I saw that the person attacking the formation outside the store at this moment was a woman in red.

This woman is not only beautiful in appearance and fair in complexion, but also has an extremely eye-catching figure.

It can be said that the waist is as thin as a willow tree, and the chest is undulating!

The most eye-catching thing is the pair of slender thighs, looming under the red gauze skirt.

The pomegranate skirt cinches the slim waist, and the golden lotus sticks to the small bow boots!

She really has an exquisite and delicate body that even women can envy!

After the store door opened, the woman in red stopped what she was doing.

Looking at the menacing woman, Qian Siniang bravely asked: "Who is this girl and why did she forcefully attack the formation outside the store?"

On the street at dawn, the view is hazy.

The weather began to turn cold, and thick frost and fog floated in Qiutian City.

The woman in red saw that the person who opened the door was a woman, and a woman with a very good appearance. She was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to think of something, and a barely noticeable arc flashed across her mouth.

She secretly complained in her heart, it seems that all men in the world are the same kind of stuff!

No matter how high the realm is, it can't escape the word "lust" after all!

But the woman in front of her didn't seem to have any cultivation!

This is a bit strange. Could it be that the guy is tired of playing with the furnace and wants to taste the taste of ordinary women?

It's really a waste of cultivation. If she had such a dual cultivation partner, she would have formed a pill long ago.

Qian Si Niang saw that the woman in red didn't speak, but just kept looking at her curiously, and her face turned cold.

Just as she was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from her ear.

"Let her in!"

This sentence was naturally said by Mo Xun.

The first time he saw the woman in red, Mo Xun recognized her.

Not by appearance, nor by the aura on her body, but by her proud figure.

In the secret room, Mo Xun calmly looked at the woman in red and asked in confusion: "Which one is your real appearance?"

The woman in red was naturally Lan Xin.

Lan Xin smiled.

"Senior, are you dissatisfied?"

Mo Xun did not dwell on this topic. He was not angry about Lan Xin's attitude, but felt it was just right.

Because the identity he arranged for Lan Xin was his junior sister.

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