Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1075: So That's It

" are indeed a Yuanying monk!"

Luo Qian's face at this moment could not be said to be filled with horror, but it was also extremely stunned.

As for Qianweiniang, her beauty is equally pale!

The two of them had to mobilize the magic power in their bodies to resist at the first moment, but no matter how they used their skills, they could not move at all.

Luo Qian's body burst with energy and blood, trying to fight with his physical body.

Qian Weiniang's body also began to change shape constantly, and her whole body was like a ball of soft mud, suddenly getting bigger and sometimes smaller.

But even if this is the case, it is just a mayfly shaking the tree.

The two of them seemed to have been nailed to the ground with tens of thousands of kilograms of weight on them, and countless invisible space filaments were wrapped around them in circles.

It didn't take long for the two of them to break out in cold sweat.

This level of suppression is simply insurmountable!

"Let me say it one last time, either relax your mind and voluntarily allow me to impose a ban on you in the sea of ​​consciousness, or... you can only stay here forever. If you want to blame it, I can only blame you for knowing too much." many!"

"Don't even think about it!" Qian Weiniang glared at Mo Xun resentfully, these words almost coming out of her teeth.

"Even if we die, we won't be your puppets!"

What Qian Weiniang said is not false at all.

Being imprisoned under the sea of ​​consciousness, how is that any different from being a puppet?

Luo Qian blushed, and after a long while, she said in a deep voice: "Wei Niang, needless to say, now that we have become nothing more than fish, we have lost the ability to resist. Death is easy, old man. You have lived for nearly five hundred years, so you have lived enough, but you are still young. If we die, what will happen to Si Niang?"

At this point, Luo Qian suddenly fell silent for a brief moment, with a look of sadness on his face.

It seemed that even the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

"What's more, there is your adoptive mother waiting for me there. If I don't meet her, I will not be willing to be a father after all!"

Then, he turned to Mo Xun.

"If you can keep your promise, what will it matter if I give my life to you?"

"Father, you must not!"

Two lines of tears suddenly fell on Qian Weiniang's cheeks, her voice trembling slightly.

She sniffed, as if trying to calm herself down.

"Mo, my adoptive father is old and of little use to you. If you want to control, just put the restraint on me. As long as you have me as a bargaining chip, no matter whether you are my adoptive father or my sister, they will listen to you. ..."

Before Qian Weiniang could finish speaking, Luo Qian interrupted her.

"Weiniang, you don't have to be like this. My father believes in this senior. As long as we don't have bad intentions, senior will not hurt my father!"


Seeing the father and daughter showing true love in front of him, Mo Xun suddenly waved his hand and stared at Luo Qian.

"No need to argue, just relax your mind. As you said, Mo doesn't like killing innocent people indiscriminately!"


After half a stick of incense, the tense atmosphere calmed down.

And Qian Weiniang looked at Mo Xun again, with overwhelming anger in her eyes, as if she wanted to tear him into pieces!

Mo Xun ignored it completely, raised his hand and threw a jade slip to Luo Qian.

"There is a way to get to Tiankui Realm here. Whether you can find it or not depends on you."

Luo Qian caught the jade slip, her hands trembling with excitement.

He hurriedly checked with his spiritual consciousness. After a long time, he raised his head numbly.

"It turns out it's in Xihezhou!"

Luo Qian originally thought that Mo Xun was in a similar situation to him, that they both ended up here from Tiankui Realm by coincidence. Who knew that his experience would be much more exciting than his!

First enter the Tiankui world, and then come out.

Immediately afterwards, they crossed countless thousands of miles from Xihezhou and returned to southern Xinjiang.

This kind of journey can only be described as incredible!

"That boundary-breaking talisman..."

Luo Qian looked at Mo Xun with burning eyes, wanting to say something, but he couldn't say it.

"With your current level of cultivation, there is no way you can activate this talisman. Giving you this path is more of just a thought. After we find out more about the Heaven-reaching Demonic Corpse and the eighth ancient teleportation array, I will help you and your daughter go to Beiluzhou. There is no way to get to Tiankui Realm there, and it may even be easier!"

Luo Qian's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Senior, do you really mean what you said?"

Mo Xun smiled and nodded.


From these words, Luo Qian heard a message, that is, the senior in front of him may also go to the land of the demons after the teleportation array is opened.

But he didn't ask!

"That's fine. If senior has any mission in the future, we, father and daughter, should do our best!"

After leaving behind Luo Qian's transmission note, Mo Xun returned to the city overnight.

By the time we arrived at Tiankui Restaurant, it was already dawn.

The next day, Mo Xun went out as usual.

Now, he just wants to look familiar so that no one will be suspicious when he appears on some special occasions one day.

The information he got from Luo Qian forced him to contact the Tiandao Alliance again.

Many plans may have to change!

On the way out, I met Qian Siniang.

For the first time, the other party did not avoid his gaze, and even smiled boldly at him.

Mo Xun just nodded slightly and ignored it.

The father and daughter must have a special way of contacting each other. The other party must have been fully aware of what happened last night.

Coming to the secret cave where Gui Wenyuan was, Mo Xun borrowed the strange formation for the second time.

When the Holy Spirit heard about the eighth teleportation formation, he was silent, just like his initial reaction.

This was a terrible thing. If it went wrong, it would be a disaster for the entire spiritual cultivation sect!

The Holy Spirit did not give instructions immediately. After all, it was too sudden and he needed to activate the energy of the magic sect to verify it.

Back to the tavern, Mo Xun called Qian Si Niang to the secret room.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for the two to meet alone.

Perhaps because she no longer needed to hide her identity, Qian Si Niang was much calmer in front of Mo Xun than before.

Not only that, she always had a faint smile on her face.

But Mo Xun knew that after the other party knew what he had done to Luo Qian, he would definitely not be as relaxed as he seemed.

The two sisters were really completely different.

There was no similarity in appearance, and their temperaments were completely opposite.

The younger sister showed her joy and anger on her face, but the older sister made people feel that she could not be seen through.

Mo Xun didn't waste any words and got straight to the point.

"I need you to go to Nanjiang and help me do something!"

Qian Si Niang hesitated for a moment, then asked with a serious look, "What is it?"

Mo Xun took out a jade slip.

"Go to Tianjian Sect and personally hand it over to an elder named Dong Qianxue. If this person is not here, give it to Yin Lixi!"

Because of the distance, the only way for him to communicate with Nanjiang is through this method.

In addition, the surveillance ban left by the demons made it impossible to transmit sound at all.

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