Mo Xun opened his eyes, and the pain disappeared. He was weak, but he smiled. His pale face looked miserable and ferocious.

Just because of the overnight practice, he could clearly feel the changes in his dantian and meridians, and his cultivation level was suddenly raised.

It seemed that the work of one night was equivalent to his hard practice of more than ten days.

Feeling the amazing changes in his body, he smiled again. Although he suffered a lot, it was totally worth it in his heart.

At this moment, there was still a small half of the pill left in his dantian that had not been refined, and he was forcibly bound in it.

Although his rash action last night made his cultivation level improve rapidly, it also caused the loss of more than half of the medicinal effect due to improper use. If he hadn't had a flash of inspiration at the last moment and controlled the remaining pills from dissolving, I'm afraid that a heart-protecting pill would not be able to absorb even one-tenth of the medicinal power in the end, and even the dantian meridians might be damaged by the impact.

Mo Xun let out a long breath and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. He just got off the bed, but his feet softened and he fell down directly.

It seems that he lost too much blood and was exhausted.

He asked the steward for another day off. Mo Xun stayed in the room and continued to refine the elixir while recovering his blood.


But that afternoon, Mo Xun received a summons from the shopkeeper of Baicaotang.

Because Mo Xun had been taking leave continuously during this period, the steward in charge of him had a lot of complaints and directly reported it to the shopkeeper Le.

Shopkeeper Le was in his fifties. It was said that he was the adopted son of the former master of the Su family and was considered half a member of the Su family.

After receiving a few reprimands from the shopkeeper Le and being fined one month's wages, Mo Xun repeatedly promised not to be absent from work.

Logically speaking, he was in a hurry to practice now. It was obviously a waste of time to continue to guard the warehouse in the Su family. It was not worth it to earn a little meager wages.

But after seeing the efficacy of the Heart-Protecting Pill last night, he had another idea in mind.

With such a holy medicine, the problem of slow cultivation can finally be solved.

However, he only has two left in his hand. If he wants to get more, he can only find a way from the Su family.

According to what the black-clothed woman said last time, the Su family has collected enough medicinal materials and started to prepare the Heart-Protecting Pill.

But what puzzled him was that according to the recipe, it would not take long to prepare this kind of pill. Why is there no news after so many days?

Although not many people in Baicaotang know about the Heart-Protecting Pill, and the Su family probably won't let outsiders prepare this medicine, such a major event should have some rumors. How come there is no news at all?

Coming out of Le's room, Mo Xun lowered his head and thought about the next cultivation plan. Just as he turned a corner of the corridor, he ran towards someone in a hurry. Seeing that he was about to bump into him, Mo Xun quickly flashed and made way.

However, the man opposite him was not as agile as him. He was caught off guard and his feet suddenly tripped. After a slight "ah", he fell to the ground.

Looking closely, isn't this the second lady of the Su family, Su Yunshang!

Mo Xun blinked his eyes and looked at the person under his feet. At this time, he was facing the ground, with a big character, and his image was extremely embarrassed.

He wanted to go forward to help, but then he thought that it was better to have less trouble than more, so he took a few quick steps and disappeared at the end of the corridor in the blink of an eye.

But before he walked far, a shrill scream came from behind him.

"Which dog slave is it, come back to me..."

Mo Xun smiled and returned to the room. He sighed in his heart that he was lucky to be smart.

Thanks to the fact that all servants and chores in Baicaotang were dressed in uniform for easy management, he had been keeping his head down just now, so he was not afraid that the second lady would recognize him.

Such a small episode flashed through Mo Xun's mind. He sat cross-legged on the bed again and began to refine the elixir in his body.

He was seen practicing the Fiery Art while looking inward at his Dantian. His mana wrapped around the remaining pills and slowly opened a gap. As the pills melted a little, he quickly guided the medicinal power to flow from the Dantian to the meridians. A warmth suddenly filled his body. This method of practicing through pills was much more efficient than meditating and refining qi.

He even had a hunch that if he had enough pills, he would be able to practice to perfection in refining qi in a few years.

Just as he was calm and focused on refining the pills, footsteps suddenly came from a distance, and in a moment, they entered the small courtyard where he was.

Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes, and before he could react, he heard someone outside the house shouting: "Dog slave, get out!"

Mo Xun frowned. The voice was obviously from the second lady. He couldn't help wondering how they found him. Did someone see his appearance just now?

After jumping off the bed and opening the door, he saw two people standing outside the door, Shopkeeper Le, and the angry Second Miss with a clear bump on her forehead.

Seeing Su Yunshang gritting her teeth, Mo Xun calmly bowed and said, "Meet Shopkeeper Le!"

