Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1062 Cangwu Mountain

Bai Ze was so angry!

In terms of age, she was much older than Lan Xin.

But after practicing for so long, she could only transform into this appearance.

It was thanks to the unknown demon pill she swallowed that year, otherwise, she might still be just a white and fluffy "little fox".

No, she had to ask the uncle for some pills to grow up as soon as possible.

That's not right!

Can't she make pills by herself?

Thinking of this, Bai Ze immediately made up her mind that when the uncle came back, she must ask for some spiritual medicine.

After sending away the wine seller, Lan Xin felt depressed.

She was a magic weapon shop owner in the late stage of foundation building, but now she became a waiter.

And she was ordered around by a little girl!

Glancing at Qian Si Niang beside her, Lan Xin's mouth suddenly curled up, and she had a teasing thought.

"Hey, you have been with my senior brother for so long, has your body changed in any way?"

Qian Si Niang didn't understand.

"What changes?"

"This... Hehe, you know!"

Qian Si Niang felt a little uncomfortable with her strange eyes, and she didn't seem to hear the other meaning in her words. Then she looked at Bai Ze with some confusion.

"Will your body change after spending a long time with the senior?"

Bai Ze shook his head, also feeling puzzled.

He was muttering in his heart, if she could change, how could she always be so small?

Lan Xin was speechless.

She thought to herself that this Qian Si Niang couldn't be so pure, right?

In her opinion, serving a Yuanying cultivator in bed, even if she was a mortal, should be able to get a lot of benefits.

How could she not feel it?

Then she changed the subject.

"By the way, why didn't you practice?"

When it came to this, it seemed to touch the scar in Qian Si Niang's heart, and she said sadly: "I don't have spiritual roots!"

Lan Xin said "Oh" lightly, and she had obviously guessed this answer a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ze's next words made the two women's eyes widen at the same time.

"What's so difficult about this? You can go to the uncle and ask him to help you grow spiritual roots!"

Lan Xin grabbed Bai Ze's wrist fiercely.

"What did you say? Senior Brother can help people grow spiritual roots?"

Qian Si Niang's heart was also in turmoil. This news was no less than hearing someone come back to life.

It was even more shocking!

For thousands of years in the world of immortal cultivation, any strange things may happen, but it has long been a consensus that only those without spiritual roots cannot cultivate.

It is conceivable how shocking such a sentence would be to the two.

Bai Ze was a little scared by the burning eyes of the two, and at the same time secretly said that it was bad.

Did she say something wrong again?


Bai Ze struggled to break away from Lan Xin, retreating and explaining randomly.

"You heard it wrong, I said that Senior Brother can help people repair their spiritual roots!"

Lan Xin frowned.


Can spiritual roots be repaired?

She had heard of Dantian being broken, Jindan being shattered, and even Yuanying being nirvana.

These legends all mentioned the rumors of repair to some extent.

But I have never heard of anyone whose spiritual roots could be repaired after being damaged!

"Really just repairing?"

Bai Ze nodded quickly, but she was already anxious in her heart. How should she explain when the uncle comes back?

Maybe with the uncle's temper, he will lock her in the green gourd again.

This colorful world is so wonderful, she doesn't want to go back.

Qian Si Niang rarely showed a thoughtful look, but no one noticed that her hands hidden in her sleeves had been silently clenched into fists.

Lan Xin asked a few more questions, but Bai Ze was smart this time and always avoided the question.

The little girl was still wondering, isn't it just a spiritual root, what's the fuss?

Besides, are spiritual roots so important?

She didn't have spiritual roots, but she was still living well, right?

While the women were thinking about their own things, Mo Xun was no longer in Qiutian City.

Having been here for so long, it was time to see the destination of this trip to the magic path.

In Cangwu Mountain, Mo Xun accompanied a wandering cultivator and walked slowly in the mountain alone.

Deep in this mountain was where the ancient teleportation array appeared.

It was also the battlefield where he would fight the Demon Lord twenty years later.

The mountain was lonely and the spiritual energy was quite rich.

Occasionally, some low-level spiritual herbs could be seen, growing scattered on cliffs or near steep cliffs.

As early as decades ago, this place was confined on a large scale, and cultivators were arranged to guard several entrances to the mountain.

In addition, there were many hidden psychedelic arrays arranged in the mountain.

If ordinary people came here, they would most likely get lost in them.

The deeper you go into the mountains, the denser the invisible arrays and restrictions are.

There are some small attack arrays among them, and once you fall into them, it will not be very dangerous.

But if you use magic power to resist, you will be captured by the induction restriction, thus revealing your position.

Soon, Mo Xun came to the vicinity of a barrier.

As the rays of light flowed, he was enveloped by a huge hidden formation.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will only see dense forests and overgrown vegetation.

Even if you fall on the periphery of the barrier, it is difficult for those who do not understand the formation to find its existence. In the end, you will be trapped in the maze by mistake.

If you actively attack the formation, you can immediately attract the nine sects' disciples stationed here.

Deep in the heart of the Demonic Path, there are three ancient teleportation arrays.

Each one is controlled by the Demon Venerable Hall, and then the nine sects monks are deployed to take turns on duty.

Among the resident monks, there is at least one Nascent Soul ancestor.

All this information was mentioned in the top-secret jade slip given to him by the Heavenly Dao League before he came here.

Mo Xun came here today just to familiarize himself with the terrain first.

As for what is inside the barrier, he has no intention of going in for the time being.

The level of this barrier is at least not inferior to an eighth-level formation, or even higher.

If there is no sufficient preparation, it will inevitably alarm the people inside.

But just when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a familiar fluctuation of mana.

Mo Xun hurriedly took two steps back and leaned against a big tree.

Then he saw that his whole person was integrated with the tree in no way different, and even his breath was restrained to the extreme.

This trick was learned from Gu Qingqing.

After a few breaths, a figure flew over his head.

This person is Zuo Jin!

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun cast an invisibility spell and followed quietly.

Not long after, Zuo Jin landed on the ground.

In the trees not far away, a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan was sitting cross-legged.

Behind the cultivator, the formation fluctuations on the barrier were slightly different from those in other places.

Zuo Jin first took out a jade card to show the other party, and then squeezed it hard, and a circle of light blue light suddenly lingered on his body.

Then, he disappeared outside the barrier.

Mo Xun hurriedly communicated with Lu Wushen with his spiritual consciousness, and then he quietly retreated thousands of feet away.

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