As for Mo Xun, as soon as he jumped into the crack, he felt an extremely strong repulsion and suppression.

The suppression was aimed at his cultivation, making it impossible for him to transfer his mana normally.

The repulsion seemed to be an invisible force, extremely powerful, pushing him outward on the one hand, and on the other hand, it seemed to come from all directions, rushing into his body, squeezing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

He hurriedly mobilized his mana to resist, while circulating his blood and qi, condensing a circle of golden light around him.

But soon, he found that the harder he resisted, the stronger the repulsion and suppression became.

And as he fell, the stronger the force became.

What kind of restriction is this that even Yuanying cultivators can hardly resist?

If so, those foundation-building cultivators and Qi-refining cultivators who jumped down earlier might not be able to hold on for even a moment, and would be crushed into meat paste by the pressure from all around.

Just when Mo Xun felt helpless, he suddenly found that Gu Qingyue beside him seemed to be fine, without showing any abnormality.

Not only that, but she was looking at him with a gloating look.

The next moment, he thought of a possibility!

Could it be that because this woman's cultivation was sealed by him, she could not feel the pressure?

With this thought, he quickly gathered his magic power and locked his spiritual power completely in his Dantian.

Sure enough, after he did this, the invisible pressure around him disappeared quickly like the ebb of the sea.

Mo Xun took a deep breath, it turned out to be that simple!

But then, he felt something was wrong.

When he felt that force just now, he deliberately slowed down his falling speed, so he could sense that many people passed by him.

But none of those people supported it as hard as he did.

Could it be that everyone, like him, discovered the secret of this strange restriction at the first time?

This is absolutely impossible!

Mo Xun's eyes fell on Gu Qingyue's face again. The woman had changed her expression and returned to her coldness again, as if the previous ridicule had never appeared.

The two were still slowly falling, and there was a slight sound of wind in their ears.

"Did you know what was going on from the beginning?"

Gu Qingyue did not answer, but Mo Xun pinched her shoulder hard, and a muffled groan came out of her mouth.

Gu Qingyue snorted coldly and said, "You are just stupid. This restriction is only for people who cultivate spirits. It is useless to me, a demon cultivator!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly realized, and at the same time confirmed what the previous person shouted.

This place seems to lead to the cave of a certain ancient great power, and this great cultivator is probably a demon cultivator, so outside the cave, a special restriction for spiritual cultivators was arranged.

In other words, only demon cultivators can enter!

About a cup of tea later, the two finally landed in the dark.

At the same time, a huge fight was taking place on the ground.

A man in black robes and a woman without any mana fluctuations appeared not far from the crack, chasing and fleeing.

Although the woman had no cultivation, her fighting power was not inferior to that of an ordinary early stage Jindan cultivator.

But her opponent was obviously stronger!

A small stone mountain a thousand feet away was almost razed to the ground during the fight between the two.

Within a radius of hundreds of feet, the soil was flying, the rocks were broken, and smoke and dust that blocked the view filled the air.

The low-level cultivators who gathered around the crack retreated one after another, leaving more space for the two.

In the smoke and dust, Qian Si Niang was covered in blood, resisting the opponent's mana attack while moving quickly towards the crack.

As soon as the two fought, she was at a disadvantage.

And the gap between them was not small!

Relying on her rich fighting experience, she barely escaped the opponent's fatal blow after using a trick of escaping from the shell.

Even so, she was still seriously injured!

Seeing that the dark crack was close at hand, Qian Si Niang forced herself to breathe in a breath of blood, kicked back suddenly, and sped up a few points. Then she jumped high and jumped directly over the crack.

But the next moment, a strong wind came from behind.

Then she felt as if her back was hit by a big knife, and the piercing pain made her faint.

Her body seemed to explode.

Then she fell straight down!

And the moment Mo Xun landed, she and Gu Qingyue felt a tearing sensation at the same time.

Gu Qingyue was startled, because she could not use any magic power and was clamped by Mo Xun. At this moment, she was even more powerless than ordinary mortals to protect herself.

Fortunately, Mo Xun condensed a circle of protective golden light around her body in time, wrapping the two of them in it.

Although the restrictions here are aimed at people who cultivate spirits, fortunately, Mo Xun is still a body cultivator with a good realm!

Otherwise, in such a place, a small foundation building would probably cost him his life!

Then, the two were sucked into the transmission under the tearing force.

After a few breaths, Mo Xun felt his feet solid and stood firm again. The originally dark world also had a little light.

Wrapped in golden light, Gu Qingyue appeared beside him at the same time.

But this woman was unlucky. Because of the hasty transmission, Mo Xun only cared about holding her in his hand and didn't care how she landed. As a result, when she was transmitted, her feet were unstable and she fell directly to the ground with her face.

An angry cry of pain came from his ear, but Mo Xun ignored it and immediately began to pay attention to the current environment.

They were now in a stone chamber that was about ten feet square and artificially excavated.

The stone chamber was airtight, but in the center above his head, there was a fist-sized green crystal, which was emitting a faint fluorescence, and he could barely see some things.

Not far in front of him, there was a half-person-high stone platform with a groove on it, and no one knew what was placed inside.

There should be a formation around the stone chamber to restrict the consciousness.

Even Mo Xun could not let his consciousness leave his body half a foot.

At this time, Gu Qingyue, who was lying on the ground, also moved.

The girl fell hard just now, because she had no magic power to protect her body, and her face was slapped to the ground.

She stood up trembling all over, and her beautiful face was a little distorted because of anger.

But what was a little funny was that two bloodstains were hanging from his nostrils to his mouth, his hair was messy, and his face was covered with dirt, as if he had been punched.

Gu Qingyue resisted the urge to rush over, and directly wiped the bloodstains with his sleeve, cursing angrily: "Mo, you bastard!"

Mo Xun still ignored the other party's roar and came to the stone platform a few steps away alone.

The groove on it was just enough for a palm to fit in.

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