Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1085 The Power of Nine Transformations

Gu Jianshan’s appearance here is all Mo Xun’s credit.

Ever since Mo Xun held Gu Qingyue hostage, the first person of the Tuoluo Sect has been madly slaughtering people in the entire Nine Sects of the Demonic Path.

Anyone who behaves strangely will be questioned unscrupulously.

The anger of a great cultivator is not exaggerated even if there are corpses floating thousands of miles away.

As for Sun Ku and Qian Si Niang, they really suffered an unprovoked disaster.

Because Sun Ku’s realm is too low, even the most advanced concealment skills cannot hide his tracks.

And Qian Si Niang, a woman who has no cultivation, can cross the battlefield of the two paths of heaven and demon, which everyone will suspect.

Therefore, the two were noticed as soon as they entered the territory of the Nine Sects.

The current experience of the two is similar to Mo Xun’s guess.

After discovering that the two had asked for help from the outside world, the gang suddenly changed their plan and surrounded them without killing them!

Waiting for the people behind them!

What no one expected was that such a brutal and ferocious golden bear would come.

In theory, although demon beasts mainly cultivate their bodies, many of them will also use magical powers and spells when they reach a certain level.

But this golden bear is completely different. It has no magic power at all, and all its attacks rely on its body.

It feels like a beast that is a little bigger.

The pressure of the Nascent Soul of a late-stage great cultivator is almost the same as the substance, and even the space is twisted and deformed.

At this moment, the world is like being covered by a huge net.

The big net gradually shrinks, draining the demonic spirit inside it bit by bit, as if to turn the area where the golden bear is located into a vacuum zone.

The pressure carries a suffocating space constraint.

Invisible threads are entangled from all directions, forming a vague and hazy black mist around the golden bear.

After the black fog touched the golden light on the surface of the golden bear, it was like a raging fire meeting ice, and was extinguished instantly, emitting a hissing corrosion sound.

The pressure of the Nascent Soul that imprisoned the space was also like broken glass, crackling inch by inch.

Gu Jianshan frowned in the distance and said "Huh" softly.

"It can actually offset my spiritual domain!"

After shattering the pressure, the golden bear seemed to be completely enraged, raised its forelimbs, and let out a roar that tore the sky.

The roar swept the strong wind, like a huge rock flying in the sky.

Gu Jianshan raised his palm and clapped it, and the palm wind swept across, meeting the strong wind in the air, and exploded with a bang, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The golden bear followed closely after the explosion.

Gu Jianshan raised his hand and threw it, and the black ring magic weapon flew out, expanding to several feet in the air, like a huge steel ring falling from the sky.

The steel ring suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already on the golden bear.

Gu Jianshan snorted coldly.

"Since you like to be a beast, then die in this posture!"

The imprisoned black ring shrank rapidly, and the two arms of the golden bear bound in it were locked tightly inside.

The next moment, the golden bear's body surface was shining with golden light, and its body size also grew larger.

The black ring on its body, as the golden bear's body size grew and shrank, constantly exuded waves of demonic energy from it.

The golden bear roared suddenly, and its body size changed from the original ten feet to eleven feet, twelve feet, thirteen feet...

Until twenty feet, the towering body seemed to be able to hold up the sky!

The twisted face was full of hideousness!

The black ring on his body seemed to have been broken to the limit. Under the sudden force of the golden bear, it finally broke and turned into turbid black gas.

This magic weapon was probably Gu Jianshan's life object. When the black ring broke, a handful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

However, the old guy didn't care about this injury at all, but laughed.

"It's so satisfying! I haven't had such a good fight for at least a hundred years. Come again!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Jianshan turned into black mist again and flew towards the golden bear like lightning.

After the golden bear broke free from the black ring, the situation was not much better.

There was a deep mark on the body where the black ring was trapped.

The mark was gray and black, as if it was burned by a raging fire.

Facing the black mist rushing over, the golden bear exerted force on his back feet and jumped high, leaving two deep gullies on the ground.

The ground around was also shaken.

The golden bear leaped a hundred feet high. When it met the black fog, it did not use any magical power, but still slapped with its giant palm.

The meeting of gold and black was like the collision of the sun and the moon, and a brilliant glow suddenly shot out in the air.

The huge rumbling sound could be heard even from dozens or hundreds of miles away.

The air waves generated by the collision between the man and the bear rolled up the rocks and plants within a radius of several miles, leaving a huge deep pit on the ground.

Countless smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the soil flew, covering everything within a radius of thousands of feet.

In the smoke and dust, there were bursts of loud noises, and the earth would tremble from time to time.

Such a movement lasted for a full cup of tea.

When the smoke and dust slowly settled, this narrow valley was already a scar, leaving no inch of flat land.

However, there was no one on the battlefield.

No one noticed that the man and the bear, who were fighting just now, were now chasing and fleeing thousands of miles away.

The golden bear was naturally transformed by Mo Xun.

The original Nine Changes of the Sky-lifting Skill has now been cultivated into two beast forms, both of which are mainly strong and fierce.

The golden ape is agile and flexible, and the golden bear is domineering and mighty!

If he can cultivate into a certain kind of flying bird, he can easily dominate the sky without the help of the wind control technique.

However, Mo Xun’s situation at this moment is really not very good.

After feeling that he could not defeat Gu Jianshan, he left the battlefield as soon as possible.

As a last resort, he even exposed the Six Changes of Spiritual Wind.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Jianshan was shocked and angry.

What was shocking was that this person not only had a body refining realm comparable to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, but was also a wind-attributed cultivator.

This is an extremely rare spiritual root!

Gu Jianshan knew that once this person escaped and grew up in the future, he would definitely become a great rival of his.

So now, he would not hesitate to spend his essence and blood to catch up with the other party.

As for being angry, it was because Mo Xun did not use his full strength.

A great late-stage cultivator actually didn't get the upper hand in the fight, and was even let escape.

This was something he couldn't tolerate!

Since forming a fetus, few people could escape his pursuit.

What he couldn't accept the most was that he was injured in the fierce battle just now.

You know, even if he faced a late-stage cultivator of the same realm, he rarely suffered such a big loss.

The two of them were one in front and one behind, and the distance between them was sometimes close and sometimes far.

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