Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 12 Heart-Protecting Pill

His mind invaded it, and Mo Xun looked at it for an hour. During this period, he compared the Water-Evolving Mysterious Technique with the Fierce Fire Technique many times, which allowed him to sum up a lot of insights. Unknowingly, he had a lot of knowledge about his daily practice. I gained a new understanding of my confusion.

Putting away the technique, his eyes fell on an ancient bamboo slip.

Unfolding the bamboo slips, the first thing that comes into view are the three ancient seal characters "Baoxin Dan".

Mo Xun's heart moved. This name reminded him of the "Baoxin Pill" he had heard a few days ago.

Could it be that there is some connection between the two?

After a cup of tea, he finally read the bamboo slips, with a bit of surprise on his face.

It turns out that this heart-protecting pill is a pill that improves cultivation, and what is written on the bamboo slip is the prescription.

In fact, when he was practicing a few days ago, he had thought about whether there was any magical elixir that could assist his practice. Now that he saw this elixir, it confirmed his guess.

He is practicing slowly now. He only relies on meditating every day to refine his Qi. He doesn't know how many years and months it will take before he can achieve success in practice. If this heart-protecting pill really has the effect written on it, it is indeed what he needs most at the moment.

After reading the prescription, he was basically certain that the Baoxin Pill was actually the Baoxin Pill.

Just because according to the prescription, one of the medicinal materials in it takes forty years to bloom, which exactly explains what the man in black said last time, that Baoxin Pill only appears every forty years.

But what made him a little confused was that according to what the man in black said, Baoxin Pill was not useful for martial arts practitioners, so why did it become a cultivation elixir?

In other words, there are some similarities between cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts?

Mo Xun touched his chin and thought in his mind, cultivating immortals is about spiritual energy, while practicing martial arts is about true energy. Thinking about it this way, there seems to be some connection.

Perhaps the true energy in a warrior's body is actually spiritual energy...

However, Mo Xun did not delve into the details. As long as this heart-protecting pill is useful for cultivation, it is worthy of his study.

Baoxin Dan requires a total of more than 20 herbs to prepare. Most of the auxiliary herbs are okay, but he has never even heard of the three main herbs in it.

You know, he started to get familiar with herbal medicine with Mr. He a few years ago. For more than a year in Baicaotang, he read medicinal classics when he had nothing to do. Although he was not a well-read, he also read a lot of rare ancient books. There are very few medicinal materials in the world that he has never even heard of.

The elixir prescription not only records the required medicinal materials, but also has a refining method, which is not much different from the preparation of ordinary pills in the world.

As long as the medicinal ingredients are complete, he can easily prepare it.

However, he obviously did not have such an idea. Not to mention the three main ingredients, it was difficult for him to collect just the auxiliary ingredients that were more than ten or twenty years old.

"Baoxin Pill... Baoxin Pill..."

After whispering for a while, he guessed the identity of the senior cultivator in the cave. Since this person has the prescription for the Heart-Basing Pill, he may have some relationship with the Su family, and may even be the ancestor of the Su family...

Of course, none of this has anything to do with him. The only thing he cares about is what effect this heart-protecting pill has.

Thinking of this, he already picked up an emerald green porcelain bottle in his hand, which was also poured from the storage bag. The bottle was about the size of a palm, and it was sealed with a wooden stopper.

Mo Xun took off the cork of the bottle and immediately smelled it with his nose. There was a strange smell inside, a bit sour and mixed with a spicy taste.

Mo Xun frowned and poured out three black pills from the bottle, each about the size of a fingernail.

"Could this be the Baoxin Pill...but why does it smell like this?"

Mo Xun came close to his nose again, and the sour smell became stronger, but upon closer inspection, there seemed to be a faint spiritual energy emanating from it.

Because the elixir recipe did not introduce the appearance and taste of the elixir, he was a little unsure for a while.

But having said that, even if this black elixir is indeed a heart-protecting elixir, it has probably expired after tens or hundreds of years. Otherwise, how could it have such a strange smell?

Although he has never seen a cultivation elixir, there is no sour smell when mixed with herbs.

When he thought of this, he naturally felt very regretful. If this thing was still fresh, he would be able to try it out.

Putting away the medicine bottle, he picked up a soft whip. Judging from the material, it was probably made of the sinew of some kind of beast. It was probably the weapon of the senior cultivator.

Because the room was small, he didn't try the power of the long whip, but after he injected spiritual power into the whip, he could clearly feel a little light emitting from the whip.

Mo Xun smiled, it seemed that he had obtained another magic weapon.

The only pity is that he is not very good at using a long whip.

Putting the soft whip aside, he picked up a heavy bag. After opening it, he found that it was filled with gold leaves as big as a finger. He estimated that they weighed about ten kilograms, which was an unexpected fortune.

Thinking about it again, I spent a year's wages to buy the address of the ancient tomb. Looking at it now, it seems that I made a lot of money.

Apart from the gold leaves, all that was left was a pile of ordinary things, including a dozen taels of scattered silver, a map, a few things for women to wear, and a few pieces of clothing.

From this point of view, the senior should be a woman.

