In Cangwu Mountain, Mo Xun directly transformed into Zuo Jin's appearance.

In front of the barrier, the pill-forming monk whom I saw last time was still on duty.

This man was thin and cold-faced. After seeing Mo Xun, he just frowned slightly and didn't say anything.

Mo Xun held the jade token in his hand, walked to the barrier and squeezed it gently. His whole body was wrapped in a circle of dark red starlight, and he disappeared in a few breaths.

A slight feeling of dizziness came over, and Mo Xun secretly thought, this jade tablet indeed has a teleportation effect.

The dizziness quickly disappeared, and when he landed on the ground again, his vision was somewhat dim.

This is a small wooden room, surrounded by nothing but a square foot.

The jade token was still in his hand, but when he was about to put it away, he raised an eyebrow.

The essence and blood inside was actually reduced by half!

It seems that this kind of teleportation comes at the cost of consuming essence and blood!

As soon as I walked out of the wooden house, I heard a burst of noisy laughter.

I saw two foundation-building monks guarding the house at this moment.

The two were chatting and laughing, smelling of alcohol, and didn't know what they were talking about. When they saw Mo Xun come out, they hurriedly stood up and clasped their fists.

"I've met Elder Zuo!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly and passed directly past the two of them.

This place obviously belongs to the heart of the mountain, and is surrounded by traces of artificial excavation. On the rock wall, there are lighting instruments hanging at intervals.

Opposite the wooden house is a long passage, winding and winding, with no end in sight.

After arriving here, Mo Xun released his spiritual consciousness immediately.

The passage was slightly dark, and after more than ten feet, several forked roads appeared. Some had restrictions along the way, while others were unobstructed.

As soon as Mo Xun's figure disappeared, the two men looked at each other in confusion.

"Didn't Elder Zuo come here a few days ago? Why are you here again?" One of them asked with a slight frown.

The other person took out the wine bottle hidden behind him and smiled.

"Why do you care so much? This half-cup of wine cost me a lot of spiritual stones..."

Mo Xun walked to a fork in the road. Although his consciousness was extremely powerful, he did not dare to search too recklessly without knowing the situation.

There are at least mid-stage Nascent Soul monks here.

As soon as his body trembled, his aura quickly converged. In just a moment, he became completely invisible like a transparent person.

Then he flicked his fingers and threw out three weak purple lights.

In an instant, the purple light disappeared into the darkness.

Mo Xun himself, leaning against the rock wall, gradually merged with the rock wall and turned into a stone.

Suddenly, a figure walked over.

She is a female cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, her face covered with a veil.

The female cultivator was originally walking very fast, but when she passed by where Mo Xun was, she suddenly stopped and looked at Mo Xun with a frown.

"Strange, why is there suddenly an extra stone here!"

The female cultivator stretched out her finger, and just when she was about to touch it, a voice suddenly came from the darkness.

"Junior sister Qingyue, master asked me to go with you!"

Immediately afterwards, a man walked over in a hurry.

This man has a beautiful face and is dressed in white. He has a good temperament.

His cultivation level is not weak either. In the late stage of pill formation, it seems that he is only one step away from reaching the false infant state.

Being interrupted like this, the woman seemed to have forgotten what she had previously thought.

"Second Senior Brother, aren't you about to go into seclusion to hit the bottleneck?"

The man had one hand behind his back and his waist was straight, like a green pine.

When he smiled, he looked even more suave and chic.

"Master said that my foundation is still a bit unstable and I need to hone it for a while. If I advance rashly, it may be detrimental to future births. Unlike you and Senior Brother, I am still a little behind in talent. Haste makes waste. What!”

Although the man said this, there was no hint of humility on his face. Instead, he showed strong confidence.

"Then let's go together!"

The woman seemed a little reluctant to talk to this person, and she had a cold face throughout the whole process.

"Junior sister, don't be anxious. Master asked us to interrogate that beast first, saying it will be helpful to the subsequent investigation."

When he heard this, Mo Xun's heart moved.

Could it be that the "beast" he spoke of was Lu Wushen?

The woman raised her eyebrows and asked, "Haven't I been detained for several months and haven't gotten any useful information?"

The man smiled mysteriously: "This time is different, senior brother, I found a good way!"

While the two were talking, they turned around and headed towards another fork in the road.

Not long after, a purple light flew back again.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a flying insect only the size of a fingernail.

It’s Zixiao Qingfu!

As the spiritual insects Ziwei returned to Mo Xun one after another, he just shook lightly and galloped towards the passage where the man and the woman disappeared.

After bypassing several hidden restrictions, Mo Xun's speed suddenly slowed down.

Those two people actually disappeared within the scope of his consciousness!

But soon, a vast cave appeared in his consciousness.

The cave was a hundred feet wide, with a translucent formation barrier in its center.

The scope of the barrier is not large, only occupying two or three feet. The surrounding area is surrounded by brilliant light, which appears in the shape of a column, extending from the ground to the rock mass above.

In the barrier, a vague shadow can be vaguely seen.

When Mo Xun discovered this barrier, his heart sank.

Although he couldn't see what was locked inside, his intuition told him that it was Lu Wushen.

From the barrier, he could feel the fluctuations of the restricted space restriction.

Mo Xun was not in a hurry, just standing there quietly, his consciousness constantly searching around.

There was no other way in the cave, which meant that this was the end of the entire passage.

But what about the man and woman?

Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind!

Mo Xun's face changed, and he entered the cave along the passage in a flash, followed by a loud laugh.

"Hahaha... I've been waiting for you for several months, and finally I've waited for the real owner!"

After that laugh, a man in gray appeared in his sight.

This man was burly and very strong, with a beard under his chin that was more than half a foot long. He looked ferocious and cold, and looked to be in his forties or fifties.

When Mo Xun saw the man's cultivation level, he was shocked.

Late Nascent Soul!

This was the second late great cultivator he had seen in Southern Xinjiang after Holy Spirit!

"Your Excellency is really good at it. It's not easy to lure you here!"

As the words fell, four more people came down and surrounded Mo Xun.

Among the four people, one was in the early Nascent Soul stage, three were in the Core Formation stage, and two were in the late Core Formation stage. The man and woman he had just met were also among them.

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