Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1068 Soul-stealing Technique

As soon as the two of them stepped into the "Mengyu Pavilion" one after the other, Mo Xun suddenly turned around, and two blood-red rays of light shot out of his pupils.

Liu Qing, who was following behind him, trembled. Without any defense, the whole person seemed to be cast into a spell of immobilization, and suddenly became motionless.

Then, his expression began to become wooden.

The spirit in his eyes gradually disappeared.

Soul-stealing technique!

This is a unique skill in the second level of "Tianwei Famu"!

This technique is somewhat similar to the spiritual consciousness technique, which can make the opponent lose consciousness in a short period of time, but the pursuit of essence is completely different.

This is a shallow attack on the spiritual consciousness. If it is used skillfully, it can even capture people's hearts and achieve the effect of controlling the mind.

Of course, this technique has many limitations.

Just the realm suppression is a difficulty.

The caster must be at least two realms higher than the opponent, so that he will not be noticed by the opponent.

In other words, with Mo Xun's current cultivation, he can only invade the mind of the foundation-building cultivator at most.

But as for control, he is not yet at the right level.

Mo Xun raised his hand and closed the door, and at the same time drew a circle around to isolate the prohibition.

Liu Qing stood there blankly, with lifeless eyes, as if hypnotized.

This state is a bit like being hit by Lan Xin's "Heart Pill"!

Mo Xun ignored her and looked around first.

This place is a woman's boudoir, with red gauze and green curtains, with a faint intoxicating fragrance.

Even the bedding between the bed is embroidered with bold and charming pictures, which makes people blush.

Soon, Mo Xun found something unusual.

Behind the gauze curtain against the wall, there is indeed a hidden formation.

Mo Xun just used his bare hands to quietly open a gap at the edge of the formation, and then a teleportation formation appeared in front of him without reservation.

As expected!

He murmured and retreated from the formation.

With his current level of formation, a teleportation formation alone is not enough to guess where it leads to.

If the distance is not far, with Lu Wushen's control of space, he may be able to try to get there.

But that guy hasn't appeared for a long time!

Since the last time he experienced the incident in Cangwu Mountain, Mo Xun has not seen him again.

Walking back to Liu Qing, Mo Xun stared at her and asked, "Who lives in this room?"

Liu Qing was like a puppet, answering subconsciously.

But in that voice, it seemed that there was no emotion, just like her current expression.

"This person's name is Wei Niang. She is not conspicuous in Zuishenglou, so not much is known about her life experience."

Wei Niang...

Mo Xun pondered and spoke again.

"Which Wei?"

After listening to Liu Qing's explanation, Mo Xun fell into contemplation for a short time.

This name seems a bit difficult to pronounce!

Is it the same surname "Qian"?

Liu Qing seemed to know very little about this person. Mo Xun asked several questions in succession, but the answers he got were all unknown!

At this moment, a slight fluctuation came from the hidden formation behind him.

Mo Xun quickly waved his sleeves and disappeared with Liu Qing.

Not long after, two figures walked out of the formation.

One of them was Qian Si Niang, who had slightly changed her appearance.

The other was a young woman. From the looks of her, although she was not stunning, she was also somewhat beautiful.


The woman was about to speak, but Qian Si Niang waved her hand vigilantly.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Qian Si Niang suddenly become nervous, the woman also restrained her expression and looked around warily.

"Someone has been here!"

Although everything in the room was the same as before, and there was no trace of being touched in the formation they walked out of.

But relying on a woman's keen intuition, Qian Si Niang still felt that something was wrong.

The woman next to her sniffed her nose and her eyes suddenly focused.

"It's her!"

Qian Si Niang asked solemnly: "Who?"

Mo Xun, who had returned to Liu Qing's room, raised his eyebrows and disappeared again the next moment.

At the same time, Liu Qing's door was pushed open, and Qian Si Niang and the strange woman rushed in at the same time.

"It's her smell!"

Then, Liu Qing woke up from her trance, and when she saw the two men coming in aggressively, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Her memory still stayed at the moment before her soul was captured. She thought that the room she was in was the Meng Yu Pavilion called "Wei Niang", and she was a little panicked.

What you fear is what will come true!

A moment ago, she was worried about being caught in adultery, but now she met the real owner!

"I... I..."

Liu Qing stuttered and didn't know how to start for a while.

She immediately thought of Mo Xun and was ready to push all the responsibility away, but after looking around, she was surprised to find that this was actually her room.

And she was sitting on her embroidered bed at this moment!

Liu Qing opened her mouth and her eyes widened immediately.

This... What's going on?


After leaving Zuisheng Building, Mo Xun did not go far.

Although this building was shielded by strict isolation restrictions, this method was not difficult for him.

His consciousness was still wandering in Liu Qing's room.

Seeing Liu Qing hesitating to evade the matter, Mo Xun's focus was not here, but on the appearance of the woman called "Wei Niang".

Although she had done a simple disguise, her original appearance could still be seen from her eyebrows.

This woman was somewhat similar to Qian Si Niang.

Two sisters!

This was Mo Xun's first reaction!

In addition, this woman was not like Qian Si Niang, who had no cultivation, but her realm was not low.

Early stage of Jindan!

This was quite intriguing!

After Qian Si Niang left Zuishenglou, Mo Xun also went back to Tiankui Tavern, but before leaving, he secretly left a spiritual mark on Wei Niang.

After returning to the tavern, Mo Xun did not alert the enemy.

He knew that he was most likely exposed this time.

After all the calculations, he did not expect that Liu Qing would apply a lot of rouge on her body to attract customers.

And the two sisters were so vigilant.

In the following days, Mo Xun continued to walk around the city as usual during the day and practice at night.

The business of the restaurant was also calm and peaceful!

As for Qian Si Niang, she seemed to be fine. Whenever she saw Mo Xun, she would still lower her head in shame.

Until the night of three days later, Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes while practicing.

Then he jumped up and disappeared into the secret room like a flash of lightning.

These days, he basically did nothing but paid attention to the movements of Zuishenglou.

Just now, the spiritual mark he left on Wei Niang suddenly left the city.

Mo Xun followed without any hesitation.

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