Before Shopkeeper Le could speak, Su Yunshang put her hands on her waist, glanced up and down at Mo Xun, and said angrily, "I remember, you are the one called Mozhi, you just bumped into this lady!"

Mo Xun's face showed some confusion, and he looked at Shopkeeper Le beside him, revealing a puzzled expression.

Shopkeeper Le frowned and glanced at Mo Xun, and said expressionlessly, "This is the Second Miss, you meet her first!"

Mo Xun quickly saluted Su Yunshang again.

Shopkeeper Le had a clear view of Mo Xun's expression, and when he saw that the other party didn't seem to be faking it, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "Could it be that the second lady recognized the wrong person?"

"Mo Xun, the second lady said that you just bumped into her, but instead of apologizing, you walked away. Is this true?"

Facing Shopkeeper Le's question, Mo Xun's face became more confused, and he replied innocently: "Why did Shopkeeper Le say this? I've never seen the second lady before!"

You know, the two of them almost collided just now, but he avoided it in time and didn't even touch the other's sleeve. As for the so-called fall, it was just the second young lady who tripped because of her own clumsiness.

Furthermore, if it weren't for his strong skills, he might have been the one who fell. By then, would the second young lady have apologized to him?

As for the so-called walking away, he just wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Su Yunshang glared angrily, pointed at Mo Xun and said, "You are such a slave, you still want to deny it. I heard Shopkeeper Le said that you were the only one who just came out of his room. If you hadn't hit me, who else could have been there?"

Listening to the repeated insults coming from Su Yunshang's mouth, even though Mo Xun was usually good at being patient, at this moment, anger arose in his heart.

If the other party had been nice to him at the beginning, he might have lowered his stance and apologized, but at this moment, he just...

Since practicing martial arts and cultivating immortality, his state of mind has gradually changed a lot. In the past, he might have been a little in awe of the powerful forces in the world. He knew that he was inferior to others and was a bit cowardly, so he accepted it.

But now, as his own strength has improved, he can't stand this kind of person who relies on power.

When the two young ladies from the Su family arrived last time, he was briefly distracted by their beauty. He didn't expect that under his pink face, he would be so arrogant.

Recalling his last gaffe and looking at Su Yunshang's fair and delicate face again, he couldn't help but show a bit of disgust in his eyes.

Why did he practice martial arts so hard in the first place? Wasn't it because he imagined that one day in the future, he would be able to walk out of the mountain village, get rid of his lowly status, and become a master!

He believed that as long as he was willing, he could make a name for himself in Xunyang City just by relying on his current martial arts skills, and he would not suffer from the cowardice here.

He suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, but his waist straightened a little unconsciously, and his face became cold.

It was nothing more than an unattainable handyman job, and he didn't care much about it.

The reason why he continues to stay in Baicaotang is just because he still covets the Baoxin Pill. If he leaves here, it will be nothing more than a change of his previous plan.

"Second Miss, I have never met you before, but if you insist on being the master and force me to admit something you have never done, I have nothing to say!"

Seeing the cold light in Mo Xun's eyes, Su Yunshang's heart trembled for no reason. At this moment, even she herself was doubting whether she had found the wrong person.

In an instant, she remembered her identity as a young lady, just a handyman, so she was wrong to blame. Could it be that she should bow her head and admit her mistake?

" mean that I took advantage of my power to bully others?" Sensing the coldness in Mo Xun's eyes, Su Yunshang's tone became obviously weaker when she said this.

Mo Xun is now practicing the Fierce Fire Art. When angry, if he doesn't control it, he will unconsciously release an aura.

Shopkeeper Le heard the unkindness in Mo Xun's tone, and his face immediately turned cold, and he scolded: "What kind of attitude do you have? If it weren't for you, just make it clear. Miss is a sensible person, so naturally she won't blame you wrongly." !”

Mo Xun sneered in his heart and did not answer. Although he had not had much contact with rich families, especially such unruly and willful young ladies, he could still easily guess what the other party was thinking.

"That's right, since it's not you, I will definitely not accuse anyone unjustly!"

After saying that, Su Yunshang snorted coldly, glared at Mo Xun and turned away. Shopkeeper Le also flicked his long sleeves and turned to leave. Mo Xun was once again the only one left in the small courtyard.

Looking at the two people leaving, Mo Xun still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he was sixteen or seventeen years old, and his temperament was prone to ups and downs.

With a sigh, he returned to the room again. This incident only strengthened his determination to leave this place.

After a long time, when he calmed down, he meditated and practiced again. For him now, he needs to seize every moment to improve his cultivation.

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