Instantly, Mo Xun understood what was going on.

This was an ambush!

The gray-clothed old man waved his hand, and the passage behind him suddenly disappeared. The scene in the entire cave also changed completely in an instant.

The entire cave seemed to be a huge teleportation array.

Five men and one woman, all of them were teleported to a white place, from the sky to the earth, everything was pale.

A fierce-looking man licked his tongue and held a big knife in his hand.

The big knife was longer than his height, and the huge blade was about a foot wide.

The blade was shining with dazzling silver light.

"Master, how about letting this person play with me first?"

The gray-clothed man had a confident smile on his lips, his hands behind his back, giving people the feeling of a hermit.

He ignored his disciples and stared at Mo Xun.

As soon as this person appeared, Mo Xun roughly guessed the other party's identity.

Gu Jianshan, the Grand Elder of Tuoluomen, is also the only cultivator in the entire Demonic Path who has advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage in the past few decades.

It is rumored that this person has three disciples, and the eldest disciple has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage more than a hundred years ago.

It must be the guy in green clothes who is serious.

Although the other two are only in the Jindan stage, their strength should not be underestimated!

As for the female cultivator...

As soon as Mo Xun thought of this, the masked woman sneered and cursed in a low voice that she was a fool.

The man in black didn't seem to be annoyed.

"Why, is Junior Sister also interested? Then why not let Junior Sister do it!"

The man in black is just a little higher in cultivation than the woman present, just reaching the late Jindan stage, and his realm is not stable yet.

"If you want to die, don't drag me with you!"

Mo Xun's current cultivation level is the same as Zuo Jin, showing that he is in the late Jindan stage.

Because of the chaotic turbidity, even the late great cultivator may not be able to see his cultivation.

After entering this place, Mo Xun changed his appearance.

But if you look into it in detail, it is unnecessary.

At this time, the man in white suddenly said: "Junior sister, since the third junior brother is willing to share the worries of the master, why do you have to stop him!"

Seeing several disciples chattering, Gu Jianshan waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Stop arguing, the four of you work together to take this man down as soon as possible!"


With an order, the man in black fell down and pounced on him.

The long sword in his hand slashed down when it was more than ten feet away.

The white sword light came from far to near, as if it could split the space.

In the sword light, there was a powerful and sharp sound of breaking through the air, and the speed was as fast as lightning!

Wherever the sword light passed, there was also a flash of lightning arc, as if the sword light was covered with a layer of lightning coat.

The rest of the people retreated dozens of steps under the blade.

The dust on the ground was lifted by the strong wind, and in an instant, white dust and mist floated in a radius of dozens of feet.

"It seems that the third junior brother's Thunder Blade has improved a lot compared to before!" The man in white now had a folding fan in his hand. With a light fan, he blocked the smoke and dust in front of him not far away.

The woman snorted coldly.

"Gaudy but not practical!"

Before the blade arrived, the whistling wind blew Mo Xun's clothes, and even the black hair on his head was flying.

Under the blade of dozens of feet, Mo Xun was as small as an ant!

With a bang, the knife light fell from Mo Xun's head, cutting him into two parts from top to bottom.

But the next moment, Gu Jianshan shouted urgently.

"Be careful!"

Then he jumped up and pounced on the man in black.

But it was obviously too late, because a long spear had already pierced through the chest of the black-clothed man, leaving a large bloody hole on his body.

And Mo Xun, at some point, appeared several feet behind him.

When the others saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed, and they all retreated a hundred feet away at the first opportunity.

At the same time, everyone took out their own defensive magic weapons.

Gu Jianshan supported the disciple who was about to fall, his eyes were already red.


In his roar, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and tapped the black-clothed man several times, but the blood on his chest still couldn't stop flowing out.

And the wound was still oozing out black gas.


The black-clothed man had blood at the corner of his mouth. After spitting out these two words with difficulty, he completely closed his eyes.


Gu Jianshan supported the disciple who had no breath, and roared to the sky.

"I want you dead!"

Amidst this heart-wrenching roar, the earth began to tremble, and black light continued to emanate from Gu Jianshan, rushing to the surroundings of the world.

The originally pale sky was also covered with dark clouds the next moment.

The pressure that belonged only to the late Nascent Soul stage was like a huge net, covering everyone's head.

Under this pressure, the white-clothed man with a lower realm immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and the masked woman was also blown away.

Mo Xun only felt that the space around him seemed to be squeezed by an invisible force.

It was as if a huge burden was pressed on his body, making it difficult for him to move.

He just swept his spear.

"Lock the body with the spear!"

From the tip of the spear, a space ripple like a lotus flew out, repelling the pressure from the body.

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of space restraint was loosened!

Taking advantage of this gap, Mo Xun flashed and rushed towards the man in white not far away.

At the same time, Gu Jianshan had already thrown away the body of his disciple, and at the same time grabbed it with one hand.

The palm condensed into a huge black handprint in the air, covering the sky and the sun, and was a hundred feet wide, locking Mo Xun in front, behind, left and right.

"Doppelganger Jue!"

This was the first time Mo Xun used this magical power.

He quickly pinched the hand seal, and in an instant, it split into two, transforming into two identical figures.

One of them condensed his hands into fists and rushed straight to the palm print.

The other one, moving with the wind, continued to run towards the man in white.

There was a rumbling sound in the sky, and the clone transformed by the clone Jue met the giant palm in the air and exploded.

The clone did not make the giant palm disappear completely, but it also consumed a small part of its power.

And the speed was also slowed down a bit.

Seizing this opportunity, Mo Xun himself had already come close to the man in white.

The previous scene had already made the man in white tremble with fear. Although he still couldn't see through Mo Xun's cultivation, even a fool could guess that the other party would definitely not be weaker than him.

But just when he was about to retreat, he was surprised to find that he couldn't move.

"Nascent Soul Realm!"

In an instant, the man in white understood what was going on.

Even though he had some guesses, when he really found out that he was facing a Nascent Soul cultivator, the man in white was still scared to death.

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