
This is the place where Qian Siniang secretly visited as Lan Xin mentioned before.

Mo Xun felt a ray of consciousness left by him in it.

In other words, Qian Siniang happens to be inside right now!

Mo Xun turned to the corner and immediately transformed into a jade-faced scholar holding a folding fan.

This is not a brilliant transformation technique, just a rough disguise.

He possesses chaotic and turbid aura, which can not only hide the fluctuations of mana, but also completely change his aura.

Walking into the Zuisheng Building, the layout inside is no different from that of an ordinary brothel, except that the people receiving it are all more or less cultivated.

The lowest level is the second or third level of Qi Refining.

The highest level is those in the foundation building stage, but these basically serve high-level monks, and no matter how many spiritual stones they spend, they are often not accepted.

Of course, there are some ordinary women, but they are all beautiful.

The cultivation Mo Xun showed at this moment was in the middle stage of foundation building.

Among the guests who visit, neither high nor low.

He knew clearly that Qian Siniang must have had another purpose in coming here, which was not what Lan Xin said.

But the next moment, he frowned slightly.

That wisp of divine consciousness mark actually disappeared!

how can that be possible?

Ever since he entered this place, he has been locking the entire pavilion with his spiritual consciousness. Even if a fly flies out, it cannot escape his perception.

Soon, he thought of two possibilities.

Either there are formations and hidden rooms here that shield spiritual consciousness, or there is a teleportation array!

Mo Xun's face remained calm as he went straight to the place where the mark of consciousness disappeared.

"This senior is here for the first time. Do you need me to guide you?"

At this moment, a pretty female cultivator stopped in front of Mo Xun.

This woman looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, with perfect Qi cultivation. She had a little makeup on her face, and although her clothes were not revealing, she still had a provocative look.

A Qi Refiner like this would definitely not dare to provoke a Foundation Establishment cultivator outside.

But it’s different here!

Most of the girls in the building are wandering around the Qi Refining Layer. At the peak of Qi Refining, they are already relatively qualified.

Mo Xun looked at his bulging chest for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth and shook the folding fan slightly in his hand.

"That's fine!"

The female nun was happy, and she quickly stepped forward and stretched out her arms, wrapping them around Mo Xun's arms.

Although the senior in front of her was only in the middle stage of foundation building, she was not ranked at all among the guests she had received.

But with countless experiences of reading people, she could tell at a glance that this person must be a newbie in the Fengyue field.

To deal with this kind of person, as long as she uses a little bit of tactics, she will definitely get a lot of benefits.

"Senior, do you need to order a table of food and drinks first?"

There was a soft feeling on the arm, and a warm fragrance was smelled on the tip of the nose. Even though Mo Xun had lived for hundreds of years, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, although he has many beauties, the only one who has ever had a real skin-to-skin kiss is Xia Muyao.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but think of that cold face.

It must have been sixty or seventy years since we said goodbye to the Ten Thousand Monsters Palace!

I don’t know if she is dead or alive now... Will there be a chance to meet again in this life?


The female cultivator shouted several times before Mo Xun woke up from his daze.

"Oh, what's your name?"

The woman smiled.

"My name is Liu Qing, senior, just call me Qing'er."

Mo Xun nodded silently, and the two of them pushed aside the crowd and headed towards the second floor.

Seeing that Mo Xun suddenly lost interest, Liu Qing was afraid of ruining the business, so she quickly spoke with a smile.

"It must be the first time for seniors to come here. In fact, this place is not as bad as the outside world reports. No matter what we monks do, it is for the sake of the great road. Since the pleasure of flesh and blood can help cultivation, why not Why not?”

Don't laugh without saying a word.

Places like this often attract business in the name of dual cultivation.

But the way of dual cultivation, although it belongs to the love between man and woman, it ultimately comes down to the word "cultivation".

To put it simply, it means 30% love and 70% cultivation.

Because when practicing dual cultivation, you need to devote most of your energy to running the exercises, so the feeling of joy is much lighter.

So, how many of the people who come here are pursuing dual cultivation?

Not all of them are immersed in the love between men and women!

If you ask why Mo Xun knows so clearly, it is naturally because he has tried.

When the two of them walked to the second floor, Liu Qing was about to lead Mo Xun into an empty room.

Mo Xun suddenly stopped.

"There is a Mengyu Pavilion in the corner of my view. The name is somewhat similar to the technique I practice, and there happens to be no one inside. Can I go and sit there?"

Liu Qing paused, a bit of hesitation on her face.

Most of the girls in the building basically have their own rooms for entertaining guests.

Liu Qing, as the top Qi Refiner, is naturally no exception.

This was the first time she met a guest who chose a room!

The key is, that's not your bed!

"This...Senior, that is the room of the other sisters. If someone happens to bump into you, then..."

Liu Qing felt like she didn't know how to speak.

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter, there happens to be no one inside, and we are just talking and not doing anything, so what does it matter if we get bumped into?"

Immediately afterwards, he threw out a storage bag.

Liu Qing was stunned at first, because she had no spiritual sense, she could only use her magic power to explore the things inside.

After just a moment, she opened her mouth slightly.

Liu Qing felt that her heartbeat accelerated a little.

I have seen rich people, but I have never seen such a rich person, who spent thousands of spirit stones at a time without blinking an eye.

Holding the storage bag in her hand, her mind immediately became active.

Isn't it just changing the bed? What's the big deal?

If someone really caught her, she would explain it well afterwards.

She was even more dissatisfied in her heart, could it be that this young senior liked this kind of excitement?

The feeling of being "caught cheating" on the spot was indeed quite exciting!

After making up her mind, she no longer hesitated, and immediately took Mo Xun's arm again, as if she was afraid that she would not work hard, and she also rubbed against Mo Xun with all her strength.

This is a big deal!

Of course, although she was ready to be caught cheating on the spot, she still secretly sent a sound transmission note to the sister.

As for Mo Xun, he was more unclear about the market.

In his opinion, if it wasn't for some cultivation resources, any woman would never do this kind of flesh trade.

Therefore, he slightly overestimated the price.

But for him at the moment, what does this little bit of spiritual stone mean?

Now even if he doesn't have to do anything, he can earn at least tens of thousands of spiritual stones every day.

As long as the other party can answer some questions for him later, he doesn't mind giving away some opportunities.

Looking at the men and women hugging each other downstairs, the word "drunk life" is really as its name suggests.

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