Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1073 Demon Corpse Initiation

Since it is possible to falsify the number of teleportation arrays, does it have to be accurate in terms of time?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun quickly asked when the teleportation array would be activated.

Although the answer he got was similar to what he knew before, there was a vague feeling in his heart.

He has never liked gambling!

After a long silence, Mo Xun spoke again.

"Let's talk about the Tongtian Demon Corpse!"

Probably because he was nostalgic for his homeland and wanted to know the news about Tiankui Realm urgently, Luo Qian told almost everything he had known for hundreds of years without reservation.

While Mo Xun nodded secretly, it also confirmed many of his previous guesses.

The so-called Tongtian Demonic Corpse is an ancient demonic treasure suppressed by the Nine Sects.

All the demonic spiritual energy in the entire demonic path is conceived by these demonic corpses.

To put it bluntly, it actually functions as a demon spirit vein!

However, after tens of thousands of years of consumption, the demonic spiritual energy inside the demonic corpse has gradually been exhausted. As a result, the demonic spiritual energy in the demonic realm has become thinner and thinner. As a result, many demonic cultivators who originally focused on cultivating demonic spiritual energy had to change to cultivating spiritual energy. Convert spiritual energy into demonic energy within the body.

This is also the reason why the Demonic Dao made a desperate move to open the teleportation array and welcome the Demons here.

Because it is said that with the arrival of the Demon Lord, the Demonic Spirit Vein will be brought to Dongsheng Continent.

According to Luo Qian's description, this heaven-reaching demon corpse is directly related to the demonic energy initiation.

Because the demonic energy required for the initiation comes from the demonic corpse!

This point is similar to what Mo Xun grasped and guessed!

The reason why Luo Qian came to Mo Xun was related to the word "Heavenly Kui", but on the other hand, he was not interested in the demonic energy initiation.

Luo Qian is now nearly five hundred years old!

If he couldn't step into Nascent Soul, there wouldn't be much time left for him.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Luo Qian solemnly replied: "After decades of management, Wei Niang has now been deeply favored by the elders within the Demon Lord Hall. She has been initially exposed to many confidential matters. By then, secretly, she will definitely have a great influence on you. help."

Mo Xun frowned.

"Isn't she in Zuisheng Building?"

Luo Qian grinned, probably pulling the injury, and coughed heavily for a while.

"This is just another level of identity!"

Mo Xun frowned even more tightly, obviously having some doubts about these words.

If he was a core monk of the Demon Lord Hall, how could he meet Qian Siniang blatantly, but Qian Siniang was from his Tiankui Winery.

Isn't this equivalent to telling the world that he, Mo Xun, and Qian Weiniang are in the same group?

Then how can we cooperate secretly?


Mo Xun looked at Luo Qian strangely.

Could it be that, as he had guessed before, the Qian sisters, like Zuo Jin, were sent by the Demon Lord Hall to test him.

It’s just light and dark!

Luo Qian seemed to see what Mo Xun was thinking, and said with a smile: "If fellow Taoist has any doubts, ask Wei Niang to come here and talk to fellow Taoist."

After Mo Xun thought for a moment, he finally nodded.

After burning the incense, Qian Weiniang appeared in front of the two of them.

Luo Qian's complexion has recovered a lot, and his breathing has become much calmer. He smiled and said, "Weiniang, show your true face to this fellow Taoist!"

Qian Weiniang was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly after seeing her father's serious gaze.

But the next scene was an eye-opener for Mo Xun!

Just when Mo Xun was surprised, Qian Weiniang's originally delicate face suddenly became distorted.

The eyes, nose, and mouth seem to be able to move around the face and change size at will.

The skin on the face is like dough, which can be kneaded as the facial features change.

In just a few breaths, his whole appearance completely changed.

Although her appearance is still beautiful and elegant, compared with before, she is completely a different person.

Another thing is that the body size has obviously changed.

The aura on his body is also completely different.

Overall, it’s like a new person!

Is this... a transformation technique?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. He didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of the transformation's mana.

But it’s not just a simple disguise!

Just when Mo Xun was surprised, Luo Qian smiled.

"This is a body refining technique passed down from my ancestors. It is completely different from changing one's appearance through magic. It is similar to common martial arts such as bone shrinking. If you want to practice this kind of skill, you need to soak it in a special potion since childhood to transform the bones. You have to be as soft as your skin and flesh, and at the same time you have to endure pain that is unbearable for ordinary people, in order to achieve success."

After saying this, Mo Xun probably understood.

But in his opinion, there should be other ways.

Top-notch breath-changing techniques should also be indispensable, otherwise it would not be so easy to deceive high-level monks.

Thinking about it, this should be related to his experience in dual cultivation of demons and spirits.

Luo Qian continued, "Weiniang looked just like she did when she was in Zuisheng Tower, and when she appeared in Demon Lord Hall, she looked like this. No one could see it unless she wanted to."

Mo Xun looked at the father and daughter with interest, which made him think of one word, true, false, false!

Because Zuishenglou's identity was public and she had to meet Qian Si Niang frequently, Qian Weiniang changed into an appearance similar to her elder sister, making people look like they are two sisters.

But who could have known that the two sisters looked completely different!

But then again, who can tell which one is true and which one is false?

At the same time, he thought of several questions.

First, is the appearance presented by Qian Si Niang in front of him also the changed appearance?

Another thing is that this woman called Qian Wei Niang seems to have a talent for cultivation that is a bit against the sky.

Luo Qian just said that he adopted the two sisters a hundred years ago, which means that this woman only took more than a hundred years to cultivate the magic and spirit skills to the Dan stage, and judging from her body training, her cultivation is also not low!

If these are real sisters, it would be a bit strange.

One has excellent qualifications, but the other can't practice!

After collecting these thoughts, Mo Xun asked calmly: "What do you want from me?"

Luo Qian took a deep breath and waited for a long time for this.

"First of all, I hope that fellow Taoist can tell me how to return to the Tiankui Realm..."

Mo Xun waved his hand to interrupt him.

"This is easy, what about the others?"

Hearing the affirmative answer, Luo Qian secretly clenched his fist.

"I hope you can help me find the Tongtian Demon Corpse. I know the method of infusing the demonic energy. When the time comes, I will cooperate with you to break through the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul!"

Mo Xun habitually touched his chin. This seemed a bit attractive.

Although he planned to refine a fake infant for his incarnation, it would be fine if he could form an infant by himself through this method!

Besides, he also wanted to see the so-called Tongtian Demon Corpse.

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