Lan Xin looked at Mo Xun with a very strange look.

She thought, big brother, you don't even know the details of your own woman, it's really sad.

What's the use of having a high level of cultivation?

There's still a grassland on your head!

"This..." Lan Xin smiled awkwardly.

"You should have heard from the name, Zui Sheng Meng Si, it's often visited by many male cultivators."

Mo Xun understood instantly, it turned out to be a brothel!

"What did she do there?"

Lan Xin shook her head.

"That's what I wanted to ask, she stayed there for a long time, I think... Anyway, that kind of thing must be enough!"

Mo Xun saw the unnatural expression on her face and was suspicious.

"What's the matter?"

"This... you know! But this is not the most important thing. I suspect she has other intentions. Brother, what we are doing now cannot be seen in public. If someone notices the clues, it will be troublesome."

Mo Xun didn't expect that he was driven away in a few words.

After all, Lan Xin's cultivation was too low, and she didn't have Mo Xun's determination.

After hundreds of years in the magic world, she developed a cautious and vigilant nature.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

Lan Xin suddenly took out a small porcelain bottle and shook it. There was no stopper, and there was a slight sound of liquid flowing inside.

Mo Xun's spiritual sense swept through it and immediately guessed what was inside.

"As long as Senior Brother has no objection, I will make sure she says everything obediently."

Mo Xun didn't believe that a sixth-level master of body refining would fall into this trap, but after a moment of silence, he still nodded.

"Just give it a try!"

Lan Xin got the promise and immediately went to implement it excitedly.


It was the evening of the next day. When Mo Xun was practicing, Lan Xin's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Brother, it's done. Do you want to come and see?"

"No, you start!"

Although Mo Xun said he would not go, his consciousness had penetrated the restrictions of the secret room next door and took in everything.

Qian Si Niang was lying on a bed with her eyes closed, as if she had fallen asleep.

And Lan Xin was standing next to her.

Lan Xin first hugged her arms and paced back and forth in front of the bed. Then she stretched out her palm, put her fingers together, and a red light condensed at her fingertips. Then she leaned down and pressed on Qian Si Niang's eyebrows.

Mo Xun muttered to himself that this woman was very similar to Gu Qingqing.

She had no strengths in formal cultivation, but she knew a lot of unorthodox ways.

Under Lan Xin's spell, Qian Si Niang opened her eyes quickly, but her eyes looked a little empty and lifeless.

As Lan Xin retracted her fingers, Qian Si Niang suddenly sat up and looked forward with a very dull look.

Lan Xin walked up to her, bent down and looked into her eyes, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"What's your name and where are you from?"

Qian Si Niang answered calmly and stiffly: "Qian Si Niang, my family lives in Banpo Village at the foot of Shengyang Mountain. Three years ago, the whole village was massacred due to an attack by monsters. After escaping with her husband, she has been living in Qiutian City. But her husband suddenly fell ill and died half a year ago. With no means to continue, she was taken in by Tiankui Wine Shop."

When they heard this, Lan Xin and Mo Xun frowned at the same time.

What Lan Xin was puzzled about was that what this woman said was exactly the same as what she had said in the past.

In other words, she didn't lie!

But how could this be possible?

With her sharp eyesight, there was no reason to be wrong.

Although this woman usually behaved properly, there were some things that could not be hidden.

Could it be that her medicine had lost its effect?

Lan Xin raised her hand and waved it in front of Qian Si Niang, but did not find any signs of sobriety.

Just when she was confused, Mo Xun understood that Lan Xin was being played.

A level 6 conjoined master, whose combat power was comparable to that of a Jindan, how could she, a foundation-building cultivator, be able to calculate?

I'm afraid that the "Zuishenglou" they went to two days ago was also deliberately done for Lan Xin to see.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun no longer had the need to wait and see.

However, just as he was about to retract his consciousness, Lan Xin did something that shocked her.

"Hehe... There is a way to verify whether you have been poisoned by this lady's mind-enchanting liquid."

As soon as the voice fell, Lan Xin directly pulled hard, and the belt around Qian Si Niang's waist was untied.

The clothes on her upper body were also torn off.

Then, a red bellyband with a lotus embroidered on the chest was exposed, and two thin and long white lotus roots, without any flaws.

The thin shoulders and thin body made people imagine!

This scene made Mo Xun a little stunned.

Then, Lan Xin stretched out her slender fingers and gently hooked them behind the other person, and the bellyband slipped off her body like flowing water.

When he saw this, Mo Xun was speechless!

This perverted woman... actually has such a hobby!

Lan Xin's eyes lit up and her eyes focused on something!

"I didn't expect that she is so thin, but she is so sexy!"

Although Qian Si Niang still didn't react, Mo Xun noticed that a light blush had risen behind her white neck.

Between his eyebrows, he frowned slightly.

From his lips that were tightly pursed, he could feel that he was trying his best to endure.

Mo Xun shook his head. This seemingly weak woman was really strong-willed!

Lan Xin seemed to be still a little worried. Slowly, she looked at the hem of Qian Si Niang's skirt again.

"Hehe... don't blame me!"

Lan Xin smiled evilly, stretched out her hand and gently touched Qian Si Niang's shoulder, pushing her down on the bed.

Then she pulled hard!

A flawless white jade body was revealed without any cover.

The slender waist was so slender that it could be held in one hand.

There was no fat on the lower abdomen.

The most thrilling thing was the two straight thighs.

Even Lan Xin couldn't help but look a little stunned at this moment.

No one would have thought that such a beauty was hidden under the wide dress on weekdays.

She thought to herself, no wonder she could become the senior brother's woman. She really has some capital.

If she goes to "Zuishenglou", I don't know how many men will be fascinated!

After looking at Qian Si Niang for a while, Lan Xin finally confirmed that her medicine was effective!

It was normal to think about it. How could a mortal body resist the Heart-Stirring Liquid!

But this also meant that her previous suspicion was not established.

So why did this woman go to Zuishenglou?

When she was about to put clothes on Qian Si Niang again, her body suddenly froze when she held her wrist!

She was still a virgin!

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