"Brother Xiao, have you noticed that we haven't encountered any monsters in the past few days?"

Xiao Qian thought for a while and said, "If this place is really in a maze, naturally even monsters can't escape."

Mo Xun nodded, and then asked, "Since Brother Xiao has studied the art of formation, can you tell me in detail about this maze?"

Xiao Qian smiled dryly, "Brother Mo really flattered me. My level of formation is all hearsay. What I know, I actually finished talking about it last time."

Mo Xun fell silent for a while, thinking about the maze that Xiao Qian mentioned last time.

Use some Qimen Dunjia, or the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams to create a visual illusion for the intruder, so that he keeps circling in the same place.

Vision... illusion...

He seemed to have grasped something, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he had no clue at all.

Shaking his head lightly, he had to close his eyes again, or recover his mana and spirit first.

Another night passed like this, and at dawn on the second day, the two began to look for a way out again.

However, this time they were prepared. Mo Xun held a dagger, and every time he walked a certain distance, he would leave some different marks on the stones or trees.

In his opinion, the maze can play a confusing role, mostly the psychological hints of some special marks, which make the intruders mistakenly think that they are walking in a straight line, but in fact they are going in circles.

As long as you stop paying attention to the original things and find the correct direction according to the marks he left, it should not be a big problem, it's just a matter of spending more time.

For example, he marked the main mark as a circle. If there is a problem with the direction, he will leave a cross, go back to the previous mark again, and choose a new direction.

Of course, the premise of this is that the range of the maze cannot be too large, otherwise, at the speed of the two people, even if they walk for ten or eight years, they may not be able to get out.

Xiao Qian didn't have many ideas at this time, so he could only follow Mo Xun and try this stupid method first.

It has been nearly half a month since the two entered Tianxiang Valley, and the detoxification pills in their hands can still last for a while.

But before entering the valley, Xiao Qian had used up all the materials just in case. If the two hadn't walked out by the two-month deadline, they would have to arrange their affairs after death.

But then again, what's the point of arranging in this deadly place?

Mo Xun had never seen a maze, so he was not as afraid of the current crisis as Xiao Qian.

This situation lasted until the seventh day, when Mo Xun began to realize the seriousness of the matter.

Because he found that the marks he left behind either disappeared strangely or were moved by someone.

It seemed that there was a pair of eyes watching their every move, and there was a pair of hands preventing them from leaving this place.

No matter how they walked, they would be guided back to the starting position.

Xiao Qian's condition at this time was extremely bad, with sunken eye sockets, messy hair, and even the clothes he always paid attention to became sloppy.

Mo Xun's mood was also not much better, but the difference between him and Xiao Qian was that he was unwilling to give up until the last moment.

Think about it, he left home at the age of fourteen. To be able to get to where he is today, apart from some opportunities, how many dangers have he encountered?

Has he ever escaped danger without paying a price?

The breeze blew, and all around, except for the endless white fog, there were bushes and weeds, strange mountains and rocks without any characteristics.

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