Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1096: Heaven-shattering Magical Skill

He first tried to put his hand in it, and in an instant, he understood the use of this thing.

This is a magic tool used to test the spiritual root qualifications!

Because on the groove, there are three small words that have almost erased the traces.

"Testing Spirit Stone!"

He looked up and stared at the surroundings. Under the faint green light, the four stone walls were repaired neatly. Probably because they were isolated from the outside world for many years, there was almost no dust.

Around the stone wall, the formation fluctuations could be faintly detected.

"What kind of place is this? There is actually a thing to test spiritual roots!"

Mo Xun frowned and fell into deep thought for a short time.

The next moment, his body suddenly surged with spiritual power, and a trace of magic power slowly flowed out of his palm and injected into the groove.

But then his face changed!

A huge force came from his hand, and he was directly shocked back two or three steps.

Before Mo Xun could react, a sneer came from behind him.

"You have cultivated to such a level, but you can't see that this thing is only for us magic cultivators!"

Mo Xun's old face turned red when he heard this. In fact, he had reacted the moment he injected his magic power.

But then again, he really didn't see it before!

But after thinking about it for a while, he could understand that in the crack where they just came down, there was a restriction specifically for spiritual cultivators!

That is to say, everything here is guarding against spiritual cultivators like him!

Fortunately, this is not difficult for him. In the past few years in the magic way, in order to hide his identity, he also practiced some magic skills.

He adjusted his state, put his palm on it again, and slowly injected a trace of magic into it.

This time it was really safe and sound, but what was strange was that there was no reaction on the test spirit stone!

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

Is it broken?

That's not right. If it was damaged, why could there be such a strong recoil force just now?

You know, he is a Yuanying cultivator, and he is also in the eighth level of body refining!

Ordinary force, let alone repelling him, would be enough to kill a Jindan cultivator even if it shook him a little!

In fact, it was not only Mo Xun who was strange, but also Gu Qingyue behind him. Even the surprise on the girl's face made her expression a little stiff.

Gu Qingyue walked up to him, first looked at the stone trough, then tilted her head, and looked at Mo Xun with a pair of suspicious and strange eyes, as if she had found some extremely rare treasure.

After a long time, the woman took a deep breath and pointed at Mo Xun with a slender and white finger.

"You... don't even have three spiritual roots?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately understood what it meant.

It turns out that in order for this test spirit stone to react, at least three spiritual roots are needed!

As Gu Qingyue said this, she continued to observe Mo Xun as if she was studying.

"How did you cultivate to this level? And how old are you now?"

In Gu Qingyue's opinion, a spiritual root like Mo Xun must have had an extremely good chance or cultivated for countless years. Otherwise, let alone forming an infant, it is probably rare to cross the threshold of forming a pill!

Mo Xun didn't care about her unreasonableness, but quickly noticed the other meaning behind her words.

It seems that this woman really knows where this place is!

If so, that's the best.

He took a step back and gave his position to Gu Qingyue. He didn't say anything, but the meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

This secret room is indeed used to test the spiritual root qualifications as the other party said.

And from what he saw, only those with spiritual roots above the third system can activate the test spirit stone and then leave this place!

Gu Qingyue also took the responsibility and put his right hand on it directly.

Then, a green light flashed in the groove, gradually brightening along the white and delicate fingers.

Although it was the first time that Mo Xun saw this thing, he could still recognize it. It represented pure wood spiritual roots.

In other words, this woman had a natural spiritual root!

This kind of spiritual root attribute was the most top-notch existence even in the big sects of Xihezhou.

Of course, Mo Xun had seen quite a few people with extraordinary talents, and he didn't even know how many people with natural spiritual roots died in his hands, so he was not that surprised.

What puzzled him was still what this place was for.

Before he could ask, Gu Qingyue was surrounded by a white light.

Seeing this, Mo Xun hurriedly grabbed her, and the next moment, the two disappeared at the same time.

The originally quiet secret room regained its tranquility.

The bead with a faint green light on the top of the head gradually dimmed.

When the two appeared again, they had come to another closed secret room.

Compared with the previous one, this place was much larger, with a width of three feet.

In the middle of the stone room, there was a cushion, and the rest was empty!

The light here was sufficient, but the spiritual consciousness still could not penetrate the stone wall.

When their eyes fell on the surroundings, they were immediately attracted.

On the surrounding stone walls, there were densely carved lines of text, and the first four seals were still clearly visible despite the baptism of time.

"Tongtian Magic Art"!

This turned out to be a magic art!

The art was carved on three of the four stone walls, and the fourth was carved with nine simple figures.

The people in the pictures were moving in strange ways. Some were sitting cross-legged, with their hands twisted behind their backs in a strange position.

Some were standing upside down, with one hand supporting the ground, and their legs in a strange position in the air.

You can understand the purpose of these pictures without even thinking about it.

The moment they saw these carvings, they both froze in place!

Then, Mo Xun's frowning brows became even more suspicious.

Gu Qingyue, however, was completely different. This woman seemed to have discovered some great opportunity. She ran to the stone wall in three or two steps and quickly read the contents from beginning to end, word by word.

The expression on her face could only be described as joyful!

Soon, an incense stick of time passed quickly, and Gu Qingyue seemed to be completely immersed in it, forgetting where the two were now. From time to time, she would pinch a few Taoist formulas on her chest, as if she was practicing according to the instructions.

Mo Xun, after silently memorizing the above content, suddenly flicked his long sleeves and shot out a wind blade from his hand.

With a bang, the wind blade hit the stone wall firmly, flashing a flame.

The place where it was hit was splashed with broken stones, leaving a deep mark, and the originally weathered engravings were instantly wiped out by more than a dozen.

Mo Xun then noticed that behind the engravings, there was a layer of extremely hard material.

What he saw in front of him seemed to be a layer of mud that was painted by someone, and its purpose seemed to be just to present these carvings.

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