Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1074 Hidden Spiritual Root

If before tonight, Luo Qian believed that his condition would surely impress the other party.

But now, he is a little nervous!

Mo Xun's previous move was too fierce, which made him doubtful and guessed that the other party's cultivation might have been a Yuanying cultivator.

If that was the case, he would have no bargaining chips.

"Is that all?"

Hearing this, Luo Qian's heart sank. It seemed that as he expected, the other party was not interested in his conditions.

But what he could offer, besides Wei Niang's secret identity, was only the method of initiation!

Luo Qian sighed in his heart and said the last request.

"If... if possible, after the ancient teleportation array is opened, please help me and Si Niang to teleport away!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly.

Before going to Beihuang Island, even he thought that the teleportation array was one-way.

So how did this person know that this array could teleport to the other side?

"Do you still think this teleportation array leads to the Tiankui Realm?"

Luo Qian shook his head.

"Not entirely, I believe you also know that Si Niang cannot practice!"

Mo Xun raised his eyes in doubt, not quite understanding the meaning of this statement.

"To outsiders, this is because she has no spiritual roots, but I have consulted countless books and found that this is not the case. She does not have no spiritual roots, but extremely rare hidden spiritual roots!"

Hidden spiritual roots!

This news made Mo Xun a little interested.

It is said that this kind of spiritual root is thousands of times rarer than the heavenly spiritual root. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is rare to see it in ten thousand years.

People born with this kind of spiritual root seem to be a joke played by God.

Because this kind of spiritual root will appear from time to time and disappear from time to time.

The time of appearance may be ten days a month, or it may be one day, or even only one hour.

And those born with this spiritual root are often accompanied by a physique with spiritual energy collapse.

What does it mean? It probably means that during the period when the spiritual root is hidden and cannot be cultivated, the cultivation level will gradually decline.

So even if such people cultivate, it is often in vain!

However, it is said that after the hidden spiritual root is activated, it will have unprecedented qualifications, and cultivation can reach a thousand miles a day.

Of course, these are mostly rumors. After all, this kind of spiritual root is too rare, and few people have successfully cured it.

Mo Xun secretly sighed, not knowing whether to be thankful or regretful in this situation!

Luo Qian continued to say: "I heard that the land of the demon clan has been separated from here for ten thousand years. There may be some unknown treasures left there, so I want to take Si Niang to try it. Otherwise, with Si Niang's current situation, I am afraid she will not live long!"

With this, Mo Xun roughly understood.

To continuously manifest the hidden spiritual root, only some extremely rare top treasures in the world!

In many places, there is a saying about the ten innate spiritual roots.

As the saying goes, Chaos grows green lotus, immortal peach tree, earth immortal ginseng fruit, ten thousand year old yellow plum, Yangmei immortal hollow willow, gourd vine on Buzhou Mountain, laurel tree on Guanghan Palace, jade fairy apricot in front of Zhongnan Mountain, Jieyin Taoist seal bitter bamboo, and sun god tree big Fusang!

All these divine objects are legendary records!

Because they are called the ten great spiritual roots, they can help ordinary people to have immortal roots and embark on the immortal path from then on.

Since they can have spiritual roots, it is not a problem to activate hidden spiritual roots.

This person probably heard this kind of news from somewhere, so he had the idea of ​​going to Beiluzhou.

In any case, Luo Qian's love for his adopted daughter still made Mo Xun quite admired.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered his own chaotic turbidity.

What the ten great spiritual roots can do, can't the chaotic turbidity do it?

Mo Xun was silent and didn't speak in a hurry.

Luo Qian was secretly uneasy, probably thinking that his request was too much.

Not only did he want to inquire about the Tiankui Realm from others, but he also wanted to help him find the Tongtian Demon Corpse, and now he wanted to help the father and daughter teleport away.

After Mo Xun lowered his head and thought for a while, his eyes suddenly fell on Luo Qian.

"I can promise you all these, but..."

Luo Qian was originally happy, but when he heard the word "turn", his expression froze.

Mo Xun continued: "But to be on the safe side, I will put a ban on you!"

After Luo Qian heard this, his face changed, and before he could speak, Qian Wei Niang snorted coldly.

"Impossible! My adoptive father is just cooperating with you, not driven by you!"

Qian Wei Niang took a step forward and blocked Luo Qian behind her.

It seemed that she was afraid that her adoptive father would be confused for a while and agree to such a ridiculous request.

Luo Qian looked at his daughter's desperate appearance, the corner of his mouth moved, and finally remained silent.

He really didn't expect Mo Xun's request.

If it were someone else, he would probably have killed him long ago.

But he couldn't even think of making any rash moves against the man in front of him.

Especially when he thought of the move they had in the previous fight, he felt that even if he and his daughter joined forces, they would probably not be the opponent of this man.

"Wei Niang, don't worry, listen to what this Taoist fellow has to say!"

Although he was seriously injured, he still had the dignity of a father. He didn't let his daughter stand in front of him, but protected Qian Wei Niang behind him.

At the same time, he said in a voice transmission: "If a fight breaks out later, I will hold this man back, and you will find a way to leave immediately, pick up Si Niang in the city, and then wait for your father at the old place!"

Qian Wei Niang raised her eyebrows and said stubbornly: "Let's go together!"

"Don't worry, I have a way to get out. You will only drag me down if you stay here!"


Luo Qian's eyes fixed.

"No buts, I said I would go to find you, so I will go!"

Looking at the two people communicating so openly, Mo Xun smiled.

"No need to be so troublesome, I will take you to find Qian Si Niang now, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the father and daughter changed.

It should be known that even if you are one level higher, it is extremely difficult to hear the voice transmission of others.

But the other party...

The father and daughter looked at each other, and they all saw horror in each other's eyes.

Of course, there was also embarrassment!

Discussing countermeasures in front of others, and being heard by others!

The smile on Mo Xun's face gradually turned into coldness.

But in his heart, he was slightly relieved.

At least from the conversation just now, he didn't hear anything about the Demon Lord Hall.

In other words, what this person said before was probably true!

"Don't misunderstand, fellow Daoist!"


Mo Xun's cold eyes fell on the faces of the two people, and in an instant, the air around them seemed to be filled with frost.

Then, the space seemed to begin to distort, and Luo Qian and Qian Weiniang felt their bodies tighten at the same time, as if a pair of invisible big hands were covering them from all directions, binding them tightly in place.

"Nascent Soul Spirit Realm!"

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