Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1098 Heavenly Demon Sect

Gu Qingyue snorted coldly and ignored this childish threat.

In fact, after getting along with him during this time, she got to know Mo Xun quite well.

If this bastard was really a treacherous person, her innocence would have been lost long ago.

"If I'm not wrong, this place should be the former site of the Heavenly Demon Sect tens of thousands of years ago, and this place is used to assess or test disciples. It may even be the most precious treasure of the Demonic Way, the Tongtian Demon Tower! It is said that this tower There are seven levels in total, and each level contains a part of the world, which is the number one treasure of the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

Heavenly Demon Gate!

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows slightly and briefly recalled in his mind that he didn't have any information about this sect.

After all, he came to the Demonic Path for a short period of time, so he couldn't pay attention to things that happened tens of thousands of years ago.

But this so-called Tongtian Demon Tower seems to have been heard somewhere, but I can't remember it clearly.

"Tian Mo Valley...Tian Mo Gate...Tong Tian Mo Tower..."

Mo Xun muttered to himself for a while, and his focus quickly returned to the surrounding stone walls.

Regarding this place, he had the same guess as Gu Qingyue, it was used to assess or test disciples.

The previous level examined spiritual root qualifications, and this level should be about understanding!

After thinking for a moment, Mo Xun asked: "According to your opinion, only those who have mastered the magic skills on the stone wall can pass this level?"

A flash of disdain flashed in the corner of Gu Qingyue's eyes.

"The entire technique is so majestic. Do you think it can be successfully practiced without tens or hundreds of years of effort?"

Mo Xun's face turned red when he asked this again!

Yes, it’s just a sect assessment, why does it take decades?

For some reason, before meeting this woman, Mo Xun thought he was quite smart, but ever since he got together with Gu Qingyue, he always felt like his IQ was being crushed.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Qingyue covered her chest with her hands, the blush on her face had not yet faded, and she said angrily: "Give me some clothes first!"

Only then did Mo Xun notice that the other party's upper body was still naked!

He casually threw a man's green robe over and turned his head at the same time.

After a moment, Gu Qingyue's voice came from behind.

"Combined with the previous spirit test stone, the practice of this Heaven-reaching Demonic Skill should be divided according to the realm. People with different cultivation levels come here and want to pass this level. The depth of the skills required will be different, but there should be A time limit, if it cannot be practiced within the specified time, it will be sent out. "

Mo Xun turned around and looked at the woman. If the other party could come to this conclusion so quickly based on the connection between the two secret rooms without knowing anything about it, it would be really not easy.

"If that's the case, I just destroyed the second half. It shouldn't have any impact on your cultivation, and it won't prevent us from leaving here!"

After all, according to the other party's analysis, the entire technique does not need to be practiced at all.

Gu Qingyue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and shook her wide sleeves. She frowned slightly, obviously very dissatisfied with the outfit.

As for Mo Xun's question, he somewhat didn't want to answer it.

"How do you know that the ones you destroyed are useless for cultivation? Besides, this technique is the top inheritance of Tianmo Sect. It is not an exaggeration to be praised as a masterpiece that combines many magic techniques. Even if it is not used for cultivation, it is important for breakthroughs. The shackles of the bottleneck must also serve as a reference. To be ruined by you is simply a waste of natural resources! "

Mo Xun was a little annoyed by what he said, especially when he was taught such a lesson by a junior. If it had been any other Nascent Soul cultivator, he would have been beaten into blood mist with one palm.

After taking a deep breath, he endured it for the time being.

After a long while, seeing that Gu Qingyue was still studying carefully, he thought she was memorizing it silently, so he threw a jade slip over.

"You can have it stamped!"

According to Mo Xun's opinion, it's best to leave here first.

Since you can only leave here if you practice this skill to a certain level, you should start practicing it as soon as possible.

As for the qualifications of the two, it is obvious that the other is much higher.

He naturally gave up this task with self-awareness!

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingyue threw the jade slip back again and rolled her eyes at the same time.

"This Heavenly Demon Sect was the largest sect in the Demon Sect tens of thousands of years ago, and this Demonic Skill to Heaven is also the top skill in the entire sect. It is said that the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon used this method to sweep away the Demonic Way for a time. , also known as the Tongtian Demon Ancestor! But did you know that such a technique has never been handed down!"

Never circulated?

Mo Xun was a little confused when he asked this question. He thought that there were many techniques that had not been handed down in the world. If he looked closely at the reasons, there were all kinds of them.

Could it be that there is something else going on here?

Looking at Mo Xun's puzzled expression, Gu Qingyue continued: "It is said that there are two reasons why the Tianmo Sect was destroyed. One is that the limelight was too strong, and the previous demon sect masters were extremely arrogant, which attracted the alliance of other demon sects. The other reason for strangulation is that there are too few people in this sect!”

Mo Xun listened carefully, but still didn't grasp the key point of the other party's words.

"A sect can dominate for a while, but it has very few disciples. There is only one reason, and that is that the Tianmo Sect has very high requirements for accepting disciples. Each of its disciples has great talents!"

Gu Qingyue withdrew her gaze from the stone wall and straightened her messy bun.

"According to this analysis, combined with the spirit testing stones we encountered before, it should not be difficult to guess that the place we are now is most likely the stage set up by the Tianmo Sect when it originally recruited disciples!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Then what?"

"Then of course it's your ignorance just now!"

Gu Qingyue said and pointed at the jade slip that was thrown back in Mo Xun's hand.

Seeing that Mo Xun still didn't understand, Gu Qingyue rolled her eyes with contempt again.

"Your Excellency is really brave and foolhardy. I can't imagine it at all. Since the Heavenly Demon Sect was so prosperous at the beginning, many people will naturally come here to admire it. Those who want to join the sect must have gone through this level, and That is to say, this technique should have been widely circulated for a long time, but such a top-level magic technique was lost after the destruction of the Tianmo Sect. Do we need to say the reason behind it? "

After talking about this, Mo Xun suddenly realized.

It turns out that I have gone around in such a big circle just to say this one thing.

"You mean you can't take this technique with you!"

Gu Qingyue sneered.

"You still have some brains!"

Hearing these joking words, Mo Xun's eyes turned cold at first, but in the end, he took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He thought there was something hidden in it!

Gu Qingyue focused her attention on the stone wall technique again, and spoke quietly at the same time.

"There should be some kind of weird restriction set up here. Not only can't the engraved objects be taken out, but also all memories of the technique will be erased after leaving this place."

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