Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1069 Qian Wei Niang

The cold wind in the middle of the night has already entered winter.

There is no time for cultivation, and it seems that there is no distinction between the four seasons.

The sound of the wind brushed past my ears, and not long after, Mo Xun followed the mark of his spiritual consciousness and came to a valley.

And it happened to be Cangwu Mountain!

The green mountain remained the same, but it was more desolate than a few days ago.

Under the moonlight, a slender female figure stood on a solitary rock, looking into his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

It can be vaguely seen that the person was wearing a green shirt and green skirt.

The breeze blew past, blowing her long hair by her ears.

This person, if not the "Wei Niang" girl from Zuishenglou, who else could it be?

The rainbow light transformed by Mo Xun fell in front of him, and he looked at the other person from top to bottom with a little suspicion.

"Did you deliberately lead me here?"

The woman seemed not to hear such a question, but said with some wisdom: "You really concealed your cultivation, and if I guessed correctly, that Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch is also you, right?"

Mo Xun frowned and did not answer.

The woman spoke again.

"Daoyou don't need to guess. Qian Si Niang, who is now in your wine shop, is my elder sister. As for my name, Daoyou should have known it a few days ago."

Mo Xun remained silent, just looking at the other party calmly.

"I asked you to come here this time just to have a frank talk. With your ability, Daoyou must have suspected Si Niang a long time ago, right?"

Qian Wei Niang said to herself.

"We have no ill will towards you. Perhaps in some places, our goals may still be the same. Well, in order to show sincerity, I will throw out a brick to attract jade."

At this point, she smiled meaningfully again.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be from Southern Xinjiang!"

After hearing this, Mo Xun's calm face finally showed some emotion.

And Qian Wei Niang seemed to see through everything.

"Don't be nervous, you're not showing any flaws, but I've been traveling around for many years, and I've seen too many things and people. It's no exaggeration to say that no one in this world has traveled farther than me."

As she spoke, her body trembled suddenly.

The demonic energy originally emanating from her body instantly turned into pure spiritual energy.

"You see, you and I are actually the same kind of people. Although I can't tell what means you used to hide your original aura, I can feel that you are not a real demon cultivator because we are both Taoist and demon cultivators."

Mo Xun was somewhat surprised at this moment.

It was not because the other party saw through his background, but because as a Yuanying cultivator, he didn't even notice the other person's background.

Could it be that this person also possesses the turbid energy of chaos?

After a brief thought, he shook his head.

The woman in front of him should have mastered some extremely advanced concealment skills.

Qian Weiniang smiled and stroked her hair by her ears in a rather seductive way, seeming to be very satisfied with the surprise expressed by Mo Xun.

"Si Niang did not expose you, which is enough to show our sincerity, what do you think, fellow Taoist?"

Mo Xun carefully checked the other party's cultivation again, and there was no problem, it was indeed the early stage of Dan formation.

He secretly pondered in his heart, it seems that this turbid energy of chaos is not absolutely reliable.

Or the other party is really just relying on intuition because of the Taoist and demonic cultivation.

"What do you want to say?"

Qian Weiniang suddenly folded her arms and smiled charmingly.

"Why are you so anxious, buddy? As I said before, we have no ill will towards you. We just want to discuss cooperation. Although we act differently, our goals are roughly the same, which is nothing more than the Tongtian Demon Corpse and the Ancient Teleportation Array. What I have may be of great benefit to buddy!"

Mo Xun took a deep breath, probably because his patience was a little exhausted.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. Although I am not from the orthodox demon sect, I am a thorough demon cultivator. It is better to put away this kind of temptation. Do you think that I can't do anything to you because of my low cultivation?"

Qian Wei Niang squeaked a smile, her slender waist trembled back and forth like a willow, and her chest was even more undulating.

"Daoyou is really a cautious person. Are you worried that I am deceiving you? Don't worry, we are not sent by the Demon Lord Hall, nor do we belong to any force!"

Mo Xun was silent for a moment, and then changed his tone and asked: "Since you have guessed my identity, you should understand my methods. You led me to this desolate mountain and said a lot of nonsense. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Qian Si Niang laughed even more brilliantly and unscrupulously.

"Daoyou might as well give it a try!"


As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun's eyes turned cold.

The atmosphere also fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Just when Qian Wei Niang's smile was still on her face, Mo Xun's figure swayed and came in front of her.

Qian Wei Niang was immediately shocked. She might have expected Mo Xun to take action, but she didn't expect it to be so decisive.


These two words were obviously a bit slow, because Mo Xun's palm was already half a foot in front of her throat.

At the same time, another dark figure suddenly flew out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful palm wind slapped towards Mo Xun!

Mo Xun sneered as usual, and with a wave of his sleeve, he dispelled the powerful palm wind. At the same time, a more fierce aura roared out with a crushing force, and hit the figure that suddenly jumped out.

A shrill scream was heard, and the figure flew backwards and hit a big tree not far away, breaking the tree in half.

And Mo Xun's palm was already on Qian Weiniang's neck.

"Is this what you rely on?"

Qian Weiniang was held by the throat, and was already stunned. Her magic power was like a deflated ball.

If it weren't for Mo Xun's arm, she would have almost collapsed to the ground.


Qian Si Niang used all her strength, but could only barely say this one word.

Those delicate eyes were full of fear and astonishment.

This matter really shocked her!

In her opinion, she had found out everything about Mo Xun.

Cultivation, strength, and background!

She dared to lead Mo Xun here tonight, so she had a lot of protection.

And she relied on the black shadow that was just knocked out!

Because this person's cultivation is the same as the "Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch" that Qian Si Niang had found out, both are in the false infant realm.

But it only took one move to defeat Mo Xun.

And it was a secret move!

How is this possible?

Mo Xun grabbed Qian Si Niang with one hand and ignored her, but looked calmly at the place where the black shadow fell.

At the peak of the Jindan stage, no matter how strong he is, he is still just a Jindan cultivator, how can he escape his Yuanying consciousness!

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