Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 107 The talisman fails

Xiao Qian felt a chill in his heart and asked hurriedly: "How do you say this?"

Mo Xun didn't answer him directly. He made a Taoist secret in his hand and then threw a fireball. A patch of weeds about ten feet away instantly burned up.

After the fire slowly extinguished, a hole was revealed among the weeds that could allow one person to pass through. There was also a pile of gravel scattered next to it. It was the place they left just two days ago.

Xiao Qian opened his mouth, as if he still didn't believe it, and quickly walked in and walked around. The clothes he threw away two days ago were still among them. Where else could it be if it weren't here?

"Brother Mo, it seems that we are not very lucky, and we really encountered a maze." Xiao Qian sighed softly and said with a dejected face.

The two of them were silent for a while, and Mo Xun thought in his heart. Since they left this place that day, they have been heading in the same direction. Although the poisonous mist was filled with stars and there were no stars, sun or moon, but with the help of the two of them, there were They can still judge easily if they are not going the wrong way.

"Brother Xiao, you are familiar with the battle method, do you have any good suggestions?"

Xiao Qian smiled self-deprecatingly and said in his heart: If I had my way, I wouldn't have to drag you here.

"It seems that you have to use your locator in advance. At least leave this place first. As far as Xiao knows, even the maze is only effective within a certain range. Once you leave this range, you can find a way to find the right one." position."

Mo Xun thought about it and it seemed that this was the only way.

However, after the last battle with the Wind Glass Beast, the two of them ran away in a hurry and ran all night. They were so panicked that they didn't know how far they ran. During this time, they didn't have time to set the locator. Now I don't know if they can sense the previous one. The existence of talismans.

"Okay, I'll try."

After saying that, Mo Xun took out half of the talisman. After a simple cast, the talisman rose into the sky and floated in a certain direction.

The two looked at each other and quickly followed.

Mo Xun used his mind to try to make the talisman fly as slowly as possible. The poisonous mist filled the air with unknown dangers, and the two of them really did not dare to move forward quickly.

In this way, they followed this half locator, constantly passing through the thorny jungle, and sometimes climbing over some steep rocks or swamps.

There was no rest that night, and they walked in the dark for unknown distances. It was not until the afternoon of the third day that the two of them stopped again, both looking frustrated.

"Brother Mo, we seem to have been going in circles these past two days."

How could Mo Xun not know this? For two days, they hardly slept, their red eyes full of exhaustion.

After pinching a talisman in his hand, the talisman in the air fell down and returned to his hand.

Xiao Qian sat on a stone and looked at the vast white surroundings, as if he was imprisoned in a white cage.

Staying in such a place for a long time, with limited vision, can easily lead to depressive emotions.

"It seems that there should be some kind of restriction that interferes with the locator in this maze."

Listening to Xiao Qian's analysis, Mo Xun just nodded lightly. He didn't quite understand this, but it was already obvious that the locator was invalid.

After days of traveling, both of them were physically and mentally tired. At this moment, they could only find a place to meditate first.

Mo Xun knew that the more dangerous the situation, the calmer he must be.

But when he thought of danger, he suddenly discovered something and quickly opened his eyes.

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