There was nothing special about the map. After looking at it for a while, Mo Xun recognized that it was the terrain of the Green Canyon.

After taking stock of the gains from this trip, Mo Xun began to study the storage bag again, and there was a bit of murmuring in his heart. Looking at the things on the floor, he didn't know how to put them back into the storage bag.

After a full cup of tea, he finally figured out the trick. It turned out that he just needed to point the opening of the storage bag at the things he needed to store, inject spiritual power into it, and everything would disappear with a thought.

With this discovery, Mo Xun became interested all of a sudden. He took the storage bag and tried everything in the room, as if he had discovered a new continent, and he never got tired of it.

However, while playing around, he discovered that this storage bag could not hold everything. There was a certain amount of space inside. If the things were too big, they could not be put in.

Finally, after his estimation, the space inside was about two feet, just enough to fit a chair, and other things could not be put in.

While playing, he once again marveled at the magic of the world of immortal cultivation, which seemed to be omnipotent.

The sky gradually darkened. Under the dim light, Mo Xun held the black "Heart-Protecting Pill" between his fingers and looked at it from left to right.

Although this thing has deteriorated, the spiritual energy inside has not dissipated. He was eager to try it, but he didn't know if there would be any accidents with this expired pill.

In his cognition, if the medicine is expired and deteriorated, sometimes it will not only not show the medicinal properties, but may even contain toxicity.

But then again, it's a pity for him to throw away the pill in front of him.

He put the pill close to his nose again, and the sour smell rushed into his lungs, which made him nauseous.

After thinking for a long time, he showed some determination in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth and threw the pill in.

He resisted the discomfort in his mouth and swallowed it directly.

The pill entered his stomach, and before he could react, he felt a little strange in his dantian, first a slight feeling of abdominal distension, followed by slight pain.

As the effect of the medicine took off, the pain became more and more intense. He was shocked and thought to himself that this thing was really poisonous!

At the same time, he secretly regretted his recklessness. As the pain became more and more intense, he couldn't help but groan, and a trace of sweat oozed from his forehead.

After a dozen breaths, his dantian felt like it was burning. The pain spread along the meridians to his whole body, making his limbs numb.

After a while, the drug completely dissolved, and suddenly a powerful force surged and hit the surroundings of his dantian. He groaned in pain, his throat felt sweet, and then a stream of blood spurted out. At this time, in his dantian, it was like a huge army rushing around.

However, in the pain, he was keenly aware that this impact force contained a lot of spiritual energy. With this in mind, he quickly turned on the Fiery Fire Art to connect the meridians and dantian, guiding the spiritual energy to circulate in his body.

This spiritual energy was slightly different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed by meditation and breathing. It seemed that there were some other components hidden in it. It was these unknown things that widened his dantian and meridians over and over again.

This is exactly the wonderful use of the elixir. The way of cultivation is not to improve cultivation with only spiritual energy. If so, then finding a place with rich spiritual energy can improve cultivation infinitely.

Obviously, this is not the case. While the elixir provides spiritual energy for the cultivator, some magical ingredients in the medicinal effect will subtly change the human body's physique.

Of course, this does not mean that spiritual energy is useless. Rich spiritual energy can achieve twice the result with half the effort when practicing.

As the Fiery Fire Art runs in his body, although his abdomen is still bloated and painful, the chaotic spiritual energy seems to have finally found an outlet for venting and has been somewhat controlled.

Time passed little by little, and the bloating in the dantian still existed. One hour, two hours... During this process, he didn't know how much blood he vomited, his face became pale, and the collar on his chest had long been stained red with blood.

He still sat cross-legged on the bed, silently running the Fiery Fire Art until the sky began to brighten and the first ray of morning sun shone in from the crack of the door, and the abdominal pain gradually improved.

That night, he was on the verge of death. He felt exhausted several times and was about to faint.

Fortunately, every time he was on the edge of the cliff, he endured the pain and maintained the last bit of clarity. If he interrupted the operation of the Fiery Art, the majestic spiritual energy could not be vented, and it would most likely burst his Dantian.

Fortunately, he finally survived, and at the same time, after practicing all night, he began to find some tricks.

It was also because no one guided him in his practice and he knew nothing about the many taboos in taking pills that led to his almost losing his life.

Taking pills to practice is not as simple as taking them. After the pills enter the mouth, you have to control the mana in your body, wrap it and introduce it into the Dantian, and at the same time guide and dissolve the medicinal power bit by bit.

If he was like this, he would dissolve the medicinal power in an instant, and the majestic spiritual energy contained in the body alone would make him explode and die.

At this moment, he was controlling the magic power around him, wrapping the remaining pills in his dantian, preventing the spiritual energy from spilling out, and concentrating on refining the medicinal power that had already spread out.

There was actually another reason why he was caught off guard last night.

It was the problem of expired pills that he had thought of before.

Although the storage bag had the function of isolating the external erosion and preventing the loss of medicinal properties, the pills had been stored for hundreds of years. Over time, the pills themselves had deteriorated components in them, causing the originally soothing medicinal power to become abnormally violent.

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