In this way, I don't know how long he chased and fled.

Until Mo Xun was forced to use the blood escape technique, which he regarded as a taboo.

This technique was inherited from the mysterious Zhulong.

At the beginning of his practice, he regarded this technique as the last means of life-saving, because once it was used, it would not only consume a lot of blood and energy, damage the foundation, but also go through a very long period of weakness.

In fact, the sky fire escape can also be used, but he can't use it at this moment.

He used the power of his physical body to shock the opponent for so long, his purpose was to hide his identity, and he couldn't fail.

Of course, in addition to the escape technique, he also has other means of life-saving.

It's just that he didn't want to be exposed too early unless it was absolutely necessary!

A few days later, in a remote mountain.

Mo Xun's face was pale and he flicked his long sleeves, and two figures flew out of the sleeves and fell to the ground.

One of them was covered in blood, and there was no intact place on his body.

The originally snow-white dress was almost red.

The other one seemed better, but because of the serious injury to his internal organs, he was in a coma.

Mo Xun flicked his finger, and two pills flew into the mouths of the two people.

Then he took out a jade slip, carved a simple paragraph, and threw it into Sun Ku's hand. He took out a formation flag, arranged concealment and defense formations around, and then walked out of the cave where he lived, and continuously shot several wind blades. With a rumble, rocks fell from the top of the cave, completely sealing the cave entrance.

After doing this, he left the place without looking back.

Tens of thousands of miles away, underground, in the dark space, a gourd with a faint green light was buried deep in the soil.

As soon as Mo Xun entered this green world, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The strength of the late great monk was indeed not something he could challenge now.

Perhaps if all means were used, he could barely resist one or two, but this kind of hidden fight was really asking for trouble.

He swallowed several pills in a hurry, and after a short breath adjustment, he staggered into the medicine garden and frantically collected hundreds of spiritual medicines from it.

The green gourd was as quiet as before.

Since Bai Ze took charge of the wine shop, there were only various spiritual objects full of vitality in the medicine garden.

If someone came here, they would be surprised to think that this place belonged to a fairy mountain medicine valley that had been lost for countless thousands of years.

The soul-raising tree exuded a faint glow. After hundreds of years of cultivation in black soil, it is now a towering giant tree, several feet high.

The Tongtian Jianmu is even straighter. If there are clouds above it, it will go straight up to the sky!

Not far from Jianmu, a dark green seedling is growing on the ground.

The seedling is not bright in color, and it is even a little withered and dry, but it is wrapped in layers of restrictions.

The spiritual plants around the restrictions are growing very vigorously, and the breath of life is quite strong.

It was as if all the nutrients in the soil were absorbed by the surrounding spiritual creatures.

Mo Xun walked up to the seedling and wanted to pick a leaf, but after thinking about it, he didn't do it.

This thing is the "immortal tree" mentioned by Lu Wushen!

The so-called immortality is life!

Although it is only a small plant, the vitality it exudes makes the whole medicine garden full of different breath.

It is foreseeable that when this tree is fully alive, what kind of scene will it be.

I heard from Lu Wushen that the immortal tree can recognize its master. Once it can be implanted in the body, it is equivalent to obtaining an immortal body. No matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered in a short time.

Of course, the so-called "immortality" is only relative!

In this world, there is no real immortal life, just like longevity, it is nothing more than being able to live longer.

Feeling the strong vitality exuded by the seedling, Mo Xun finally resisted the idea of ​​using it to heal his wounds.

It took him a lot of effort to cultivate this thing.

In the corner of the medicine garden, the formation prohibition surrounded an independent area.

Although it was blocked very tightly, one could still feel a trace of lightning power coming from it.

There, the Zhengyang Leijiao Wood was cultivated!

This is also a treasure that Mo Xun particularly values. Whether this wood survives or not is related to his capital when facing the demons in the future.

He now has the root of thunder spirits and has begun to practice thunder-related exercises.

Once you have a sharp thunder-attributed magic weapon, you can be like a tiger with wings!

Looking around, the entire medicine garden is full of peerless treasures.

The crimson pearl fairy fruit tree that can increase the probability of forming an infant, the Qianyuan fruit that has great benefits for body refining, the frost soul grass that can only grow in ice and Yinsha land, and the golden mushroom fruit that can greatly increase the success rate of pills.

Which one is a top treasure in the outside world!

Even the lowest-level ordinary spiritual herbs are thousands or tens of thousands of years old.

There is more to be astonished!

In that empty white soil, there are faint smells of various colors flowing in the soil.

That is the soul essence that can be used to refine high-level elixirs. Although it is not a real spiritual flower or herb, it is equally hard to find!

These are the wealth that Mo Xun has accumulated over two hundred years!

Compared with those large sects, the quantity may not be impressive, but in terms of value, it will definitely make any Nascent Soul cultivator tremble.

But outside this lush medicinal garden, in the open space in the distance, there is an ice coffin quietly placed.

In the ice coffin, a lifeless sleeping beauty lies quietly inside, forming a sharp contrast with the vitality in the medicinal garden.

Mo Xun flipped his palm, and Xuantian True Fire gushed out, instantly burning the furnace in front of him.

As the spiritual herbs were thrown into it, Mo Xun swallowed each pill he refined.

This time, he was seriously injured.

To be more precise, it should be a double injury!

After the last fight with Gu Jianshan, his meridians were severely damaged. This time, it was the pain of the flesh, plus the sequelae of the blood escape, which made him look extremely weak.

At this time, let alone the Nascent Soul, even if it was a late stage of the Core Formation, he would probably be exhausted.

The tricky thing is that he didn't have much time.

If he left the wine shop for too long, it would inevitably arouse suspicion.

Two days later, after recovering a little, Mo Xun left the underground and quickly returned to Qiutian City.

Although he was still in a weak period, he finally had the power to protect himself.

This battle also allowed him to truly see the strength of the late Nascent Soul. He was sure that as long as he used all his skills and no longer tried to hide them like he did the previous two times, even if he was defeated by Gu Jianshan, he would definitely not be as embarrassed as this time.

If he could make further progress and reach the middle stage of the Nascent Soul in the realm of Dharma cultivation, or reach the ninth level of body cultivation, then who would live and who would die would probably be reversed.

However, people like Gu Jianshan were not the top powerhouses among the late stage cultivators.

After all, this person's advancement has only happened in the past few decades.

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