Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1094 Blood Weapon

Mo Xun rolled up his sleeves, and all the people flew into the air, and disappeared in the next moment.

Soon, the crack in the ground appeared in front of everyone.

The crack was dozens of feet long and two feet wide.

It felt like a dragon turned over and the ground was torn in half.

There were already many people around the crack. From time to time, several figures would jump down together and disappear. There was no sound of landing, as if it was an abyss that swallowed up space. Once you go down, you can't climb up again.

When the divine sense swept over, all you can sense was a dark hole.

Those who lingered on the ground and dared not act rashly were mostly Qi-refining cultivators.

Qi-refining cultivators cannot fly with objects. If they are not careful, they may be killed directly.

Foundation-building and Jindan cultivators don't have so many concerns, and they basically rush into the crack at the first time.

Opportunities are always first come first served!

There is no shortage of courageous people in the world of immortal cultivation. People exchange their lives for treasures almost every moment.

Meng Jian was obviously quite excited. As a casual cultivator, he liked this kind of adventure the most.

And with Meng Jian's cultivation, he also had the ability to survive in this environment.

"Senior, why don't you let me go down and test the situation first!"

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement at Meng Jian's eagerness to try.

He flipped his palm and threw out a jade token.

"If you encounter any danger, crush this jade token. There is a kind of spiritual insect I raise inside. Maybe it can buy you a few breaths of escape. If I am nearby, I can also sense your location."

Meng Jian took the jade token and bowed.

"Thank you, senior!"

The two exchanged sound transmission notes, and Meng Jian then jumped over the crowd and jumped down directly.

After two incense sticks of time, none of the people who jumped down came up, and as for Meng Jian, there was no news either.

The monks waiting above also seemed to be getting anxious. Many of them jumped down without hesitation after sending a voice message to the outside world.

In such a short time, more and more monks came from all directions.

From time to time, rainbow light fell from the sky and flew directly into the dark crack.

Mo Xun knew that if his spiritual sense could not penetrate it, it would be useless even if he waited longer.

He turned to Qian Si Niang.

"Are you going down with me or staying up there?"

Qian Si Niang said without thinking: "I'll wait for you up there!"

This answer was obviously within Mo Xun's expectations!

But just when he was about to explain something, Gu Qingyue on the side struggled and seemed to be about to speak.

Mo Xun raised his hand and made a soundproof ban around him, and flicked his finger, and a spiritual light shot into the other person's body.

Gu Qingyue was like a person whose throat was held down. Suddenly, he breathed smoothly and took a deep breath. He said quickly, "Take me with you!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows in confusion and looked at him, obviously waiting for a reason.

"I know where this is!"

Seeing that Mo Xun was about to speak, Gu Qingyue said again, "Don't think about hearing more from me unless you take me down with you!"

Mo Xun looked at him with scrutiny. After a moment, he said in a deep voice, "I hope you didn't lie to me!"

After that, he gave Qian Si Niang another warning, then grabbed Gu Qingyue's shoulder and jumped down suddenly.

Soon after the two disappeared, Qian Si Niang was originally going to find a place to hide first according to Mo Xun's instructions. Who knew that she had just walked a short distance when she was stopped by a demon cultivator wearing a black robe and covered in black air.

"Fairy is so anxious, where are you going?"

As the voice came, Qian Si Niang instinctively retreated violently.

The speed was so fast that it left a shadow on the spot, and the strong wind it brought made the surrounding trees rustle.

The man in black said "Huh" lightly and spoke again.

"I originally thought she was just a maid with no cultivation, but I didn't expect she was actually a female cultivator with horizontal training. Rare! Rare!"

Qian Si Niang had a short blade with a cold glow in her hand at some point.

If Mo Xun had seen this weapon, he would definitely not be unfamiliar with it, because he had been doing this kind of business for several years when he was in the Tiankui Realm.

This thing is a blood weapon of good grade!

The blood weapon is a unique weapon in the Tiankui Realm, specially made for body cultivators. After condensing blood and injecting it into it, it can sometimes exert a power no less than that of ordinary magic weapons.

When he was in the Tiankui Realm, Mo Xun specially opened such a "Southern Xinjiang Weapon Pavilion"!

Using this as a livelihood, he collected a lot of beast cores.

"Who are you?"

The black-clothed man waved his sleeves, and the demonic energy around him dissipated, revealing a very thin and hideous face.

The face was covered with scars from knife wounds, and it was horrible and ugly!

And when this man spoke, his voice was very consistent with his appearance, full of gloom and weirdness.

"I won't waste my time talking to you. What I'm looking for is the person who traveled with you. Although he has changed his appearance, I will never make a mistake in his figure, back, and eyes until I die. Come with me, and I will let you go after I find him!"

Qian Si Niang's heart trembled, and she blurted out subconsciously.

"Are you the enemy of Senior Mo?"

The black-clothed man touched his chin, and a very unpleasant creaking sound came out of his mouth. The sound was not loud, and only the two of them could hear it.

"It turns out his surname is Mo... By the way, where is the stinky bitch who is following him? It seems to be called What's the Heart? Could it be that it has only been two months and there is another person?"

The man in black looked from Qian Siniang's face to her feet with an extremely lustful look.

Qian Siniang was confused for a while, and then suddenly remembered someone.

Lan Xin!

Most of the dirty words in the other party's mouth refer to Lan Xin.

Could it be that the enemies that Senior Mo and Miss Lan Xin had offended before suddenly came to visit?

In just a short moment, Qian Siniang thought of this possibility!

As soon as she thought of this, Qian Siniang already had plans to escape.

She cannot practice and has no cultivation base, so she cannot judge the opponent's level and strength, but with many years of fighting experience, she is at least 70% sure that she is no match for the person in front of her.

Although this person said it was simple, as long as she found Senior Mo, she would be released.

But such words are just deceiving children.

Although Qian Siniang is a woman, she is not a sloppy person in terms of character. Now that she has decided to take action, she will not hesitate.

Without any explanation, she jumped up, leaving a looming shadow in the air.

Within a breath, he came to the man in black.

The short blade slashed through the air, shooting out a dazzling bloody light.

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