Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1076 A few months later

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can leave tomorrow!"

Before Qian Si Niang could react, Mo Xun waved his hand and shooed her out like a fly.

Qian Si Niang was confused for a while, and finally she could only sigh.

Time passed in peace for several months, and several things happened during this period.

One was that there was news from the Holy Spirit.

After much inquiry, the matter of the eighth teleportation array finally had some clues, but because it was still unclear, Mo Xun still needed to stick to Qiu Tiancheng and continue to inquire about the situation in the teleportation array in Cangwu Mountain.

The other thing was that Lan Xin was back.

In the secret room, the two sat opposite each other, and the incarnation wore a bamboo hat, still wrapped tightly, and stood quietly aside.

This time, Mo Xun always felt that his incarnation was a little different.

But if you want to say what is different, it's vague and can't be explained clearly.

"What happened?"

Lan Xin came back without saying hello to him, which seemed very abrupt, which made Mo Xun wonder what went wrong.

Lan Xin said solemnly: "They assigned me a new task!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, but did not speak, waiting for the other party to continue.

"Let me kill someone!"


"Gong Qianqiu!"

Mo Xun thought about it, and there was no such name in his memory.

But when he heard this, he knew that the other party had established contact with the secret agent of the Demon Lord Hall in Southern Xinjiang.

"Who is this person?"

"It's an elder of the Taicang Sect in the late stage of Jindan!"

Late stage of Jindan...

Mo Xun pondered, and glanced at Lan Xin and the incarnation beside him meaningfully.

In theory, his incarnation has reached the false infant realm, so it is no problem to deal with a late stage of Jindan.

But that also depends on who is controlling it!

If it is him, he can almost crush it, but what realm is Lan Xin in?

For a foundation-building cultivator, being able to control his avatar across levels is already good, but if he really starts fighting, he may not even be able to exert half of his strength.

"Did you do it?"

Lan Xin smiled mysteriously.

"No, but I completed the task!"

Mo Xun was surprised, what kind of answer was this?

He didn't take a late Jindan elder seriously.

Before coming here, the Holy Spirit promised him that he could do things at his convenience, so he didn't have any psychological burden.

Compared with breaking into the Demon Lord Hall, this sacrifice is still worth it.

"Be specific, don't play dumb!"

Lan Xin lifted the hair beside her ear. Since this woman recovered her original appearance, she always showed her charm regardless of the occasion.

"It's nothing, actually. After I received this task, I was going to investigate this person first, and then fight him. Then I would pretend to be injured. Even if I didn't complete the task, I would have an explanation. Who knew that he was killed just as I was targeting him, and then I completed it in such a muddle."

Mo Xun's mouth twitched. This luck really caught him off guard.

"Why did they ask you to kill this person?"

"I don't know. After completing the task, they asked me to return to the Demonic Path first, saying that someone from the Demonic Hall wanted to see me."

Mo Xun frowned slightly. Could it be that the assessment was completed like this?

But soon, he shook his head.

It shouldn't be that simple!

"Then do you know who killed this person?"

Lan Xin shook her head again.

"How should I know this?"

When she said this, her expression suddenly became strange, and she secretly glanced at the incarnation beside her.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

Mo Xun pondered and answered: "Since they asked you to come back, just wait a while. I think Zuo Jin will come to you soon."

Lan Xin didn't seem to care about this, but pointed to the avatar beside him.

"What about him?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't quite understand the intention of this.

"What do you want to say?"

Lan Xin smiled shyly.

"Brother, I mean whether he can continue to follow me... Don't worry, I don't want to possess your things, but I think that after getting along with you for a few months, I have found a lot of tricks to control the avatar. If I continue to practice, I will definitely make progress. When I help you do something, it will definitely be more convenient, don't you think?"

Mo Xun's mind was still on the real intention of the Demon Lord Hall, so he didn't doubt him and just nodded.

"Okay, he will still be in your custody for the time being."

When the voice fell, no one noticed that the corners of the mouth on the face covered by the hat moved slightly.

"By the way, go to Yinjia Mountain during this period and help me check the situation there to see if there are people stationed there from the Demon Lord Hall."

"Yinjia Mountain?"


Mo Xun originally planned to go there himself, but judging from the time, Qian Si Niang should be back soon, and he has other things to tell him.

In addition, Zuo Jin will probably come to visit soon, and he will also need to deal with him.

In addition, the main reason is Lu Wushen.

This guy has been completely out of touch since the last time in Cangwu Mountain, and he can't contact him no matter what.

He suspected that the other party had secretly sneaked into the barrier without his knowledge.

Most likely, he found something good in it last time, and his thief addiction came back, and then for some reason, he was trapped in it.

This possibility is the conclusion he came to after investigating for several months.

Although he and Lu Wushen did not have a deep friendship, they were more of a trading relationship.

But after all, this beast followed him here, and no matter life or death, there should be an explanation.

Therefore, he planned to find a suitable opportunity to enter the barrier in the next few days.

"What are you going there for?"

"Don't worry about this, just find out if the Demon Lord Hall has arranged anything nearby!"

Since he heard about Yinjia Mountain from Luo Qian last time, Mo Xun has been using various means to find out the situation there.

Including the light of the soul of the underworld, etc.!

In addition to the news about ascension from the mouth of the fairy Yuehua, it is also the place where Mo Xun analyzed that the eighth teleportation array is likely to appear.

Once the matter here is over, he will go there no matter what.

After Lan Xin left, Mo Xun immediately sent a message to Qian Wei Niang and asked the woman to meet outside the city.

Luo Qian left the Demon Path several months ago.

Ever since he knew that the Endless Sea could lead to Xihezhou, he rushed there without stopping.

I think he won't come back in a few years.

Outside Qiutian City, it's still the same cave.

After Mo Xun briefly told Lan Xin what he did in Southern Xinjiang, he said directly: "Help me find out their intentions and find out what the purpose of the Demon Hall is to find me this time!"

Qian Wei Niang's resentment in her eyes was less, but her whole person was very cold.

"I'll find a way to find out!"

Then, she changed the subject and asked: "When will my sister come back?"

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