Mo Xun briefly explained his plan to Lan Xin.

Of course, if it is too confidential, it will naturally not be revealed.

Not to mention Lan Xin, even at Gui Wenyuan's level, he had no right to know many things.

At this moment, he already regarded Lan Xin as his subordinate.

Although she only learned part of the entire plan, this incredible adventure still made Lan Xin unable to recover for a long time.

Especially after Mo Xun summoned the avatar, he almost shocked the girl and left her speechless!

An incarnation of the peak of pill formation made Lan Xin secretly swallow her saliva.

If she had such a bodyguard, where else in Qiutian City would she not be able to go?

The so-called Nascent Soul cultivator was originally just a vague concept in Lan Xin's mind.

Only now did she understand how powerful this group of people was.

Even the realm of incarnation is a fake baby, so how terrifying should its own strength be?

Feeling the powerful mana fluctuations emanating from the incarnation, Lan Xin secretly exhaled her breath and asked with some uncertainty: "Senior, do you really want to hand him over to me?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly, and at the same time took out the katama tablet and handed it over.

"Because your realm is too low, you cannot directly control the incarnation of this level. You can only use this jade token as a guide, so that it will not cause backlash to you. During this period, you will live in the wine shop first, and on the one hand, you will become familiar with the incarnation. Control, on the other hand, is to let the Demon Lord Hall know your identity in advance to avoid suspicion in the future.”

Lan Xin was like a curious baby, her eyes constantly looking around the avatar.

At this moment, she felt both excited and a little scared.

Nonsense, he suddenly became the owner of such a big murderous weapon, even though he was only on his deathbed, it would be strange not to be excited!

Of course, this also brought great pressure to her.

It was like a toddler who suddenly got an indestructible sword.

If you don't do it right, you may hurt yourself.

However, she is still looking forward to this challenge.

At the same time, I had some untimely thoughts in my mind. I wonder if dual cultivation with the incarnation can also improve the cultivation level?

Lan Xin coughed twice, still feeling a little unsure.

"Senior, has the decision been made?"

Mo Xun corrected him: "Be careful with your title from now on. From now on, I am your senior brother. This incarnation is the master of you and me. Don't let anyone who is interested discover the clues. No matter where you go, you must keep this in mind." ”

Lan Xin nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

But the expression on his face next was a little weird.

"Senior brother...well...are you not afraid that I will take him away?"

While speaking, Lan Xin stretched out her slender finger and lightly poked the Avatar's arm.

It feels soft and very elastic.

Mo Xun sneered.

"You can try it!"

Let Lan Xin take the avatar back to southern Xinjiang, which was his decision after careful consideration.

There must be a secret agent organization of the devil in southern Xinjiang.

Once you lurk back, you will inevitably have to deal with that group of people.

Lan Xin alone may not be able to fully gain the other party's trust.

Of course, it would be the first time for Mo Xunzi to hand over his avatar to someone else for safekeeping.

In addition to the special jade plaque, he had already placed dozens of restrictions in his body.

If it really escapes his control one day, it can only be destroyed.

Lan Xin shivered unconsciously from head to toe when she met Mo Xun's cold eyes.

She smiled coquettishly.

"Senior brother, don't worry, junior sister, I'm not that kind of person!"

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"Okay, I will leave the secret room next door to you for the time being. Help sell wine during the day, and learn to control the avatar at night. When I let you go, you can leave this place. Again, don't forget His current identity!"


In the wine shop, Qian Siniang and Bai Ze were huddled behind the counter, muttering something in a low voice.

From time to time, the two of them would glance at Lan Xin, who was not far away.

Bai Ze frowned and held his chin like a little adult.

"Junior sister... I don't seem to have heard uncle mention it! But uncle has always been a romantic person, so it's not surprising that he recognizes a few junior sisters."

Qian Siniang opened her mouth in confusion.

I thought to myself that I recognized this junior sister. Wasn't it the master's?

She wanted to inquire more, but even though Bai Ze was only in his teens, he was not innocent at all.

Sometimes no matter how insingent she gets, the answer she gets is ambiguous.

This wine shop is very mysterious. This is the most intuitive feeling Qian Siniang has had in months.

A mysterious man, a mysterious little girl, and a mysterious master with powerful magic powers behind him!

"Xiao Bai, how long have you been with senior?"

Bai Ze glanced at Qian Siniang warily.

"Why do you ask?"

Qian Siniang laughed twice.

"It's nothing, I just feel like senior treats you very well!"

Qian Siniang could tell that although the little girl in front of her talked about everything with her on weekdays, she became very wary when she mentioned Mo Xun.

Obviously, people are on guard against her!

Bai Ze raised his mouth.

"Of course, I have helped uncle a lot!"

"Oh? What can you do?"

This is also an issue that Qian Siniang is very concerned about.

She always felt that the little girl was not as simple as she seemed, but she couldn't see any problem.


Bai Ze suddenly remembered Mo Xun's instructions, and immediately lost interest.

As a divine beast with the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth, she wanted to show off in front of this sister Qian.

However, the uncle solemnly warned her not to reveal anything.

It would be great if a group of evil spirits came to patronize now!

At this moment, someone came to buy wine.

The wine shop has resumed business, and Mo Xun went to stroll in the city as usual.

There were only three women left in the shop.

To be precise, there should be two and a half!

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows at Lan Xin in the distance.

"Hey, what are you still sitting for? Don't you see any customers?"

It didn't matter to Bai Ze that there were more people in the shop, but when the two met for the first time, Bai Ze felt insulted.

That woman actually imitated the uncle's way of touching her head.

Touching is fine, and she also pinched her cheeks.

What she couldn't stand the most was that this woman didn't obey her discipline.

Qian Si Niang usually listens to her orders, why doesn't this woman listen to her?

Lan Xin walked to the counter, looked at Bai Ze with a provocative look, and smiled charmingly.

"Little one, if you continue to be so disrespectful, I will spank you?"

"Who is the little one?"

Lan Xin pretended to puff out her chest.

"Ouch! You are not small, even..."

She wanted to habitually say that her hair has not grown out yet, but she felt that this was too rude. If it was not heard by Mo Xun, he would inevitably give another warning, so she could only snort disdainfully.

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