Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1065 Investigate Yourself

Mo Xun really couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly withdrew his consciousness.

As for Lan Xin's next questions, he didn't need to listen anymore.

"This woman..."

While thinking for a moment, Mo Xun became officially interested in this mysterious woman for the first time.

No spiritual roots...sixth level of body refining!

An hour later, Lan Xin walked in with a frown.

"Alas! Senior brother, it seems I guessed wrong~!"

While speaking, Lan Xin also secretly glanced at Mo Xun, who always looked calm.

It seemed like he was hesitant to speak, but he finally held back.

On Mo Xun's side, he just said "oh" softly.

"No problem... By the way, how is your control of the avatar now?"

Lan Xin felt relieved when she saw that Mo Xun did not continue the topic.

It’s really not easy to talk about that kind of thing!

Come to think of it, the entire process of the inquiry I just made was already seen by my senior brother.

It's just... I wonder if senior brother has found out that Qian Siniang is still a virgin?

While having doubts in my heart, I also felt a little pity for my cheap senior brother.

He obviously has such a high level of cultivation and looks pretty good, so why does he have a hidden disease?

"'s okay!"

Lan Xin forced out a dry smile, but there was a hint of meaningful compassion in her eyes.

Qian Siniang's incident was just a small episode in the wine shop. Mo Xun didn't mention it again, and Lan Xin didn't pay any attention to it.

Because within a few days, Zuo Jin came to visit again.

"Brother Taoist, you are doing well these days!"

When he met Zuo Jin, the incarnation was still wearing the bamboo hat, as if he maintained a sense of mystery all the time.

Zuo Jin came here today to deliver spiritual stones.

The first profit from Half a Glass of Wine has already come out. It has only been extended to a few cities, but Mo Xun has already been able to get hundreds of thousands of low-level spiritual stones.

Mo Xun was also a little surprised that just a wine recipe could create such great value.

This thing is undoubtedly a money grab.

And it’s only been a little over a month now!

If it lasts for decades...

When he thought of this number, even though Mo Xun's state of mind was no longer affected by external objects, he still trembled slightly.

It’s really a good idea to make money while lying down!

"Thank you for your concern, fellow Taoist. I hope you will be well next time!"

Although it was just a simple greeting, Mo Xun always had a feeling that the other party was secretly testing him!

Those eyes were a little more bold than before, and his consciousness was constantly wandering around, as if he wanted to find some answer on the "incarnation" in front of him.

Zuo Jin did have a temptation to test, and besides the incarnation, he also had Lan Xin.

This was an unfamiliar face, which naturally aroused Zuo Jin's suspicion.

"Brother Taoist, have you left Qiutian City recently?"

Mo Xun controlled his avatar and frowned slightly. Although no one could see his expression under the tightly covered bamboo hat, the displeasure on his body was revealed.

"What do you mean, fellow Taoist? Are you checking my whereabouts?"

Zuo Jin quickly shook his head.

"Brother Dao is too worried. Zuo just asked casually. By the way, I wonder how Brother Dao has considered that matter?"

Mo Xun's brows relaxed and his momentum calmed down.

The other party seemed to ask this casually, but Mo Xun heard it.

I'm afraid that my trip to Cangwu Mountain a few days ago was suspected by others.

After a moment of silence, he softly uttered two words in a low voice.


Zuo Jin couldn't help but feel happy.

"Haha... Zuo can guarantee that Brother Dao will not regret the choice he made at this moment in the future."

The two of them seemed to be playing riddles, talking about things that no one else could understand.

"In that case, Brother Dao's first mission is to find out some news!"

While talking, Zuo Jin handed over a jade slip.

Mo Xun took it doubtfully, and did not check it immediately, but asked in surprise: "Don't you need to meet the elder of the Demon Lord Hall first?"

Zuo Jin waved his hand.

"It's not necessary for the time being. Moreover, Zuo is the elder of the Demon Lord Hall. The elder has already explained this matter. Once the Taoist brother agrees, we can directly leave for southern Xinjiang. This jade slip contains not only the mission requirements, but also our mission in southern Xinjiang." A secret stronghold in Xinjiang. Once Taoist brother has an idea, he can contact the person above. Of course, Taoist brother can also return to Qiutian City and come to Zuo at any time. It's just that it's a bit troublesome to go back and forth. Wait for Taoist brother to complete When the task has a certain weight, someone will contact Dao Brother, and then he will be received by the great elder. "

Great Elder...

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, wondering if this great elder was the Tuoluomen?

Soon, he calmed down and began to look at the jade slips.

With just one glance, his whole body froze, and his eyes became a little weird.

The task was not difficult, and even for him, it was quite simple.

Even if he doesn't return to southern Xinjiang, he can easily complete it!

There is only one mission, and that is to find out the details of a person.

And this person is none other than him, the Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect... Mo Xun!

This really made him a little unexpected. Even if he tried hard, he wouldn't have guessed that it was such an errand.

On the jade slip, he needed to find out about his background, skills, magical powers, treasures and artifacts, all his whereabouts in the past few years, fighting experiences, etc.

Especially in the past six months, where have you been?

And the Tianjian Sect that suddenly appeared, what kind of sect is it!

Mo Xun put away the jade slips, feeling both amused and unusual!

Is this a test or a coincidence?

He took a deep breath and quietly looked at Zuo Jin's face, trying to get some clues from his expression.

But unfortunately, there is no difference at all.

Maybe he was overthinking it!

"Is there a time limit?"

Zuo Jin stroked his beard and said: "It's best to do it as quickly as possible, and the more detailed the better. I'm afraid Brother Dao doesn't know that this Sect Master Mo is not a simple person. Six months ago, no one paid attention to this person in the entire demonic path, but he is so... As if he was born out of nowhere, as soon as he appeared, he directly killed two of our ancestors with one against two. It is said that this person later went to the Ancient Moon Gate in southern Xinjiang and wiped out his life with his own strength. He killed a Yuanying sect, and even killed the Yuanying ancestor of Gu Yuemen on the spot. What was even more shocking was that I heard that this person was only in the early stage of Yuanying, but his strength was unfathomable, not even weaker than ordinary people. The middle stage of Nascent Soul.”

When Zuo Jin said this, his face became solemn unconsciously.

"But what is surprising is that after this person only appeared once on the frontline battlefield, he seemed to have disappeared from the world, and there was no news at all. The great elder suspected that this person might have other important missions. If precautions are not taken, he might be killed. It is a great hidden danger to my Demon Sect.”

Mo Xun smiled bitterly in his heart. This was the first time he encountered such a ridiculous thing.

But when it comes to this task, there must be no one in the world who can accomplish it better than him.

"Understood, I will leave soon after I make some simple arrangements."

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