Mo Xun was inevitably disappointed. His eyes returned to the black and white soil again. He tore off a piece of clothing from his body, which contained both types of soil. He planned to go out and study it again.

There were no doors or holes in this green space, and he could see everything around him. How to get out was a problem.

He first wandered in front of the half stone tablet for a while, trying to inject spiritual power to see if he could activate the stone tablet. However, as soon as his palm touched the stone tablet, it was as if an invisible huge force came out of the stone tablet, and he bounced back several steps.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation. He didn't know what material this stone tablet was made of. Not only did it not absorb spiritual power, but it also rejected it.

After trying several times in a row, he got the same result. He could only turn back to the stone platform under the spring. There were only these two conspicuous things in the whole space.

After trying, the stone platform did not reject spiritual power, but it did not absorb it either. Like ordinary things, the spiritual power in the body dissipated as soon as it touched it.

Helplessly, Mo Xun had to search back and forth along the green barrier around him.

The surrounding barriers were like green walls, and there was chaos behind the green. When he walked to the place where he came in, he found that there was a small barrier with a slightly darker color. He immediately put his palm on it and operated the Fiery Fire Technique again, injecting the spiritual power in his body into it.

Suddenly, a green light flashed, and Mo Xun felt dizzy again. When he woke up, he returned to the room, and the green gourd was lying quietly on the table in front of him.

Looking at the gourd in front of him, Mo Xun touched his chin and thought.

This thing has its own space inside, which should be regarded as a cave magic weapon, but he still needs to study how to use it.

Thinking of this, he picked up the gourd again, but this time he aimed the gourd mouth at the candle on the table and injected the spiritual power in his body into it. As before, a green light emanated from the gourd, instantly wrapping the entire table.

But strangely, after the green light dissipated, the table and candle were still in place and did not disappear.

Mo Xun let out a light "Huh", and couldn't help but wonder.

The same green light, why didn't it absorb the candle this time?

Did he guess wrong, this thing is not some kind of cave magic weapon?

It shouldn't be like this, he just entered a closed space, which can store black and white soil and has a broken stone tablet, but why didn't it work this time?

What's the problem?

Mo Xun scratched his head, very puzzled, could it be that this gourd can only take in living things, and dead things can't be brought in?

But if so, why did he go in with all the things he carried on his body?

In order to verify his guess, this time Mo Xun held the candle in his hand and restarted the green gourd towards himself. After a flash of green light, he appeared in the gourd again.

And at this time, he was still holding a white candle in his hand.

Coming out of the gourd again, Mo Xun had an uncertain guess in his mind. He thought that it was because the gourd was stimulated by the spiritual power in his body, so only when he was carrying it could he enter the gourd.

Or, this thing has the function of identifying the spiritual power of the opener!

Mo Xun took out the bronze toad again. Although this thing was mostly damaged, there was still some spiritual energy inside. He pointed the gourd mouth at the toad. After a green light, the toad remained in place.

Mo Xun smiled, it seems to be true!

Although it is a bit troublesome to use, he must bring it in person every time. He is still very happy to get such a treasure.

Just as he was about to put the gourd away, he suddenly remembered the bag of black and white soil he brought out, but when he took out the cloth bag, he was stunned. There was no soil in it!

Could it be that he had some illusion again?

Thinking of this, he quickly found a small wooden box and a water bag and entered the gourd again.

This time, he not only used the wooden box to take some soil, but also filled the water bag with water from the spring. After confirming that everything was correct, he took out the gourd.

As soon as he entered the room, he hurriedly opened the wooden box, and the result he got was the same as before, and the water bag was also empty.

Mo Xun thought in his heart, if it wasn't an illusion, it might be the black and white soil, and he couldn't take out the gourd at all.

He naturally preferred the latter in his heart. There were not so many illusions. He didn't believe that it was all his illusion after trying several times.

After thinking through these joints, he had some new ideas.

He immediately put away the gourd and the bronze toad and went straight outside.

When he returned to the room in the evening, he had some more plant and herb seeds in his hand. In his opinion, since the black and white were soil, they were mostly used for planting. After closing the door, he immediately entered the green gourd.

Carefully planted all kinds of seeds, including common edible grains and vegetables, as well as some fruits and medicinal herbs. Of course, some were planted in each of the two colors of soil, so that they could be tested for their differences.

Fortunately, there was a constant supply of spring water on the stone platform, which saved a lot of effort.

Although he still had the strange white flower seed in his arms, he was naturally not stupid enough to use it for experiments.

