Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1097 The Demonic Tower

There is something else going on behind the scenes!

The fire that was struck just now was caused by the wind blade hitting the wall behind.

Mo Xun turned his palms, preparing to follow suit again.

Although his blow looked random, the power contained in it was unbearable even in the middle stage of pill formation, but it hit the hard surface without leaving even a trace.

Generally speaking, this reason is either due to encountering an extremely powerful formation or some kind of rare material.

If everything around it is made of this kind of material, the cost of building this stone chamber is quite high.

Moreover, Mo Xun also wanted to test the passage out. This kind of secret rooms connected to each other made him quite unhappy.

It always feels like I’m breaking through!

However, he probably had some guesses about this place.

First, it’s a test of spiritual roots, and then there’s an article on magic techniques.

It was obvious that this place was either an ancient trial place or the location of a major sect.

Just when he was about to take action, Gu Qingyue suddenly heard a loud shout in his ears.


Gu Qingyue hurriedly ran forward, stretched out her hands and blocked him in front of him.

"Are you crazy? If we destroy the technique, we will be trapped here forever. Not to mention you, who is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, even if my father comes, you will definitely not be able to get out of this Tongtian Demonic Tower with brute force! "

Tongtian Magic Tower......

Mo Xun put away his magical power and looked at Gu Qingyue playfully.

"It seems you are finally going to say it!"

Although Gu Qingyue begged Mo Xun to take her with him for this reason before coming in, Mo Xun never asked during the whole journey.

He finally understood that this woman was just a donkey!

He can't move away, he can't be dragged back, and he can't search for his soul. If that's the case, it's better to wait until she wants to say something.

If it's torture, I don't know what lies the other party will make up!

The key is that this woman cannot die now, otherwise Lu Wushen will never see the light of day again in this life.

Gu Qingyue took a deep breath and looked at Mo Xun without fear, but she didn't speak!

Gu Qingyue has seen at least ten or twenty Nascent Soul monks since she was a child. Her father and senior brothers are all well-known Nascent Soul masters in the demonic realm. Therefore, even if she is controlled by others at the moment, she is not a prisoner in the slightest. Awakening!

Of course, Gu Qingyue also knew that the other party would not kill her, so she felt somewhat confident.

But what she never thought was that just because they didn't kill her, it didn't mean they wouldn't let her suffer a little.

Looking at Gu Qingyue who was unwilling to speak, Mo Xun suddenly smiled, but then his smile faded. On Gu Qingyue's side, it was as if someone had cast a restraining spell, unable to move at all.

Gu Qingyue's expression suddenly changed.

"What are you going to do?"

Mo Xun said coldly: "You have to know that not everyone is as patient as me!"

Gu Qingyue struggled to escape from this passive restraint, but her dantian was blocked and she couldn't function at all.


Before she could finish her sentence, she felt an extremely itchy sensation starting from her lower body, as if there were millions of ants crawling up her toes and all over her body.

It starts with pain and itching on the skin, then penetrates into the flesh, muscles and veins, and finally the bone marrow.

This kind of itching was not life-threatening, but it made her feel extremely painful, and her whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

Finally, unbearable, she let out a shrill scream, which echoed in the sealed stone chamber.

The originally snow-white skin from her face to her neck began to turn bright red, and the raised veins were visible.

Mo Xun's face showed no expression as he circled around her.

"Originally, I didn't plan to use such vicious methods. Such torture has always been inconsistent with my style of dealing with people. I always kill people with one move. Even my opponents rarely watch their pain in person... ..."

At this point, he stopped suddenly and looked at Gu Qingyue indifferently.

"But it seems that the more this happens, the more you think I'm easy to talk to. Didn't your father teach you that it's best to lower your head in front of a strong person?"

Mo Xun raised his hand, and a gust of wind came out of his sleeve, which hit Gu Qingyue directly on the cheek, sending her whole body flying away.

Gu Qingyue hit the rock wall hard, smashing a large piece of writing into pieces and falling to the ground.

In the smoke and dust, half of Gu Qingyue's cheeks were swollen, the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and his hair was disheveled in an extremely miserable state.

Mo Xun was measured in his actions after all!

Gu Qingyue raised her head with difficulty. Not to mention, she felt quite comfortable under the severe pain because she could no longer feel the itching that spread throughout her body.

But soon, the extremely itchy feeling covered her whole body again.

She really wanted Mo Xun to come to her again, but her arrogant character immediately suppressed such absurd thoughts.

She panted heavily and looked at Mo Xun bitterly.

Just as he was about to speak, another strong wind hit him.

Gu Qingyue cursed in her heart, she wanted to say what she had planned to say, couldn't you wait a moment?

Just when she was ready to face the second humiliation, she found that the pain she had imagined did not come. Instead, her upper body felt cold, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head.

She slowly opened her eyes in confusion, and then her whole face almost became angry!

That bastard actually tore her shirt into pieces with his wind blade.

At this moment, she only had a green apron on her upper body, and her white shoulders were exposed to the other party without any cover.

Her full and plump legs almost stretched the apron apart.

An indescribable shame made Gu Qingyue wish she could die immediately!

This shame made her forget the pain and itch all over her body. If there was a sharp blade in front of her, if she could move a little, she would cut the evil thief a few steps away with a knife.

Even so, she still couldn't dispel the hatred in her heart!

She wanted to dig out this person's heart and liver, slowly refine it into powder, extract this person's soul, and put it in the soul-burning furnace to burn forever!

Gu Qingyue gritted her teeth in hatred. Due to the limitation of being unable to move, she could only stare at Mo Xun, as if she wanted to tear him apart with her blade-like eyes.

Mo Xun pinched the Dao formula with his fingers in his sleeves, and the pain and itch on Gu Qingyue's body disappeared immediately.

"You'd better hurry up. Although I'm not very interested in you, I'm a normal man..."

At this point, Mo Xun suddenly had a meaningful smile on his face.

"To be honest, I haven't touched a woman since I formed my infant. And this, I heard that this thing has always been loved by male cultivators. I wonder if Fairy Gu wants to try it?"

Mo Xun turned his palm over, and a black stone suddenly appeared in his palm.

It was the shadow wall stone!

To be honest, he had also been interested in this thing in the past!

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