However, when he finished all these and just left the gourd and returned to the room, he suddenly remembered something,

that is, the strange white flower, the reason why it can create illusions, it is not clear whether it is because it has such an effect itself, or because it has been nourished by the gourd for many years, causing the white flower to mutate.

If it is the latter, then he has dug a hole for himself, and cultivated many illusion plants in it, and when he enters it next time, he will be in danger again.

With this in mind, he decided to cancel this dangerous experiment, but after thinking for a long time, he shook his head again.

In his opinion, if he is timid, he may never figure out the role of the black and white soil. Since he has chosen the path of cultivating immortals, he still needs to take some risks.

It's nothing more than making some preparations before entering the gourd next time!

He put away the gourd and lit a candle. The moon was already in the sky outside the house.

He took out the small bag to avoid fire. This was the third thing he got from the Qing Gorge.

At that time, he just checked it hastily, and there was nothing inside.

After untying the bag, he turned it upside down, but there was still nothing. Moreover, when he was in the Qing Gorge, he found that although the bag was small, it was pitch black when he looked into the bag, like a bottomless abyss.

Either this thing is like the green gourd, with the power of heaven and earth inside, or it is made of light-absorbing materials and cannot reflect light.

He stretched out two fingers and wanted to probe into it, but was blocked by an invisible force at the mouth of the bag and could not probe in.

Then he picked up a teacup and put it in, but it was still blocked outside the mouth of the bag.

It looked like a cloth bag, with a rope and a mouth, but it could not hold things.

Then it seemed that there was only one last way.

He immediately took the bag, pointed the mouth of the bag to the side, and silently operated the Fiery Fire Art in his body, injecting spiritual power into the bag.

The reason why he did not use this method at the beginning was because he had suffered a loss from the bronze toad before. Before he knew more, spiritual power was used as his last method.

I saw a flash of white light, and a bunch of things were ejected from the mouth of the bag, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Mo Xun had made preparations, holding his breath, and when he saw the things coming out of the bag, he was surprised and couldn't help blurting out: "Storage magic weapon!"

The secret in the bag was revealed, which made him happier than entering the green gourd.

Because although the gourd was mysterious, it didn't let him get anything useful for his current cultivation, and everything in front of him was a relic left by a serious cultivator, so you can imagine how precious it was.

The first thing that caught his eye was a yellowed ancient book. He naturally valued things with written records the most.

He hurriedly opened the title page, and it was written with four big characters "Yan Shui Xuan Gong".

Without a closer look, Mo Xun had guessed that this was probably another cultivation method, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He was now practicing the Liehuo Jue, and he didn't lack cultivation methods.

And from the name, this method was obviously based on water, which was innately incompatible with his Liehuo Jue, so he naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to change the method.

After opening it, it was indeed recorded the formula and mental method of Yanshui Xuan Gong. Mo Xun flipped through it casually. It was also mainly about refining qi, and it was the whole chapter, which could be practiced to the twelfth level.

When he turned to some spells attached to the back, his eyes lit up.

Most of the spells were mainly about controlling water, and they must be based on basic skills to practice. Only two spells only needed to cultivate spiritual power to be cast.

One was called the Qi Condensation Technique, and the other was called the Qi Contemplation Technique.

The so-called Qi Condensation Technique, as the name suggests, can restrain the breath and hide the realm of cultivation. However, after this spell is cast, it is only useful for cultivators below the same realm. Those with a higher realm can see through it at a glance.

Mo Xun muttered in his heart, if it only has this effect, it is really useless.

You know, proper concealment of cultivation can often have an unexpected effect when encountering danger.

But then again, if he could encounter danger, it would be because he encountered a cultivator with a higher level of cultivation than him. Why should he hide from those with a lower level of cultivation?

And it stands to reason that if he encounters a cultivator with a higher level of cultivation than him, he should also find a way to raise his level in order to make the other party feel afraid. The more he hides, the more he will attract others to covet him.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart. The person who created this Qi-collecting technique probably had bad intentions. He probably wanted to hide his cultivation and do some things like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger among low-level cultivators.

Another Qi-observing technique, in his opinion, was very useful.

This technique can roughly judge the cultivation level of the other party by observing the spiritual energy emitted by others, but it also has a flaw, that is, if the level is too high, it is still impossible to see through.

He will go to the real world of cultivation one day, and this Qi-observing technique must be learned, so as not to encounter some powerful characters in the future without knowing it.

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